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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Patricia Madrid's Powerful Closing Statement at Today's Debate

Here's the closing statement made by Democrat Patricia Madrid in this morning's debate at Albuquerque's Congregation Albert with incumbent Republican Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01), as transcribed by Tom Solomon, who sent me the text. Thanks for the timely transcription, Tom!

AG Patricia Madrid’s (NM-01) closing statement:

“As shown by the forum today you have a clear choice of candidates with different priorities and very different philosophies. It is time for a change. This administration and the Republican controlled Congress that supports it has failed in its responsibilities to lead. After 9/11, our country WAS united, and the world was with us. Over the past 5 years the Bush administration has squandered that good will. Our nation is divided. We have lost our credibility in the world. And the American public, the American people no longer trust their government. There is a lack of leadership in the White House AND in the Congress. Congress has FAILED to exercise their oversight role over this administration, and I’m tired of it. And that’s why I am running for congress.

AG Patricia Madrid’s (NM-01) closing statement (continued):

"I’m tired of being trapped in a no-exit war, with no one planning to move – that’s just exercising paralysis. When you send me to Washington, I will fight for a responsible exit plan, and I will fight to implement the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, which I might add, my opponent voted AGAINST – unbelievable!

"When you send me to Congress, I will vote for responsible energy policies which are not dictated and formulated by the oil and gas Industry, and I will vote to DEAL with global warming. When you send me to Congress, I won’t let the pharmaceutical companies and the HMO’s dictate our medical policies and our health policies. I will work to overhaul Medicare D. If you are tired of a representative who votes in lock step with a Bush administration on ALL the important questions, then vote for change.

"I’d like to thank the Congregation Albert for hosting this event and I’d like to wish you all a happy and healthy Rosh Hashana. It’s a time for renewal in the Jewish Community and it will be time for a renewal for this country in November. Thank you.”

September 17, 2006 at 09:57 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


If you looked outside as you drove up, the Madrid campaign advance team did a fantastic job of putting up yard signs all around the venue. There must have been 200 yard signs all around the entrance and across the street. I saw no Wilson signs at all. Really, none. Her campaign color is yellow (hmmm...) and I thought I saw several of Wilson's yellow signs, but up close they all read "Get rid of Halliburton Heather", with a picture of a leaking oil drum!

I would also say that the crowd inside Congregation Albert was easily 2/3 Madrid, if not 3/4.

Strangely, Wilson's voice seemed to crack and catch many times, as though she were either nervous or getting emotional.

To give her credit, though, Wilson is a more polished public speaker than Madrid - her answers were better honed, shorter and more crisp. Obviously well practiced. Madrid rambled a bit in some answers. But as the Duke City Fix article says, AG Madrid did a better job of connecting with the issues and the audience on a personal level - and this may make a big difference in drawing people to turn out. I hope so.

Finally, in the debate Wilson made some very pointed negative attacks on Madrid in regard to the Robert Vigil NM Treasurer's kickback case. I have heard repeatedly in my canvassing that people are very tired of the attack ads and want to hear about what the candidates will do once in office. And from here on, I think the Wison campaign will be relentlessly negative, which may backfire. I hope Madrid does not just respond in kind, but gets her positive message out.

Posted by: Tom Solomon | Sep 17, 2006 10:24:45 PM

I am glad that Ms Madrid did well with her debate, I sure would like her campaign to step her TV ad's up a notch or two. I worry that this opportunity to unseat Wilson will slip past and we will be stuck with Wilson's rubber stamp and lack of effort to hold the Bu$h admin accountable until after the end of his term.

Posted by: VP | Sep 17, 2006 10:36:03 PM

I liked what Madrid had to say about what I care about. All Wilson did was defend the Iraq War and claim she is so honest. How can she be honest when she supports Bush in almost everything? Her negative comments on Madrid are also without real evidence or basis. It is just more of the same Rove message.

I will be talking with all my friends to convince them to vote for Madrid.

Posted by: Robert M. | Sep 18, 2006 10:14:52 AM

What is wrong with our state? THE PEOPLE! I guess if we really have to elect these idiots we should go for the lesser of two evils. Btu these days MOST New Mexicans cannot even tell you what the difference is between a democracy and a republic, how are we to be lead by elected officials that are just as blind. All of our elections have become a joke, our governor doesnt govern he lets all the special interest groups govern. They are the ones that are running our state and the officials we elected into the legislature are their puppets.

We DESPERATELY need new blood in the round house. Prefferably some HONEST people that can read the constitution without changeing the definitions to mean what they "think" they mean.

I really dont see that there have been ANY real improvements in our state in the last 25 years. yes there are alot more legalities, you would call them "laws" but the real law was written in 1912, EVERYTHING after that is a legality.

Both of these women MIGHT be good people at heart but the best help they could give new mexicans would be to convince their peers to get out of the round house and let some new people in.

Posted by: Jose | Sep 18, 2006 10:16:21 AM

Jose, you seem to be very confused. Madrid and Wilson are running for Congress, not the Legislature or as you say Roundhouse. Maybe it is you who are uninformed not the people you are mentioning. And your description of government is not accurate either. Start learning the facts and that will help you.

Posted by: Robert M. | Sep 18, 2006 10:30:49 AM

I saw some clips on the news last night from the debate and was very impressed with Madrid's toughness and strong statements on Iraq and the flawed Medicare drug program. Good to see her go up against Wilson with passion. Bravo!

Posted by: I Vote | Sep 18, 2006 11:37:18 AM

I'm sure that pathetic scripted thing that Wilson pushed about Sharpton came right from the desk of Rove. How ridiculous that Wilson is whining about watching out for the company you keep when she hangs out with some of the worst on the planet and takes money from them too.

I was surprised at how often Wilson's voice shook and wavered, like she was going to start crying. She is running scared and for good reason. We need a large turnout of Democrats here and we can win this race!

Posted by: | Sep 18, 2006 2:28:26 PM

Kossian your right, what your seeing from Wilson is typical Reich wing behavior, right out of the Rove play book, accuse your opponent of what you yourself are guilty of, then repeat it over and over, so that to the unthinking they hear it enough times it becomes truth.

Posted by: VP | Sep 19, 2006 8:37:48 PM

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