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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Rove Coming to ABQ for Heather Wilson?
The local scuttlebutt is that Karl (Bush's Brain) Rove will be stumping in Albuquerque for Republican incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson's campaign (NM-01). He's rumored to be visiting Wilson's campaign headquarters for a fundraiser and more sometime during the morning of this coming Saturday. Does this mean the Repubs are scared to death that Democratic challenger Patricia Madrid will win this congressional race? Damn right it does.
All poll results released to date have shown what amounts to a dead heat between the candidates, and it can't help that practically every day's news cycle means more bad news for Bush and his rubber stamps like Heather. A fake Republican "compromise" on torture. A powerful condemnation of Bush's Iraq War and its detrimental affects on terror by the national intelligence estimate prepared by our 16 top intelligence agencies. Yesterday's blunt and incredibly negative assessments of Rumsfeld's management of the Iraq occupation by just-retired field generals who served there.
Almost daily stories like these are destroying whatever was left of the credibility of Bush and his supporters in terms of being "strong on national defense." The truly misbegotten nature of this administration and its congressional apologists and protectors is becoming more clearly documented and delineated with each revelation of the facts.
As for Wilson's repetitive claim that she's "independent" of Bush, another visit from Karl Rove -- the sleazy operative who plots every move Bush and the right-wing Republicans make -- pretty much puts the lie to that assertion. It's apparent that the Bush machine is monitoring and manipulating Wilson's campaign just as it manipulates the actions of all of the Bush clones like her in the halls of Congress.
The Bush Republican Party operates from the top down. Orders come from on high -- from Rove's operation in the White House. Candidates and elected officials listen, or else. And the orders are almost always to hit back at facts with slimy accusations and personal insults, even if they're lies and distortions. The dishonest and deviously immoral mind of Rove is being put to full use in Wilson's corner. What does that tell you about the ethics of Wilson herself?
I'll keep you posted when I learn more about Rove's visit. If you hear anything out there, let me know and maybe we can get some people out there to "welcome" him. Wilson's campaign office is located at 6001 San Mateo NE, Suite B (near Osuna) in Albuquerque.
PS: Check out local blog NewMexicoFBIHOP for a rundown on some of the dirty campaign tactics Rove is known for. Positively filth street.
September 26, 2006 at 10:22 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink
Look like the R's are rolling out the revolvers...
Posted by: Dave | Sep 26, 2006 11:28:28 AM
But isn't Rove more of a HUNTING SHOTGUN like his buddy Vampire Cheney? Scattershot more than clear aim. Yeah, they must be panicking. We HAVE to get a win for Madrid here. Everyone, urge everyone you know to vote and vote for Madrid! We can win this one.
Posted by: I Vote | Sep 26, 2006 11:58:19 AM
Let's make sure he has a real NM Dem welcome. You would think Heather Wilson would be ashamed to have such a dirty campaigner come out in the open to support her.
Posted by: Old Dem | Sep 26, 2006 1:43:58 PM
Heather's negative ads are having an effect. Dems are not counteringthe lies very well.
Heather has become more than a rubber stamp with that last wire-tapping bill. She is a Bush enabler. More than rubber stamping she actually believes that right wing facist crap.
Posted by: qofdisks | Sep 26, 2006 2:01:48 PM
Your right gofdisks. But it is hard to counter everything because they just make up something else, true or not. Take this casino stuff. The guy they are talking about his given millions to Republicans for years. And most Dems here have always been against gambling off the pueblo or reservation, not just because this guy gave money.
They grasp at straws but too many people believe what they say. I think Bingaman and Richardson and Udall should be out there campaigning for Madrid and calling the Republicans on their lies about Madrid. NOW.
Posted by: < | Sep 26, 2006 3:09:04 PM
Yes indeed Kossian. I have been listening to Patricia Madrid's bellyaching about how gambling is ruining our poor and middle class families in this state far longer than she she has known the Ruidoso guy. She lamented at how the casinos were especially devastating to Hispanic housewives! NM families are facing finacial devastation due to gambling addition.
Posted by: qofdisks | Sep 26, 2006 4:57:54 PM
Rove coming to New Mexico, don't we have enough rattlesnakes here already?
Posted by: VP | Sep 26, 2006 5:13:02 PM
Why insult the snakes?
Posted by: qofdisks | Sep 26, 2006 11:04:41 PM