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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Rant of the Day: David Sirota Does It Again

Highly recommended if you're pondering change and the reactions of the establishment to threats of change: The tidal wave heading straight for the hall of mirrors.

September 21, 2006 at 11:47 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (1)

Join the League of Conservation Voters Canvass and Meet Patricia Madrid

From the :
The League of Conservation Voters is having a community canvass and volunteer day Saturday, September 23.

Patricia Madrid will be speaking to and meeting with our volunteers at 10:00 AM. We will then have some snacks, and then get to work to win this election! We will be going door-to-door, making phone calls, and working in the office. This race will change the direction of the country, please help us get the work done to win this!

The office is located on the corner of Gold and 4th street, Simms Office Building, (505)244-1077. Contact Marshall for more information. 

Don't wake up November 8th, 2006 wishing you had done more!

September 21, 2006 at 10:57 AM in Candidates & Races, Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

A Peek at Our New Voting Machines

This is a guest blog by Suzanne Prescott:
The September 13th election official training for the September 19 APS bond election included an added surprise - those who attended got a look at the new voting machines which will be used in the November general election. Hand-completed paper ballots will be tabulated by an optical scanner. The training leader explained that he was fond of the old machines and had programmed them himself. However he said the new machines would work well and proceeded to demonstrate what the voting process would be like with the new machines.


He said nothing about the concerns raised by election reform groups but did mention that his office had received phone calls with concerns about using paper ballots. To be fair, since the machines are brand new the trainer had not had much experience handling questions about the machines. When asked about the cost he said each machine cost $3250.00. But then a person asked how election officials should respond if a voter asked how he/she could be sure that their ballot had cast their vote accurately. The trainer verbally tap danced for a bit and finally patted the new machine's "tub" (where the actual paper ballots are stored by the machine) and said that the physical paper ballots were safe inside the machine. However, look at the key hanging from the machine's "tub" in the picture - not confidence inspiring. 

They also unveiled (it really was covered with a cloth) the machine which will be used to help disabled voters.


The trainer concluded by saying the actual voting process for the November election involved many details which they had not yet received from current Secretary of State, Rebecca Vigil-Giron.  He added that there will be additional trainings on the new machines prior to the November election.

Help Out With Election and Get Paid
They still need more election officials for the November election. They could really use your help. If you can help, call the Bernalillo County Clerk, Mary Herrera’s office at 505 468-1291. It pays $125. for the day plus the training session.

This is a guest blog by Suzanne Prescott, who contributes often to the discussion here. If you'd like to submit an article for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of our main page.

September 21, 2006 at 09:10 AM in Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (4)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

More on Heather Wilson Undermining Moderate Repubs on Warrantless Surveillance

Following up on our earlier post on Heather Wilson's attempt to stop efforts to hold BushCo accountable on warrantless surveillance, here's the response of Jonathan Singer at MyDD to Wilson's fade and what it means for her NM-01 race against Dem challenger Patricia Madrid:

Trying to further bolster her national security credentials, Rep. Wilson has worked with House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner to pen legislation stripping Congress of much of its oversight powers in regards to domestic surveillance. But this gambit appears to have failed as even Republicans on the panel see the move as unwise.

... Wilson's aborted legislation has fallen prey to the same pitfalls that have thus far blocked President Bush's attempt to unilaterally gut the Geneva Convention. Wilson, like her allies in the administration, believed that she could steamroll her opponents by offering legislation so heinous that they could not sign on to it. According to this plan, when Democrats eventually voted against the legislation, she could portray them, and by association Patricia Madrid, as soft on terror. But when a small handful of Republicans came to their senses and joined with a united group of Democrats, Wilson's legislation, like that supported by the White House, met its demise.

Now, Rep. Wilson must run on a record that includes legislation that even members of her own party say "both threatens the stability of intelligence gathering and increases the likelihood of civil liberties abuse." I can imagine that line making for a fairly potent negative direct-mail piece come late October...

Also, a post today on the DCCC Stakeholder site had this to say. I especially like the headline:

NM-01: Wilson Folding??? Posted by jesselee
I don't think I could possibly be less shocked by anything in the world. When I woke up this morning and the sun was coming up, I was far, far more shocked than I am right now.

Wilson offers to rewrite anti-terror surveillance bill more to Bush's liking [AP] ... The proposal by New Mexico Republican Heather Wilson has been rewritten to allow wiretapping without warrants on Americans when the president believes a terrorist attack is "imminent."

I assume that's "imminent" in the sense that a nuclear attack from Iraq was "imminent."

September 20, 2006 at 01:04 PM in Candidates & Races, Civil Liberties | Permalink | Comments (4)

Breaking: Lawsuit by Patricia Madrid & Other Western State Officials Successfully Stops Bush's Roadless Rule

Avelino Maestas over at local blog Live From Silver City has the details. Another win for environmentalists (and Madrid) against the devastating strategies of the Bush administration. Chalk one up for forest protection.

September 20, 2006 at 12:23 PM in Environment | Permalink | Comments (1)

Famed Comedian Paul Rodriguez to Perform at Benefit for Patricia Madrid


Mayor Martin Chavez Presents... Paul Rodriguez Live!

Legendary comedian Paul Rodriguez is coming to Albuquerque for a benefit in honor of Attorney General Patricia Madrid – and you're invited! The show will take place at the ABQ Convention Center's KIVA Auditorium (2nd & Marquette NE) on Wednesday, September 27th, 2006, 7:30 - 9:30 PM

Tickets are available only by calling Tickemaster at 505-883-7800. General admission tickets are $35 or $65. Your $1,000 donation includes an intimate pre-show celebrity bash, an after show party and the very best seats in the house! Your $300 donation includes a preferred seating and admission to the special after party.

If you cannot attend and would still like to make a contribution toward this event, click here.

September 20, 2006 at 10:56 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Heather Wilson Caves to Bush on Warrantless Surveillance

Teafortwo_1According to the Associated Press, Heather Wilson has agreed to rewrite her bill on warrantless surveillance to match the demands of the Bush administration. I'm not making this up. Locked in a neck and neck race in NM-01 against Democratic challenger Patricia Madrid, the incumbent Republican Rep. Wilson's latest action to kowtow to Bush's dictates pretty much destroys any vestiges of validity to her repeated claims that she's "independent" of the administration and "moderate" in her approach. Excerpt from today's AP article:

Wilson offers to rewrite anti-terror surveillance bill more to Bush's liking

CAPITOL HILL The House Intelligence Committee today takes up a warrantless wiretapping bill that could ease a rift between the White House and Republican leaders on one side and some Republican lawmakers.

The proposal by New Mexico Republican Heather Wilson has been rewritten to allow wiretapping without warrants on Americans when the president believes a terrorist attack is "imminent."

As reported in an article published by The Hill, headlined, "Revolt over Wilson bill rocks panel," a number of moderate Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are upset that Wilson has agreed to weaken their efforts to make the administration more accountable to civil and human rights standards by changing her bill to placate Bush and preserve a warrantless surveillance program with few oversight requirements. Excerpt:

Unrest among GOP members of the House Judiciary Committee threatens to overthrow a bill co-sponsored by Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) aimed at altering policies governing federal intelligence-gathering programs.

Citing concerns over civil liberties and program stability, GOP committee members last week forced Sensenbrenner to cancel a markup of the bill that would allow President Bush’s warrantless surveillance program to continue with limited congressional oversight.

Republican members say they have enough votes to replace what they see as an unsavory bill, introduced by Rep. Heather Wilson (R-N.M.) and co-sponsored by Sensenbrenner, with a more palatable one during a scheduled markup this morning. [emphasis mine]

Several GOP and Democratic committee members are concerned that Wilson’s bill would separate oversight of Bush’s Terrorist Surveillance Program (TSP) from congressional oversight under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), who is spearheading GOP committee movement against Wilson’s bill, said the measure fails to create a solid system for TSP and would instead establish a passive, ad hoc response to terrorist attacks, rather than a steady program with legislative oversight under FISA. Flake said this approach both threatens the stability of intelligence gathering and increases the likelihood of civil liberties abuse.

You really should read the entire article to get a sense of the battles going on between Bush enablers like Wilson and Rep. John Sensenbrenner and more moderate Repubs like Rep. Jeff Flake. I'll have more on this later as the story develops ....

September 20, 2006 at 10:25 AM in Candidates & Races, Civil Liberties | Permalink | Comments (10)

NOW is the Time to be Heard on Healthcare for All

From the Health Care for All Campaign:

Healthall_2Health Care for All Campaign Supporters ... NOW IS THE TIME TO BE HEARD!

All organizations, businesses, faith groups, insured, uninsured, and underinsured persons, health care professionals and advocates are invited to speak up with their concerns and ideas regarding health care access and affordability at the:


3 PM – 7:30 PM
(Public input begins at 5:15 PM)

Click for event flyer (.doc)

THIS IS AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC INPUT concerning the rising cost of health care and the need for reform of the health care system in New Mexico.

The state sponsored Health Coverage for All New Mexicans Committee is charged with identifying various universal health care models to be compared by national experts with respect to projected costs in order to determine which model is best for New Mexicans. Committee Chairperson, Lt Governor Diane Denish announced this one-and-only meeting for public input.

Don’t miss this opportunity - Now is the time to have your voice heard. The Health Care for All Campaign is committed to:

  1. universal health care coverage for all persons living in New Mexico;
  2. models to be selected for this study should be real reform of the current system, not merely an expansion of the current system; and,
  3. models selected should address administrative and other cost savings for the system.


  • Email Ruby Ann Esquibel at Rubyann.esquibel@state.nm.us and ask to be put on the list to speak at the public meeting on September 27, 2006;
  • Call Ruby Ann Esquibel at 505-827-1345 and ask to be put on the list to speak at the meeting;
  • Come and sign up to speak at the September 27, 2006 public meeting; or,
  • Write your comments and email to Rubyann.esquibel@nm.state.us or mail to Ruby Ann Esquibel, Human Services Department, PO Box 2348, Santa Fe, NM 87504-2348, or fax to 505-827-3185.

For More Information, call the Health Care for All Campaign at 505-314-0656 or visit www.healthactionnm.org.

September 20, 2006 at 09:40 AM in Healthcare | Permalink | Comments (4)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tonight: Another Chance to Hear Madrid - Wilson Debate

Tune in tonight at 6 PM on public radio KUNM, 89.9 FM for a rebroadcast of Sunday's debate at Congregation Albert between Dem challenger Patricia Madrid and Repub incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01). You can also  Visit KUNM's website at 6 PM tonight to listen to the debate online, or hear it streamed at the Allegro website.

Considering how much Wilson tends to, shall we say, bend the truth in her debate remarks, it's helpful to have a scorecard. Check out these PDF charts that compare what Wilson says she stands for and what the record actually shows:

Wilson's Rhetoric vs. Her Record on Iraq

Wilson's Rhetoric vs. Her Record on Medicare

Wilson's Rhetoric vs. Her Record on Ethics

Wilson may talk like a moderate independent, but she walks like a Bush rubber stamp.

September 19, 2006 at 02:17 PM in Candidates & Races, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)

Remembering Ann Richards

Ann Richards: September 1, 1933 - September 13, 2006

The extraordinary Ann Richards passed away at 73 from cancer while I was up in Colorado this past week, so I wanted to write something to mark her passing. I always was taken by her ability to connect with ordinary people and work tirelessly, with grace and razor-sharp wit, for a place at the table for all. She was a Democrat through and through. She was a colorful character in the best sense. She exhibited a deep understanding of human frailties and the ups and downs that come with a life lived fully and with zest because she had experienced all of that herself. She had warts and weaknesses and transcended them. She showed us how. And she did it with humility crossed with spunk. People just loved her, as a human, in a way that's so rare in political life today.

Ann came across as compassionate, charismatic and dedicated to inspiring, motivating and sparking others to take that chance, to dream that dream, to stand that ground, to work like hell for positive change and to have fun doing it. Every woman I know was a fan. In an era of bland, spineless, self-serving politicians, she was a disarmingly honest, charmingly persuasive and flamboyantly present whirlwind. She was elegant but grounded. She swore and told kickass stories, articulate but earthy. She rocked. And she did so with an uncommon combination of dignity and downhome grit.

I got to personally experience Ann's unique brand of often ribald humor, political passion, no-nonsense wisdom and plain old common sense only once, at a 2004 women's event at Albuquerque's Tiguex Park in support of John Kerry's presidential run. It was a doozie. She was wonderful and as down to earth as anyone in public life I've ever run into. She hung around and took the time to talk with everyone who cared to do so, just folks, with her sparkling blue eyes and her spectacular white hair and her awesomely lined face crinkled into a smile, intently listening.

It's a shame that her special cross to bear was losing to George W. Bush when she ran for a second gubernatorial term. It became our cross to bear too. The suffering continues. But Richards continued to take a stand against the madness. We continue, too.


I could never capture Ann's spirit better than another plain-talking Dem from Texas did, so I'm including the words of another national treasure, Molly Ivins, in memory of Gov. Richards. Ann was a pistol, but never needed one to persuade:



AUSTIN, Texas -- She was so generous with her responses to other people. If you told Ann Richards something really funny, she wouldn't just smile or laugh, she would stop and break up completely. She taught us all so much -- she was a great campfire cook. Her wit was a constant delight. One night on the river on a canoe trip, while we all listened to the next rapid, which sounded like certain death, Ann drawled, "It sounds like every whore in El Paso just flushed her john."

Read the rest .

Austin's American-Statesman has the story on Richards' funeral  and other coverage here and here. You can find out more about Gov. Richards at Wikipedia. So many will miss her. She mattered and she helped so many of us believe that we matter too.


My favorite Ann Richards quote? This one, which was part of her famous speech at the 1988 Democratic Convention, when she first burst onto the national scene:

Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.

Yes, maam! You can listen to or read that speech here. And you can watch an unedited video of Ann's memorial service here.

September 19, 2006 at 10:45 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (3)