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    Saturday, September 30, 2006

    Saturday Music Hall: Save the Country

    Rare footage of one of my all-time favorites, the strange and beautiful Laura Nyro, singing 'Save the Country' on a TV performance from 1969. The video and audio is not the best, and does little justice to her singular voice. But I think the sentiment is more timely than ever as we see our government taking up the tactics and values of tyranny, right out in the open, almost nonchalantly. "I've got fury, in my soul ...."

    I got to see the legendary Nyro live many times over the years, including on her very first tour and later, when she periodically emerged from a retreat into private life with renewed touring and new music. I saw her in large venues and a number of small, intimate clubs. I saw her with a variety of backing musicians and on her own, singing solo and playing keyboard. I savor each experience. Magical. Sadly, Laura passed away way too early, from cancer, in 1997.  If she had lived, I imagine her music might have had something compelling, arousing and even comforting to say to us as we suffer another cycle of mindless war and authoritarian abuse.

    Here's the Wikipedia entry on Laura Nyro. Can you surrey?

    September 30, 2006 at 11:55 AM in Saturday Music Hall | Permalink


    "Save the people, save the children, save the country"

    Congratulations to the children today who participated in Channel 27's Free Speech Day Celebration.

    Posted by: Sep 30, 2006 8:11:26 PM

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