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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

King, Baca Hold Polling Leads

This morning's Albuquerque Journal reports on the results of two more races in its statewide polling. Excerpts:

NM Land Commissioner race: likely voters, M.O.E. 3.7 points
Democratic challenger Jim Baca: 41%
Republican incumbent Pat Lyons: 36%
Undecided: 26%

Voters were divided along party lines with 61 percent of Democrats in the Baca camp and 16 percent favoring Lyons. Lyons had the support of 63 percent of Republicans, while 18 percent said they'd vote for Baca.

NM Attorney General race: likely voters, M.O.E. 3.7 points
Democrat Gary King: 47%
Republican Jim Bibb: 27%

The Journal poll found King leading Bibb in all regions of the state, including New Mexico's conservative east side, where he had a 42 percent to 27 percent advantage. In the metro area, 43 percent of voters favored King, while 28 percent chose Bibb. Statewide, 25 percent of Republicans sided with King, while only 7 percent of Democrats favored Bibb.

September 5, 2006 at 09:39 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


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