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Monday, September 18, 2006

More Madrid Quotes from Sunday's Debate

When you're done reading the closing statement of Dem challenger Patricia Madrid in yesterday's debate at Congregation Albert with Republican incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01), check out these debate zingers by A.G. Madrid courtesy of an article in today's Albuquerque Journal and the Madrid campaign website:

I had to include one quote by Heather Wilson because it is so self-serving and dishonest on its face:

"I live my life based on an honor code that I learned at the United States Air Force Academy: We will not lie, steal or cheat— nor tolerate among us anyone who does."

Amazing, given Wilson's lock-step allegiance to Bush administration lies, distortions and illegalities, as well as the corruption of her fellow right-wing Republican members of Congress like the disgraced Duke Cunningham, Tom DeLay and Bob Ney.

For more in this vein, see the Madrid campaign's detailed comparison between Wilson's debate statements and reality. Convincing, indeed.

September 18, 2006 at 11:33 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Strong stuff. I like it.

Posted by: Roadrunner | Sep 18, 2006 12:12:26 PM

I found it interesting that Heather’s voice was quavering throughout. She made several FACTUAL misstatements (might even call a couple of them LIES.) DISCUSSING IMMIGRATION HEATHER STATED THAT DESERT DEATHS ARE DOWN 67%! Headline from Santa Fe New Mexican: Immigration: Border-crossing deaths soar www.freenewmexican.com/news/49231.html

Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Sep 18, 2006 1:40:06 PM

Patsy Madrid is for real. She is on the side of the people not the elites. She will fight for us not the elites. We have to give her a chance to do it by getting out and voting and asking our friends to vote to. This is a very important election for our future maybe the most important in my lifetime.

Posted by: maria j. | Sep 18, 2006 6:07:32 PM

Ya know, I kind of have to laugh... I became a supporter of Wilson when she ran against Maloof, and even voted for her last year (though last year was with some hesitation, due to her support of Bush). One of the big things that made me like her was that she ran relatively clean campaigns... maybe that's because she didn't feel there was significant risk to her seat.

This time around though, she's on the defensive, and a lot of her former supporters, myself included, are abandoning her. Even my fiance, who supports Bush for whatever reason, has told me she doesn't plan on voting for Wilson this time, due largely to Wilson's attack ads. Wilson's just become downright nasty this time around.

Ah well... I really just hope there's enough of a shake-up to bring back the good ol' system of checks and balances, rather than congress continuing to be Bush's yes-men.

Posted by: | Sep 18, 2006 9:36:36 PM

"I really just hope there's enough of a shake-up to bring back the good ol' system of checks and balances, rather than congress continuing to be Bush's yes-men."


Posted by: nancy | Sep 19, 2006 1:47:19 AM

Wilson has run a negative campaign because she has nothing else left. Her voting record, the money she received from corrupt cronies Cunningham, Delay, and Abramhoff are things that I feel sure she would rather not talk about. She (Wilson) tries to smear Madrid with a pathetic campaign of gossip, conjecture and rumor, only the least informed among us can't see through it.

Posted by: VP | Sep 19, 2006 10:43:49 AM

I loved to hear Wilsons voice quivering!
Imagine all those thieves voices quivering!!!
Remember $250 million per day going to Iraq and NO accountability! Where have you been Heather?? We have been ripped off!

Posted by: Mary Ellen | Sep 19, 2006 12:30:17 PM

Yeah... the well-informed certainly do know the truth, but cynical as it may sound, the well-informed are a distinct minority. The majority of people want simply a loud, confident sounding voice... this would be why pundits like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter became popular. For those who have read "Animal Farm," remember how the sheep couldn't remember anything unless it was put into a simple catch phrase (ie, "Four legs good, two legs bad!")? People want rhyme, not reason.

That's something I try to remember when I do t-shirt/bumper sticker designs, but I have a tendency to be too wordy sometimes.

Posted by: | Sep 20, 2006 8:24:34 PM

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