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    Wednesday, October 25, 2006

    ABQ CodePINK Hangs Huge GIVE PEACE A VOTE Banner Facing Heather Wilson's Office

    All photos from ABQ CodePINK. Click photos for larger versions

    From ABQ CodePINK:
    We did it! Joan Baez's concert last night was a great springboard for our 60-foot Banner Drop across from Heather Wilson's congressional office in downtown Albuquerque this morning. Our banner flew for 20 minutes until "someone" phoned security.

    More photos below:

    10.25.06, across from Rep. Heather Wilson's office (NM-01)


    Rebecca Wilson
    Albuquerque Coordinator
    CODEPINK Women for Peace
    Albuquerque, NM

    CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities. CODEPINK rejects the Bush administration's fear-based politics that justify violence, and instead calls for policies based on compassion, kindness and a commitment to international law. With an emphasis on joy and humor, CODEPINK women and men seek to activate, amplify and inspire a community of peacemakers through creative campaigns and a commitment to non-violence.

    October 25, 2006 at 03:31 PM in Candidates & Races, Iraq War, Local Politics, Visuals | Permalink


    Very impressive! I realize how much work it must have been to put together the banner and get it up there. Congratulations and thank you to Code Pink for saying what we would all say in a banner if we could put one up.

    Fire the Liars! Every last one of them must go! V-O-T-E!

    Posted by: Silver City Jan | Oct 25, 2006 6:04:55 PM

    So very excellent!!! It must have been so satisfactory to know she had to have seen this lovely sign... and maybe her day of reckonning [sp] will be soon sooner than she cares to think about.

    Posted by: Jeanne and Chris | Oct 25, 2006 6:54:59 PM

    Dear CodePink:

    You should be very proud of your constant watch of this criminal government, Heather being one of many. I am so grateful for your work. I try to stay as active as time will allow, because this is a just and important cause. Personally, I am emotionally overwhelmed by the destruction and murder being committed under the guise of spreading democracy...a democracy that has been torn to shreds here in the US under the Bush Regime.

    Yet in all this, I cannot help but notice that the brave souls that unfurled the banner were so few in number. I am disheartened by this attitude throughout this country. I am not Mr. Perfect, but the lack of activism is as outrageous as the Iraqi slaughter or issuing thousands of oil drilling permits. What are we going to do?!? I am truly saddened.

    That is why seeing these photos once again uplifts my spirits and my hopes. Thank you so much for being such a force in the quest for justice and peace.

    Depressed & Confused,

    Posted by: Stan Serafin | Oct 25, 2006 7:55:59 PM

    Very well done! Public, and near impossible to ignore :)

    Posted by: < | Oct 26, 2006 12:03:42 AM

    Excellent! Great job! I assume that this didn't make The Fib or The Urinal or any of the broadcast TV stations?

    Posted by: Ron | Oct 26, 2006 12:32:39 PM

    I was invited to join Code Pink in this endeavor and I had a ball. We really were excited as we were hanging the banner and I am sure the people who made it had even more fun as the project came together.

    Does anybody have any ideas where we might hang it again? The ideal location would have an audience and the best location would allow us to legally put it up. There are people who own buildings that we might use. Anybody know somebody?

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Oct 26, 2006 6:16:08 PM

    Being a freelance graphics person, I don't mean to plug myself here, but do you all have t-shirts? The banner's great when displayed, but options are limited as to where it can be displayed. As for t-shirts, well, you can wear pretty much whatever you want pretty much where ever you want.

    So if you group has any graphics people, you can have some shirts printed pretty easily, and relatively cheap. And if you don't have graphics people or shirts, there are a number of us graphics people floating around on the web who would jump at the chance :)

    Posted by: | Oct 26, 2006 9:49:03 PM

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