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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

State Land Office Candidate Forum Set for 9/20

From the League of Women Voters Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Newsletter, the Voter:

State Land Office Candidates' Forum
Candidates for Commissioner of Public Lands
Patrick Lyons and Jim Baca
Wednesday September 20, 7 PM
First Unitarian Church
3710 Carlisle NE
SW Corner Carlisle & Comanche
Enter parking lot on Comanche

Sponsored by the LWV/ABC Natural Resources committee to help voters become better aware of the issues related to the administration of lands that are held in trust by the State Land Office.

Information on the administration of public lands is of great importance. The State Land Office manages approximately nine million acres of land and thirteen million oil, gas and mineral acres in support of public schools, universities, hospitals, charitable purposes and penitentiaries.

September 13, 2006 at 09:00 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Baca is going to bankrupt the Land Office just the way he did the City of Albuquerque. Wasn't he the Penguin in the Batman movies?

Posted by: EmbarrassedD | Sep 13, 2006 6:42:14 PM

The above post name was co-opted probably by Jeff Armijo who usually posts under Westside Dem. The REAL EmbarrassedD is embarrased by guys like Armijo and Marty Chavez, NOT by a true Dem. like Jim Baca. I will vote for Baca because he is the real deal and will protect our state lands and balance the need for money for education with the need for state land. Go Jim.

Pat Lyons on the other hand will sold his soul to the special interests. Oil money is blood money.

Posted by: TheRealEmbarrassedD | Sep 14, 2006 10:45:44 AM

Sorry, embarrassedd, you are wrong 2 times. I am WestsideVoter - Ray Armijo, Jeff's little brother. I like Jim Baca. Jeff actually gets mad at me when I make a run around the blogs, but one thing is certain - I always post using my name and take ownership of my remarks AND leave a way for those that disagree with me to get in contact with me so that we can have an intelligent dialogue. I think DFNM does an excellent job of providing an environment where intelligent discussion can be made and informative opinions can be expressed. Comments such as yours actually drive down the reputation for these types of exchanges, but you are not interested in informing voters just turning them off as we know your opinion of NEGATIVE CAMPAIGNING. - dots everywhere.

Posted by: WestsideVoter | Sep 14, 2006 11:43:26 AM

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