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Friday, September 08, 2006

Watching Pat Lyons

Watch Have you seen Lyons Watch yet? Republican Land Commissioner Patrick Lyons is under the magnifying glass and the most disturbing things are coming into focus. 

September 8, 2006 at 04:00 PM in Candidates & Races, Web/Tech | Permalink


That makes absolutely no sense Edge. That's like saying I don't like Bill Richardson so I'm going to vote for George Bush.

Jim Baca has absolutely nothing to do with the Jeff Armijo thing. Why drag him into it? It doesn't make sense to punish Jim Baca just because you don't like what the party's (whom Baca doesn't control) decision vis-a-vis Jeff Armijo. That's irrational.

Posted by: HUH? | Sep 9, 2006 9:05:35 AM

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