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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Colorado Here We Come!


We're headed up to the Salida - Buena Vista area of Colorado, known as the banana belt of the state. There's a wide valley with the Front Range on the East and some of the Collegiate Peaks on the West, many of them "fourteeners." We're renting a rustic cabin (above) for a week along a creek on what used to be an historic ranch inherited by a woman when her husband died. To earn some extra money, she put in some cabins where many famous personages stayed in times past, including Zane Gray, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and Alex Haley. Only three of the original cabins are left, including the one above.


This is one of our favorite parts of Colorado and we've visited many times over the years, staying in motels, camping or renting cabins. We've experienced some of every season up there and enjoyed the mountains, rivers, meadows, streams, lakes, soaking in natural hot springs, the lovely small towns and the expansive ranching landscapes. The wildlife and the stars are top-notch too.

While we're gone, I'm programming some threads to go up automatically so folks can still interact and share info. I'll post some photos and touch base if we get a chance. There's wi-fi available at Bongo Billy's coffee house and we'll probably stop in a couple times while we're up there, but no guarantees! I'm sure much will be happening politically while we're gone, but this trip was booked for some time so we're outta here, regardless.

And yes, we're taking Sunny and Bosco with us, although the seven parakeets are staying behind to watch the house. Don't kid yourself, they can be fierce with unwanted intruders! (Don't worry, there's house sitter!)

September 9, 2006 at 10:30 AM in Visuals | Permalink


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