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    Friday, September 01, 2006

    Stick a fork in Republican Rep. Heather Wilson of Albuquerque: She's done

    Believe it or not, I didn't come up with the lines that form my headline. It was the Albuquerque Tribune's deputy editorial page editor, Larry Spohn, who wrote about the NM-01 race between Republican incumbent Heather Wilson and Democratic challenger Patricia Madrid in an op-ed published yesterday entitled "Fooling no one: Wilson's election is far from certainty, thanks to Bush, Iraq." You really should read the entire piece, but here's some excerpts to whet your appetite:

    ... I believe that at the end of the day, the American people - including District 1 voters in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County - will do the right thing. They will use the ultimate power of their votes to hold their politicians, including incumbent Wilson, fully accountable for the worst presidency in American history.

    Wilson has enabled that presidency. The American people are paying a horrific price for Wilson and a Republican Congress that have failed miserably in their Constitutional duty to all the people - to check and balance raw presidential power and stand up to a secretive, dishonest president who chooses routinely, I'd say, to break the law.

    More from the op-ed:

    Despite Wilson's early efforts to smear Madrid with the state treasurer scandal in Santa Fe, it's going to be all about her Washington, D.C., sellout to big businesses, such as the oil and drug industries. And about her complicity in an administration that has waged a horrific, unjust war; turned its back on middle America; run up the national debt with abandon; compromised our economy and our environment; and used fear, deception, distortion and paper patriotism to govern.

    ... I believe Americans today finally get it, as is evidenced by Bush's free-fall in the polls and the stunning upsets that have befallen Bush-policy incumbents - notably another pretender, Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut.

    They speak to Lincoln's gold nugget: "You can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time; but, you can't fool all the people all of the time."

    Like Bush, Wilson has been fooling a lot of the people much of the time. But this November she faces Abe's pendulum - voters who are not fooled anymore. They'll hold her accountable for not holding herself, her party, her Congress and her president accountable. On this, Madrid's no fool.

    If you'd like to help this scenario come true, go volunteer some time or donate some money to the Madrid campaign. It's now or never. There are only 67 days until the November 7th election and absentee (mail in) voting begins October 10th. Be a part of the solution and help us take back the U.S. House.

    September 1, 2006 at 10:06 AM in Candidates & Races, Media | Permalink


    Stick the fork in! Oh how I hope it comes true.

    Posted by: A Reader | Sep 1, 2006 10:53:08 AM

    Hope enough voters down there have woke up and smelled the roses on the fake Heather Wilson poses. She is NOT a nice person. She is NOT a moderate. She is NOT independent. She is a strong and stubborn supporter of the failed Iraq War, the failed Bush economic strategy, the failed Bush energy policies and everything else coming from Bush that is hurting us and the planet. You guys better get her out this time once and for all!

    Posted by: El Norte | Sep 1, 2006 11:15:26 AM

    I was at Madrid headquarters after 5 pm yesterday and yes, there were volunteers there, but I'd like to see more. Have you got any time to give?

    I'm one of the two thousand or so who went and trained to be a voter registration agent and I can say this about that - WE NEED SAME DAY VOTER REGISTRATION. Maybe the voter registration thing has its good points but it seems to be more about disenfranchisement to me.

    Posted by: | Sep 1, 2006 11:19:04 AM

    What a great bumper sticker that would make: "Stick a fork in Republican Rep. Heather Wilson of Albuquerque: She's done!"

    Posted by: VP | Sep 1, 2006 12:00:45 PM

    i just saw one on Ms Wilson's campaign ad's on TV, in it she claims that she will always do what's best for New Mexico. Um does that mean that she will be announcing her resignation??? just asking,LOL?

    Posted by: VP | Sep 1, 2006 12:42:01 PM

    Patsy Madrid is not telling the truth about her knowledge of the Vigil matter. I was present at a meeting in the current State Auditor's office at least 2 years ago where he expressed his extreme displeasure that Patsy was failing to prosecute Vigil for fraud and abuse. I am also aware that Patsy, upon taken office as AG, fired the law firm that was handling important litigation for the state and hired trial lawyers that included the firm that had donated $60,000 to her AG race. Her tactics ultimately cost taxpayers, as she lost the case in federal court.

    Posted by: CZ | Sep 1, 2006 5:52:48 PM

    Finally , someone tells the truth about Madrid! Her antics with the Robert Vigil case, which include prosecuting the government witnesses testifying against Vigil, are likely to result in that scoundrel's acquital or mistrial!! I prefer Heather Wilson ANY DAY to Madrid!!!

    Posted by: AR | Sep 1, 2006 5:58:25 PM

    I find the two comments above rather incoherent.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Sep 1, 2006 11:17:18 PM

    CZ, if you have proof of wrong doing you need to take your proof to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Posting gossip and unsubstantiated rumors on this blogg is as meaningless as the rhetoric being used by the Wilson campaign. Ar, if you think that your speculation about the Vigil case and your candidate preference is going to change any minds, well let's just say "it ain't gonna happen". Ms Wilson is up to her ears in campaign cash from Mr DeLay, indicted for conspiracy, and money laundering, charges resulting in the former Speaker of the House being forced to step aside. She (Ms Wilson) has a long voting record supporting more than 80% of the legislation favored by Mr DeLay. Her voting record also supports the notion that she is and has been a rubber stamp for the Bu$h administration.

    Posted by: VP | Sep 1, 2006 11:36:31 PM

    AR and CZ are the same person, as I can tell from my application software, so we have an obvious right-wing plant answering the same right-wing plant in the comments above. In other words, the person is talking to him or herself.

    Just more BS from the spinners emulating Rove with no documented anything. Spin away. The voters have caught on to the truth this time and how Republicans only know how to spin, like trying to smear war hero John Kerry as a coward, and you know the rest. This is all they have because they are dead wrong on almost every issue.

    Posted by: barb | Sep 2, 2006 10:29:35 AM

    "Patsy Madrid is not telling the truth about her knowledge of the Vigil matter. I was present at a meeting in the current State Auditor's office at least 2 years ago where he expressed his extreme displeasure that Patsy was failing to prosecute Vigil for fraud and abuse."
    Was Patricia present at this meeting that you claim to have witnessed? Patricia Madrid has proven over and over that there is no substantial paper trail proving avarice. Do YOU have documented evidence of unrighteousness? Do not forget that the Right IS illegally monitoring top DEMS.

    "I am also aware that Patsy, upon taken office as AG, fired the law firm that was handling important litigation for the state and hired trial lawyers that included the firm that had donated $60,000 to her AG race."
    Yes, Patsy cleaned out the State of New Mexico's Attorney's General Office. She canned the shameless. Shamelessly lazy, imcompetent AND disloyal. She canned the stupid. Her office handled about 80,000 calls per year from New Mexican citizens that had been swindled and otherwise wronged. She put together a crack team of knowlegable professionals. Competance is the hallmark of the LEFT these days.
    "Her tactics ultimately cost taxpayers, as she lost the case in federal court."
    Her tactics in FACT brought many many millions into the State of New Mexico. The total amount of actual money she has won for NM far outstrips her costs. And there are the less tangible priceless citizen's benefits of having a competent team in place.
    "Finally , someone tells the truth about Madrid! Her antics with the Robert Vigil case, which include prosecuting the government witnesses testifying against Vigil, are likely to result in that scoundrel's acquital or mistrial!! I prefer Heather Wilson ANY DAY to Madrid!!!"
    The Rep federal government is conducting illegal monitoring of top DEMS. They snared the four scoundrels that actually did serious harm to NM citizens. The federal gov already have the testimonies of the four criminals. The four miscreants DO have FEDERAL immunity.
    Since, the FEDS did not consult with the Attorney's General's office, not even informing her of the existence of Federal scrutiny. Even at some point she finds out about it reading the Albuquerque Urinal sipping her morning coffee. Then, she is promply told by the FEDS to remain uninvolved with their jurisdiction. She backed off. Once the trial was over, the four cabrones had spilled the beans bearing false witness on top of their many other crimes.
    SHIT YEAH she's going after those four charletans. She is going to win RESTITUTION from them. Why should they get to keep their ill begotten assets? Maybe next time the FEDS will file the proper paperwork at the State Attorney's General office.

    Posted by: | Sep 3, 2006 9:47:50 PM

    Obviously I hit a raw nerve with Barb and VP. I am not a right-wing plant. I am simply a taxpayer who cares about electing honest people into positions of responsibility in Washington, who I believe have the capacity to know right from wrong, and will make the best decisions for New Mexicans and U.S. citizens.

    My opinion is that Patsy has operated in her own self-interest, rather than in the interest of all New Mexicans. Rather than investigating the Vigil corruption matter early on, when she became aware of the allegations (and believe me, she was aware of those allegations), she chose to look the other way, since Vigil was of the same party affiliation. There are many reputable individuals in this state that reported the problems in the State Treasurer's office, yet no action was taken. It's a matter of public record, and for those that care, as opposed to those that simply provide unsubstantiated claims in Patsy's defense, just obtain a copy of the independent audit report prepared by the Treasurer's Office's CPA firm. Clearly, Patsy's office would have received a copy of the report. Or obtain a copy of the NM State Auditor's separate investigation, as his findings were provided to the AG's office as well. The facts support my assertions.

    And so what are the results of Patsy's failure to act in a timely manner and as a result of her separate state charges (filed only after her campaign was in full swing)? Today, as reported by the Albuquerque Journal, one of the key prosecution witnesses in the federal corruption trial has refused to testify in the Vigil retrial and asserted protections provided under the 5th amendment. Patsy is quoted in the paper as indicating that she offered limited "use immunity", thus attempting to provide a deal to this key prosecution witness. Why bring charges only to later deal them away? Clearly, my previous obserations have been held to be true, that Patsy's very late attempts to look like she has taken a hard stance on corruption in New Mexico have backfired. She only brought charges in the first place to make herself look good. I would not at all be surprised if again, there is a mistrial, which and I would squarely lay that at her feet.

    I, for one, expect a more honest, independent representative than what Patsy Madrid has to offer.

    Posted by: AZ | Sep 6, 2006 3:03:23 PM

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