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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Open Thread
September 14, 2006 at 02:00 PM | Permalink
Yesterday the Senate Judiciary Committee chaired by Senator Specter R.PA voted 10 to 8 (along party lines)to send to the floor for voice vote his bill S 2453. Senator Specter’s bill, will gut FISA and prevent meaningful review by the judiciary from taking place, the Specter bill allows FISA courts to throw out challenges to the legality of the domestic surveillance program for any reason. I URGE everyone to PLEASE take a few minutes to call, Email, or FAX Sen Domenici, and Sen Bingaman DEMANDING that they vote AGAINST this bill. This bill is probably one of the most serious threats to everyones right to privacy we have seen yet, it HAS to be stopped. The voice vote will leave no written record as to who supported this crap, that should be of concern to everyone. If all the wire tapping that the Bu$h admin is doing is completely legal as they claim, why then do they need this legislation??? IMHO, it is because they know full well that they have been violating the 4th amendment right of the American people on top of ignoring the rule of law requiring warrants, they want to change the law so that they will NOT be held accountable, we can't let that happen, so PLEASE help to defeat this legislation.
Posted by: VP | Sep 15, 2006 8:34:33 AM