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Friday, September 08, 2006

Patricia Madrid Wants to Know What You Think

What a terrific idea. The Patricia Madrid campaign is launching a new Sound Off citizens' web survey where people can tell the candidate how they feel about the issues. Check it out and let Madrid know what issues are important to you -- the local voter.

What a perfect tool for a candidate like Madrid, who's always been known for listening to the people and representing their concerns, instead of those pushed by lobbyists and big corporate donors. More evidence that Patricia Madrid would make a responsive, open and connected representative for people who live in New Mexico's first Congressional district. Wouldn't that be a change from the dismal status quo?

Contrast Madrid's approach with that of her Republican incumbent rival, Heather Wilson, who walks in lock-step with the Bush administration day in and day out. Wilson votes repeatedly as directed by lobbyists for the oil and gas industries, the big pharmaceutical companies and other big money donors. Independent and responsive to the real needs of real New Mexicans? Not by a long shot, Heather. Fortunately, this time around we can vote for the real thing -- Patricia Madrid.

September 8, 2006 at 11:00 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


This is a fantastic idea. It's great that someone who wants to represent us is actually asking for our opinions. Wow.

Posted by: Dem4Life | Sep 8, 2006 1:39:16 PM

I do agree. It's a rare thing. I hope many people take advantage of this opportunity and take the survey and enter their comments. Good going Madrid campaign.

Posted by: I Vote | Sep 8, 2006 2:13:54 PM

That's not an effort to find out what people think. It's an embarrassingly amateurish and transparent push poll.

Posted by: Michael H Schneider | Sep 12, 2006 10:50:01 PM

Michael, didn't you seen the area to type in whatever you wanted to express? I hope you took advantage of it and spoke your mind.

Posted by: Old Dem | Sep 17, 2006 11:14:49 PM

Writing Sept 27... warring TV ads in Santa Fe leave the impression that HW is in bed (metaphorically) with George Bush, and that PM is vaguely corrupt in some way.
I think PM needs to respond to those accusations to really benefit from the anti-Bush sentiment.

Posted by: < | Sep 27, 2006 9:45:09 PM

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