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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Speak Up For Your Health

From NM Voices for Children:
Part of Governor Richardson’s 5-point plan to increase health care coverage in New Mexico was the formation of the Health Coverage for New Mexicans Committee. This group is tasked with studying and recommending the best model for providing health care for every New Mexican. Universal health care has long been a goal of NM Voices, and is the focus of our work with the Health Care for All Campaign.

The Health Coverage Committee is holding hearings, one of which will allow for input from the public. Please consider attending this meeting (it’s on Sept. 27) to let the committee know how important universal health care is to you. If you can’t attend a meeting, please consider letting the governor know how happy you are to see the state taking steps to reform the health care system.

What You Can Do:

  • Attend the Sept. 27 committee meeting, 3 to 7 PM, in room 322 of the State Capitol in Santa Fe.
  • Contact the governor to let him know that you support universal access and the need to control the rising cost of health care, by sending an email via his website: www.governor.state.nm.us or calling 476-2200.
  • Sign up to get on the email list to find out what is happening with the Committee, by emailing RubyAnn Esquibel at Rubyann.esquibel@state.nm.us

Editor's Note: More information about this initiative can be found at the website of Health Action NM.

September 5, 2006 at 12:09 PM in Healthcare | Permalink


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