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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Wilson & Pearce Vote for Bush's Malignant Torture Bill

Yesterday, both of New Mexico's Republican representatives voted to approve the U.S. House version of Bush's incredibly flawed and legally incoherent torture and detainment bill. Both Heather Wilson (NM-01) and Steve Pearce (NM-02) voted aye. Click to see the roll call vote. The bill deprives detainees of one of Western civilization's most basic and vital legal rights -- habeas corpus, allows the CIA to continue interrogations based on what the President decides is or is not torture and, perhaps most importantly, changes the War Crimes Act to retroactively protect the interrogators and administration leaders who have been perpetrating what amount to war crimes as set out in the Geneva Conventions and military law.

What I term the Right-Wing Republican We're Tough on Terrorists Rush Job Cover Bush's Criminal Ass Election Year Act will be heard in the Senate today and is expected to pass without much further ado. Calls for a Dem filibuster of the bill have apparently fallen on deaf ears. Fear apparently permeates the Dem Senate caucus with but a few exceptions.

Reportedly, the "leaders" of both parties have agreed to "limit debate," thus ensuring quick passage without the need for what were once known as bedrock Senate traditions -- thoughtful deliberations and penetrating analysis and discussion. After all, the Senate used to be known as the slow-moving, intellectually focused, deliberative body in our government. In the Bush era, these characteristics have been viewed as impediments to the "resolve" of The Decider and his unitary presidency pushers. For the most part, Dems have stood on the sidelines, mute and afraid to contest anything lest they be labeled "weak on defense" or called other negative names by Rove and his operatives.

Who cares if the bill represents what may well be one of the darkest hours of American government? Our cowardly Senators need to get back to their districts ASAP so they can raise more large donations from special interests and get reelected so they can continue serving their lobbyist masters. None of them want to be labeled "soft on terrorism" now do they? Even if it means voting for a muddled and purposely complicated bill most of them have failed to even read, despite it's being filled with last minute changes and additions of what used to be called fine print.

Rep. Steve Pearce (NM-02) has always supported the Bush agenda in lockstep, but Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01) has been touting herself as "independent" from the Bush machine as her race with Dem challenger Patricia Madrid tightens. Her vote for this travesty of American jurisprudence puts her squarely in the Bush-Cheney-Rummy camp, period. 

Shamefully, 34 Dems also voted for this right-wing election year ploy and only 7 Republicans voted nay. Predictably, Dennis Hastert used the occasion to lash out madly against Dems who dared to vote against what many legal experts believe is an unconstitution bill by accusing them of "coddling terrorists." Gee, where have we heard that term before from the Repubs? It used to be that they accused Dems of "coddling," let's see, Communists, criminals, children, druggies, Cadillac-driving welfare mothers, Willie Horton and "America haters." Seems they can never come up with a new line of thought. Creativity isn't their strong suit. And neither is respect for the rule of law, the Constitution, checks and balances, the Bill of Rights, international law, military law or human rights. But hey, at least they're not into "coddling terrorists."

September 28, 2006 at 10:44 AM in Candidates & Races, Terrorism | Permalink


A dark day for America and liberty.

Posted by: I Vote | Sep 28, 2006 12:23:20 PM

No surprise here, you can always count on Rubber stamp Wilson to support this kind of crap. Suspending Habeas Corpus, allowing the President to torture at will, plus helping to cover their asses retroactively to 97 to immunize them from prosecution for their crimes are THREE MORE REASONS TO VOTE FOR MADRID.

Posted by: VP | Sep 28, 2006 1:27:13 PM

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