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    Wednesday, September 06, 2006

    New Blog: Protest ABC's Distorted "Documentary" on 9/11

    A new blog, Open Letter to ABC, has been established for centralized information and protest actions about ABC's upcoming "documentary" about 9/11 that has been receiving scathing commentary from all parts of the sane world. Now's the time to act, so get over there, read all about it and do what you can to stop ABC/Disney in their tracks. In an election season like this one, we can't allow BushCo free propaganda on network TV, can we?

    September 6, 2006 at 07:13 PM in Media | Permalink


    I sent KOAT-TV an Email this morning telling them how disappointed I am with their decision to follow ABC and air this partisan misrepresentation of history. Realizing that KOAT-TV isn't responsible for this glaring attempt to place responsibility for the attacks of 9/11 on the Clinton admin while ignoring the failures of the Bu$h administration. I requested that they acknowledger that there are some glaring inaccuracies in this so called docudrama, prior to showing it and to remind viewers during it with a scroll across the bottom of the screen. I hope that everyone could send th am a similar Email or call them requesting some kind of disclaimer.

    Posted by: VP | Sep 7, 2006 10:09:28 AM

    In light of the upcoming ABC showing of a clearly slanted production of a "docudrama" blaming Clinton for 9/11 I believe that many people will be interested in more information. There is a new film called 9/11 Press for Truth that will be shown in Albuquerque at the Peace Center at 202 Harvard SE at 6 pm on Sunday, September 17th. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP at https://www.bravenewtheaters.com/ and select Albuquerque by your ZIP code.

    Thank you,

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Sep 8, 2006 9:24:15 AM

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