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    Tuesday, September 05, 2006

    Bush Dose

    Bushlaugh_1Every now and then I think it's important to let ourselves be reminded of just how goofy Bush is. Here's today's dose of Bush incoherence and bald-faced dishonesty. It's from an interview by Brian Wiliams in New Orleans last week: via Crooks and Liars.

    Be sure to catch that he thinks Americans are sacrificing for the war(s) by paying high taxes. He doesn't mention the bodily sacrifices of the troops or anyone else. Just the high taxes, apparently his most vexing concern. Oh, and then there's his claims of having recently read Albert Camus and "three Shakespeares." Does anyone out there of ANY political persuasion really believe Georgie read any Shakespeare or delved into existentialism during his recent faux ranch vacation? I personally have trouble believing he can make his way through a comic book or that old favorite, "My Pet Goat," without encountering words he doesn't comprehend.

    Be sure to read what Media Matters has to say about the false and misleading statements Bush made in the interview that, not surprisingly, were left unchallenged by Brian Williams. Wouldn't want to try and pin down The Decider on the fictions he's peddling as facts, now would we?

    September 5, 2006 at 02:25 PM in Visuals | Permalink


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