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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Open Thread

Above: Peace caligraphy.
The floor is  yours, but keep it polite.

September 14, 2006 at 02:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)

ACTION ALERT: Last Push on Valle Vidal

We are in the last leg of the fight to protect the Valle Vidal.  All indications are that Senator Domenici is SLOWLY coming around and may decide to support the Valle Vidal Protection Act before Congress adjourns at the end of the month.  If we don't win this fight now, the whole thing drags into next year and we will have to start all over in the new year.  Now is our best chance to put this baby to bed - AND TO WIN!


Even if you have already taken the actions below, do so again.  We have to keep the pressure on.  We have to be relentless over  the next three weeks to make sure Senator Domenici does the right thing.

1.  Call Senator Domenici. 202-224-6621. Tell him to support the Valle Vidal Protection Act.  Tell him to make sure the Act is on President Bush's desk before the October recess.

2.  Send a letter to the editor of the Albuquerque Journal.  Make it short and to the point.  Please be sure to use your own words.  Talking Points:

  • Despite the fact that they received over 54,000 comments urging them to deal with the oil and gas leasing issue up front, the Forest Service has chosen to plow ahead with its original plan, people of northern New Mexico be damned.
  • The Forest Service’s refusal to consider public opinion on the Valle Vidal highlights the need for Senator Pete Domenici to join the rest of the New Mexico Congressional Delegation and pass a bill through the Senate that will permanently protect the Valle Vidal.
  • It is vital for Senator Domenici to stand with the people of northern New Mexico, Senator Jeff Bingaman, and the rest of the New Mexico Congressional Delegation, and work to swiftly pass the Valle Vidal Protection Act. Senator Domenici has all the information he needs to make the right decision. The rest of the New Mexico Congressional Delegation already has.

SEND TO: opinion@abqjournal.com or other local newspapers.

September 14, 2006 at 09:00 AM in Environment | Permalink | Comments (2)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Gov. Richardson & Diane Denish Reception to Benefit Statewide Coordinated Campaign

Event Chairs Frances Ray • Marie Sedillo • Mary Molina Mescall Invite you To Join

Governor Bill Richardson & Lt. Governor Diane Denish

For A Reception Benefiting the Statewide Coordinated Campaign

Monday, September 18, 2006
5:00 –  7:30 PM
Hotel Albuquerque
800 Rio Grande Blvd.

Suggested Contribution:  $50 per person or $500 per table. Contributions should be made payable and can be sent to: DPNM Coordinated Campaign, 1301 San Pedro NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110

RSVP to Steve Fitzer: (505) 270-4079 or sfitzer@dianedenish.com. Or RSVP online 

Event Hosts: Alex & Yvone Abeyta, Mary Ann Armijo, Linda Barth,  Frank Chavez, kathy Chavez, Darva Chino, Francine Cordova & Jennifer Romero, Michelle Garcia & Earl Holmes, John Garcia, Lala Trujillo Garcia, Giant Industries, Janis Harkleroad, Hazel Herrera, Mary Herrera, Nancy Higgins & Cindy Dixon, Marilyn Hill, Terri Holland, Suzanne Jacobi, Kooch Jacobus, gary King, James Lewis, Nancy Laflin, Lt. Colonel Anna Lucero, Fred Mondragon & Connie Vance, Claudine Montano, Montgomery & Andrews David Montoya, Plumbers and Pipefitters, Patricia Rogers, Giovanna Rossi,
Dan Serrano, Kim Smith, Christine Trujillo, LaNelle Witt

September 13, 2006 at 07:00 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

State Land Office Candidate Forum Set for 9/20

From the League of Women Voters Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Newsletter, the Voter:

State Land Office Candidates' Forum
Candidates for Commissioner of Public Lands
Patrick Lyons and Jim Baca
Wednesday September 20, 7 PM
First Unitarian Church
3710 Carlisle NE
SW Corner Carlisle & Comanche
Enter parking lot on Comanche

Sponsored by the LWV/ABC Natural Resources committee to help voters become better aware of the issues related to the administration of lands that are held in trust by the State Land Office.

Information on the administration of public lands is of great importance. The State Land Office manages approximately nine million acres of land and thirteen million oil, gas and mineral acres in support of public schools, universities, hospitals, charitable purposes and penitentiaries.

September 13, 2006 at 09:00 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (3)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

First Annual ABQ Peace Out 9/17


Capricorn Music Productions Presents:

The First Annual Albuquerque Peace Out!
Sunday, September 17
Harlow's on the Hill
3523 Central NE
Call 505-268-0182 for info.

Jasper Brown
Kenn Rodriguez
Ground Zero
Bob Anderson of Stop the War Machine
And Many Special Guests!

Click for flyer (doc).

September 12, 2006 at 02:00 PM in Events, Music | Permalink | Comments (0)

Required Reading on Election Horrors in NM and Elsewhere

'Recipe for a Cooked Election' by Greg Palast in Yes! magazine. The article includes a compelling discussion of documented voting problems at Taos Pueblo and other parts of New Mexico.

September 12, 2006 at 09:00 AM in Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (2)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Nobel Peace Prize Winner from Belfast to Speak in Santa Fe, ABQ

Pax Christi New Mexico Presents:
The Vision of Peace
Nobel Peace Prize winner from Belfast
Monday, September 18 in Santa Fe
Tuesday, September 19 in Albuqueque
Click for .

"If we want to reap the harvest of peace and justice in the future, we will have to sow seeds of nonviolence, here and now, in the present." --Mairead Corrigan Maguire

Mairead Corrigan Maguire won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize award after her relatives were killed on the streets of Belfast, Ireland, and she organized the largest peace demonstrations in the history of Northern Ireland. She cofounded the Peace People Community in Belfast, and has dedicated her life to promoting nonviolence and peace in Northern Ireland and the world. She has travelled to Irag, Israel, India, Bosnia, Rwanda, Burundi, Burma, the Philippines, and other war zones in the world, speaking for peace. After her talk, she will sign copies of her book: The Vision of Peace: Faith and Hope in Northern Ireland. 


Monday, September 18th
7:00 PM in Santa Fe, NM
@ Santa Maria de la Paz Church
11 College Ave (close to Richards near I-25)
($10 Donation suggested)
Admission Free; All Welcome!
Call Bud for information: 505 264 2838 

Tuesday, September 19th
7:00 PM in Albuquerque, NM
@ Holy Rosary Church
5525 Fortuna Rd NW
($10 Donation suggested)
Admission Free; All Welcome!
Call Lisa for information: 505 839 0046

September 11, 2006 at 07:00 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

RSVP Now to See '9/11 Press for Truth'

From Terry Riley:
In light of the upcoming ABC showing of a clearly slanted production of a "docudrama" blaming Clinton for 9/11 I believe that many people will be interested in more information. There is a new film called 9/11 Press for Truth that will be shown in Albuquerque at the Peace Center at 202 Harvard SE at 6 PM on Sunday, September 17th.  If you are interested in attending, please RSVP at Brave New Theaters and select Albuquerque by your ZIP code. You can read more about the movie here. This screening is hosted by Veterans for Peace, Military Families Speak Out and Democracy for New Mexico.

September 11, 2006 at 02:00 PM in Film | Permalink | Comments (1)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

KUNM Kicks Off 40th Year with Talk by Independent Media Icon Amy Goodman

On Thursday, September 28, KUNM-FM will present An Evening with Amy and David Goodman on Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders and the People Who Fight Back, the topic and title of their newest book. The authors will discuss and sign copies of the book in UNM’s SUB Ballroom at 7 PM. Net proceeds of the evening will go to KUNM’s Fund for Independent Reporting.

Tickets are $20 general admission and $10 for students; tickets will be available through Bookworks, UNM box offices and online at www.unmtickets.com after September 11. Bookworks will offer $15 tickets to purchasers of the new book and will donate the $5 difference to KUNM. Bookworks is located in Albuquerque at 4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW. Books and/or tickets can be ordered by phone at 344-8139.

Amy Goodman is the host and executive producer of Democracy Now!, a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program airing on 500 radio and television stations in North America. Goodman and her brother, journalist David Goodman, co-authored Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders, and the People Who Fight Back (Hyperion, 2006), and the New York Times bestseller The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them. Democracy Now! airs on KUNM-FM 89.9 weekdays at 4 PM.

Amy Goodman’s reporting on East Timor and Nigeria has won numerous awards, including the George Polk Award, Robert F. Kennedy Prize for International Reporting, and the Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia Award. She has also received awards from the Associated Press, United Press International, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and Project Censored.

David Goodman is an award-winning independent journalist, a Contributing Writer for Mother Jones, and the author of six books, including the critically acclaimed Fault Lines: Journeys Into the New South Africa.

On October 19, 2006, KUNM turns 40, and this fall they will be celebrating in true independent spirit—with Amy Goodman, a sure-to-be-memorable fund drive and a blowout party to celebrate. So, stay tuned to 89.9 FM!

September 10, 2006 at 03:00 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Open Thread

(Photo from Terry Riley. Click on image for larger version.)

Go ahead, speak your mind. But keep it civil, please.

September 10, 2006 at 11:00 AM in Open Thread | Permalink | Comments (1)