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    Wednesday, September 27, 2006

    More on Rove's Visit to ABQ This Saturday

    According to this morning's Albuquerque Journal, Karl Rove, the Repubs' chief of dirty tricks, nasty politics and weasling strategies, will be hosting a private luncheon in Albuquerque on Saturday to benefit the State Republican Party, not rallying the base at Heather Wilson's campaign office. According to Repub spin, this means Karl really isn't here supporting Wilson, who's in a neck and neck race in NM-01 against Dem challenger Patricia Madrid. No, according to the spinmeisters, Karl will be here only to support the Repubs' get out the vote effort. Why can't these right wingers ever just tell the truth? In fact, this is the second Albuquerque visit for Rove this year to raise funds that will most help Wilson.

    Rumor has it that the luncheon will have a top ticket price of $5000. Republican events usually do. No word on what the lowest price will be. The Journal reports that no other details of the event have been released by the Republican Party of NM. In addition to having trouble telling the truth, right-wing Repubs also seem to be incredibly wary about mingling with ordinary people so they like to keep the locations and times of their appearances secret. And tightly controlled. Very similar to how they run the government, isn't it? Baffle 'em with BS and keep the spin out front.

    For a disturbing rundown on the record of sleazy and personally destructive campaign ploys orchestrated by Karl Rove, check out Everygreen Politics. Tip o' the hat to local blog New Mexico FBIHOP, which has been on top of this race from early on.

    September 27, 2006 at 09:39 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


    Wouldn't you love to have photos of all the Repub bigwigs as they walk into this secret event? I bet half of them would be ashamed to be seen at the event given Bush and Rove's fall from grace. I notice the event's time and place isn't being revealed. This must be why.

    Posted by: The Shadow | Sep 27, 2006 12:56:08 PM

    Hey don't insult me by comparing me to this filthy individual! Karl Rove isn't an animal, he's more like a very nasty insect.

    Posted by: weasle | Sep 27, 2006 7:56:05 PM

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