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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

King, Baca Hold Polling Leads

This morning's Albuquerque Journal reports on the results of two more races in its statewide polling. Excerpts:

NM Land Commissioner race: likely voters, M.O.E. 3.7 points
Democratic challenger Jim Baca: 41%
Republican incumbent Pat Lyons: 36%
Undecided: 26%

Voters were divided along party lines with 61 percent of Democrats in the Baca camp and 16 percent favoring Lyons. Lyons had the support of 63 percent of Republicans, while 18 percent said they'd vote for Baca.

NM Attorney General race: likely voters, M.O.E. 3.7 points
Democrat Gary King: 47%
Republican Jim Bibb: 27%

The Journal poll found King leading Bibb in all regions of the state, including New Mexico's conservative east side, where he had a 42 percent to 27 percent advantage. In the metro area, 43 percent of voters favored King, while 28 percent chose Bibb. Statewide, 25 percent of Republicans sided with King, while only 7 percent of Democrats favored Bibb.

September 5, 2006 at 09:39 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Bowsers for Baca!

Please join Animal Protection Voters PAC for Bowsers for Baca. It is the perfect opportunity for you and your four legged friends to show your support for future State Land commissioner Jim Baca. Come join us for yummy goodies and meet Jim in person!

BacasbeaglesWednesday, Sept. 13th
5:00 to 6:30 PM
Three Dog Bakery

9821 Montgomery Blvd. NE
Suite #C, Albuquerque

Read all about this very special event in this PDF flyer! (Right: The Bacas with Beagle and Athena.)

September 5, 2006 at 08:25 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (1)

Monday, September 04, 2006

ABQ Journal Poll: Madrid-Wilson Squeaker (Plus Other Results)

AgmadridThe Albuquerque Journal (subscription required) released the results of its poll yesterday on the NM-01 congressional race between Republican incumbent Heather Wilson and Democratic challenger Patricia Madrid. With results similar to the latest internal polling from the Madrid campaign, this race is clearly still a toss-up. With the Journal poll's margin of error at 4.8 points, this race is still a statistical dead heat and voter turnout could be a major factor in who takes the seat. According to the Journal:

Democrat Patricia Madrid is running a close race against incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson in the midst of an already heavy advertising war in the 1st Congressional District.

A Journal poll of 410 registered District 1 voters found Wilson, a Republican seeking her fifth full term, with the support of 45 percent of respondents. Madrid, the second-term state attorney general, had 42 percent.

Ten percent of the registered voters, who said they are likely to vote in the general election on Nov. 7, were undecided. The rest said they didn't intend to vote for either.

The margin of error for the Aug. 25-31 survey by Research & Polling Inc. is plus or minus 4.8 percentage points.

"It is, absolutely, anybody's race," said longtime state political watcher and University of New Mexico political science professor emeritus F. Chris Garcia. "It has major national implications. It was billed early on as one of the races to watch— and it is living up to its billing.

"When a challenger . . is within a few percentage points, that is seen as very encouraging to the challenger's camp," Garcia said.

... Wilson, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, has been a longtime backer of the U.S. military involvement in Iraq while Madrid has called for a quick-turnaround exit plan. And Sanderoff said what takes place in Iraq in the coming two months— along with the rise or fall of Bush's approval ratings— could have a big impact on the outcome of the Wilson-Madrid contest.

"The mood of the nation is an important barometer in influencing the outcome of congressional races," Sanderoff said.

"What we're looking at here is more than just Heather Wilson and Patricia Madrid," he said.

Clearly, IF we can achieve a strong turnout of Dem voters on November 7th, we can get Patricia Madrid elected. With unmotivated Repubs bummed over Bush's failures and diving poll numbers, and with Dem Bill Richardson shaping up to swamp Repub challenger John Dendahl, I'm guessing their turnout will well be weak. The question is, are Democrats sufficiently motivated to come out and vote in large numbers in New Mexico's first district? Is the Madrid campaign's GOTV effort up to the challenge of getting a big turnout of Dems?

This seat could well spell the difference between a continuation of Repub rule in the House of Reps and a Dem takeover, with Nancy Pelosi slated to take over as the first female Speaker of the House. Are you motivated yet? Then show it: https://madridforcongress.org/

Journal Polling on Other Races

Congress NM-02:
Steve Pearce (R-Incumbent): 54%
Al Kissling (D): 29%

Congress NM-03:
Tom Udall (D-Incumbent): 71%
Ron Dolin (R): 18%

NM Senate:
Jeff Bingaman (D-Incumbent): 62%
Allen McCulloch (R): 23%

From a Monday Journal article:

NM Governor:
Bill Richardson (D-Incumbent): 57%
John Dendahl (R): 28%

From another Monday Journal article:

NM Treasurer (open seat):
James B. Lewis (D): 40%
Demesia Padilla (R): 26%

September 4, 2006 at 01:01 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (3)

Frightening: Heather Wilson's Labor Record

Blog post contributed by Suzanne Prescott:
In September, as we celebrate and honor the achievement of workers, it's only fitting to look at where Heather Wilson (R NM-01) stands on labor  issues. A look at her record should frighten a large proportion of New Mexicans. Go HERE for the Table which compares Wilson's voting record on labor issues with Tom Udall's (New Mexico's 3rd congressional district.)

A comparison of Wilson to all the members of Congress isn't good either and that's in a Congress which overall has been unkind to American workers. Udall ranks a respectable 69 out of 431 and Wilson ranks 246. These numbers are taken from Progressive Punch

How much less could Wilson represent the interests of the people of New Mexico? The Table shows that Udall is better on all eight measures --- close-to-home measures which matter to voters. Wilson was on the side of workers only 6% of the time. Take a look at Wilson's voting record on 'Pension Protections' or 'Occupational Safety & Health' - It looks like Bush and Wilson are trying to destroy retirement if we live that long. Workers here hope to see their hard work payoff for themselves and their families in a healthy and rewarding lifestyle.

And if I read Barbara Ehrenreich correctly, Wilson's direction takes American workers back toward indentured servitude not toward the American dream. Wilson's direction seems clear; there will be no raise in the minimum wage, no pension protections, increasing infringements on occupational health and safety and further erosion of worker's rights.

If I didn't have the pension I earned now, I'd be in the same position faced by millions of Americans - not enough money to survive on, a potential burden on relatives and friends, & facing a myriad of health issues with no solution in sight. There may not be a solution later on but there is a solution now.  Don't forget where Wilson stands on labor issues when you vote. Show this page to others in your family and let them see the direction Wilson is taking us.


Check out Wilson's record here. Check out Udall's record here.

Visit those sites to see how each score was derived and to learn more about the scoring methods used. Verify the information for yourself.

For more on the shift from real social security to 'risk-based retirement visit AARP and Privatization of Risk.

September 4, 2006 at 10:52 AM in Candidates & Races, Guest Blogger | Permalink | Comments (1)

Contact Sen. Bingaman: Last Chance to Stop "Divine Strake"

From Friends Committee on National Legislation:
Please disseminate widely! The Defense Department was blocked recently by citizen pressure in Indiana from considering a nuclear program test, called "Divine Strake," in that state. Earlier citizen opposition in Nevada and Utah forced the Pentagon to scrap their plans for conducting the test at the Nevada Test Site. Now the Pentagon is focusing on the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The last remaining legislative opportunity to block the test is this Tuesday, September 5, when the defense appropriations bill, H.R. 5631, will be on the Senate floor.

This test is a rehearsal for a nuclear strike against Iran. The test itself would not involve nuclear material, but would be a simulation of a nuclear strike.

New Mexicans should ask Sen. Jeff Bingaman to offer a floor amendment to block the test. * Given the time constraint, emails to senator_bingaman@bingaman.senate.gov and phone calls to ( 202) 224-5521, his Washington office, are needed.

On August 23, Friends Committee on National Legislation - FCNL - wrote Sens. Bingaman and Domenici and asked them to offer an amendment to block the test.  We wrote:

"The Defense Department wants to collect data on very large explosions in rock to calibrate the effects of using a nuclear 'bunker buster' in Iran or North Korea. The Pentagon’s purpose is to 'develop a planning tool that will improve the warfighter's confidence in selecting the smallest proper nuclear yield necessary to destroy underground facilities while minimizing collateral damage.'

"This effort to 'improve' the U.S. nuclear weapons program comes while the administration is asking Iran and North Korea to freeze their nuclear programs. The U.S. government is sending the wrong message to those two countries and the world about nuclear weapons: 'do as the U.S. says, not as it does.'"

Over the last few months, residents in Nevada, Utah, and Indiana have organized enough public opposition to block the Pentagon from conducting the test in their states. *Now we need New Mexicans to use the next few days to block this test--and end the test for good.

Thanks for your help!

David Culp, Legislative Representative   
Friends Committee on National Legislation (Quakers)
245 Second Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002-5761
Tel.: (202) 547-6000, ext. 2517
Toll-free: (800) 630-1330, ext. 2517
Fax: (202) 547-6019
Web: www.fcnl.org
Email: david@fcnl.org

Additional information at Truthout.

September 4, 2006 at 10:50 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (1)

Celebrate Labor Day with the Family Justice Campaign

From the Drug Policy Alliance:
I want to invite you to celebrate Labor Day with the Family Justice Campaign, with music and inspiring words at Noon today in front of the State Capitol in Santa Fe. The Family Justice Campaign is a project of the NAACP-Santa Fe that educates NAACP members and the general public on issues before the state legislature.  PA has been a key member of this Alliance, and we look forward to celebrating at this launch event with you, our members. 

WHERE: The Roundhouse State Capitol Building, East Entrance
WHEN: Monday, Labor Day, September 4th at 12:00 Noon

Featuring Music & Inspiring Words in Spanish & English
Mariachi Buena Ventura
Singer Bonnie Greathouse of ACORN
Andé Marimba
Michael Davis, President, NM NAACP
The Honorable Ben Lujan, Speaker of the House
Mayor David Coss, City of Santa Fe
The Rev Msgr Jerome Martinez y Alire, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis
Rayos Burciaga, Somos Un Pueblo Unido

Sponsored by:
NM Coalition for Justice
NM Department of Peace Initiative
Drug Policy Alliance of New Mexico
New Mexicans for a Fair Wage
NM Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty
NM Conference of Churches
NM Voter Services Coalition
Northern New Mexico Central Labor Council (AFL - CIO)
Santa Fe Living Wage Network
Somos Un Pueblo Unido

Bring your family & a picnic lunch! For more information call 505-471-6633. Hope to see you there!

Mark Your Calendars: For our members in Albuquerque and the surrounding areas, please save the date for our Medical Marijuana Community Forum, to be held on September 28 from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Los Griegos Health and Social Service Center located at 1231 Candelaria Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM just west of 12th St NW. You'll hear from some of our key advocates and champions about effective strategies and our current obstacles.  You'll also learn how you can be more involved in achieving legal access to medical marijuana in New Mexico over the next six months.  It's an event you don't want to miss!

Reena Szczepanski
Director, Drug Policy Alliance of New Mexico

September 4, 2006 at 09:23 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Join League of Conservation Voters Campaign Kickoff Saturday

From the League of Conservation Voters:
Its time to win this election!!! Earlier this year, LCV placed Heather Wilson on our infamous "Dirty Dozen" list of the 12 worst national elected officials on environmental issues. Wilson's terrible environmental record includes her staunch support of the Bush/Wilson Energy Bill. She voted to hand out millions of dollars in subsidies to oil corporations, while watching the price of gas rise dramatically in New Mexico and nationwide. It's time for a change.

Patricia Madrid is a strong conservation candidate, suing the Bush White House to keep New Mexico's air and water clean, and protect sacred wild lands in New Mexico from oil drilling. Madrid will fight big oil and other special interests in Washington D.C. and to undo the many bad policies of the Bush Administration.

We are telling voters to dump Heather and choose Madrid this election year. In order to do this, LCV will knock on 60,000 doors in the First Congressional District before Election Day. We have already knocked on 8,000 doors, but we need your help to do the rest!

It is with great excitement that LCV-New Mexico is having our campaign kickoff event: our first volunteer canvass!!!

Please join us at LCV's New Mexico office on September 9th, Saturday, at 10:00 AM for a brief training, and then we hit the streets, to do the important work of knocking on doors, talking to voters, and making sure the course of the country changes! We need you to make this happen!

Canvassing is fun and effective. In fact, it's how we win elections, through face-to-face conversation with voters!

Please join us for this event:

When: September 9th, Saturday 10:00 AM
Where: LCV Office, 400 Gold Street,
Southwest corner of Gold and 4th street
What: Community canvass, door-to-door voter contact
Why: Because this is our race to win, and with lots of volunteers, we can, and will change the course of this nation!!! Please click here to sign up and canvass with us!!!

Maggie Toulouse
SW Campaign Manager and Patricia Madrid Supporter
League of Conservation Voters

September 4, 2006 at 09:17 AM in Candidates & Races, Environment | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Saturday Music Hall: Melissa Etheridge

I thought I'd feature Melissa Etheridge because we just saw her in concert at the Sandia Casino outdoor amphitheater last week. Above, she's giving her first performance in 2005 after going through chemo and radiation treatments for breast cancer, which she's since beaten, at least as far as anyone can tell at this time. She's doing a Janis Joplin thing with Joss Stone at the Grammy's, shaved head and all. Very powerful.

I've seen Melissa many times over many years -- throughout her long and pioneering time in the public eye -- and I have to say she's always been one of the most vibrant and exciting live performers I've ever experienced, whether it's just her and her Ovation or she's touring with some of the best musicians in the business. Three hour shows are the norm and she gives her all every time. Every time.

I admit I missed her very first performance in Albuquerque, which was at Corky's, the notoriously wild women's gay bar that was on San Mateo just South of Menaul for many years. She and her acoustic were joined by, of all people, a female sax player. By all accounts it was an impressive performance and the cassettes they sold were all over the Albuquerque lesbian community in no time. Melissa, seeking out free hospitality, slept on the floor of a local massage therapist's home. She was the talk of the town.

I saw her the first time at a now-defunct music club in Santa Fe sometime in the mid-80s. She looked like she does in the video above. Come on, admit it, many of you had hairstyles in that vein in that era. Wow. The crowd was unfamiliar with her and we were all amazed at her talent and the wild abandon of her performance. I recall she got three or four encores, with people standing on their folding chairs, going wild. It was smashing. One of those memories locked into my brain in high definition.

I've also seen her perform at the Kiva, Tingley, in Boston at the Berklee and Orpheum, in Denver at what was then called the Fiddler's Green and some others I can't even recall. Melissa's latest is "I Need to Wake Up," which she wrote for Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth." It can be heard at the end of the movie. A just released video for the song can be found at her website.

September 2, 2006 at 02:19 PM in Saturday Music Hall | Permalink | Comments (1)

Heavy Media Coverage of NM-01 Race

Local and national news media and blog coverage is heating up in the NM-01 congressional race between Iraq War supporter and Republican incumbent Heather Wilson and Democratic challenger AG Patricia Madrid. Besides the recent op-ed in the Albuquerque Tribune I covered in my last post, an article the other day in USA Today and a front page post yesterday on Daily Kos focus on various aspects of this neck and neck race.

Check out the coverage of these on NM FBIHOP, a local blog that's doing a great job following this important race. Two of their recent posts discuss the USA Today article and Wilson's whining about marching in the NM State Fair Parade, as covered by Kos, this morning's Albuquerque Journal and the DCCC.

September 2, 2006 at 10:30 AM in Candidates & Races, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, September 01, 2006

See It Now

If you haven't seen it yet, you must. If you've seen it already, watch it again. Or read the text version. In a courageous and passionate statement reminiscent of newsman Edward R. Murrow's eloquent commentary warning America about Joe McCarthy's destructive red baiting, Keith Olbermann tells it like it is with no holds barred. He absolutely skewers Rummy and the Rovian tactics being used to try and equate BushCo's warmongering with Churchillian grit and anyone who criticizes the administration with Nazi appeasers. The equations don't add up. Unreasoning, illogical, devious deceptions never do.

Once again, our democracy is in jeopardy and fascism is on the rise, from within, from the right. Increasingly, this is an emergency. The dangers are growing by leaps and bounds. Are you registered to vote yet? Are you supporting Dem candidates with everything you've got? If not, go watch the video again and reconsider. Can you imagine another two years of a Bush administration unchecked by either House of Congress? Nightmares are made of this.

Also check out the negative commentary on Rumsfeld's "Nazi appeasers" speech in newspapers across the nation.

September 1, 2006 at 12:58 PM in Iraq War, Media, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (0)