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Friday, September 08, 2006

Armijo to File Suit Today to Stay on Ballot, Cancel SCC Meeting

An Albuquerque Tribune article reports that embattled State Auditor candidate Jeff Armijo plans to file suit today in state court against the decision to take him off the ballot, and also to stop the NM Democratic Party from holding its State Central Committee meeting Saturday to choose a replacement. Some of his supporters may also file a suit in U.S. District Court:

Democratic state auditor candidate Jeff Armijo plans to pursue his spot on this fall's ballot in state court, according to an announcement sent to The Tribune this afternoon by his attorney.

Attorney Paul Kienzle said Armijo supporters also are considering a lawsuit in U.S. District Court to contest what they say is disenfranchisement.

"The federal district court may have the final word on the matter," the release says.

... "Until this past Tuesday, the withdrawal rule was that a candidate had to provide a signed, written statement," Kienzle said. "Those laws, rules and customs now mean nothing. Political expediency and political power brokers determine who is on the general election ballot."

The Secretary of State's Office says there is nothing in state election code outlining the steps a candidate must take. Nothing is in law requiring a letter be sent to the office when a candidate withdraws, Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron, a Democrat, said Wednesday.

Albuquerque's KRQE News 13 reported this on the story yesterday:

We're very confident that we're going to be able to successfully challenge the decision that the secretary of state made so I can stay on the ballot as the Democratic candidate for state auditor,” [Jeff ]Armijo told KRQE News 13.

Armijo insisted he still is the Democratic and said he plans to march in the New Mexico State Fair Parade promoting his campaign on Saturday.

Visit their website for more, including video of yesterday's newscast coverage of the story.

September 8, 2006 at 09:08 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Mr Armijo should file suit, something stinks about the way this has evolved, and the only way of getting the truth will be under oath in court. Someone has some explaining to do, weather it's Mr Armijo, his accusers, other candidates or the Governor and his cronies or possibly all of the above, the only place that we the public will get answers is in court.

Posted by: VP | Sep 8, 2006 2:41:51 PM



Posted by: SCC MEMBER | Sep 8, 2006 7:03:25 PM

No, I disagree. Let the courts decide and since we are all Dems, go through the process tomorrow and vote for a candidate for state auditor. How do you know Jeff will show up? if you do nto vote then you are not representing the people who elected you. The person to vote for is Hector Balderas.

Posted by: Charlotte | Sep 8, 2006 11:14:00 PM

Why do none of you have names? What or who are you hiding from?

Posted by: Charlotte | Sep 8, 2006 11:16:55 PM

We are from another galaxy, there are no symbols in your language that represent our names.

Posted by: oneoftheabove | Sep 9, 2006 7:15:47 AM

SCC member, you are completely correct. If this travesty continues the Democratic Party of New Mexico is going to implode.

Mark my words, I am holding ample evidence.

Posted by: Edge | Sep 9, 2006 8:54:57 AM

If enough evidence is shown that Mr Armijo was railroaded, this lifelong Democrat is going to have some serious problems supporting those politicians involved and the candidates they replace Mr Armijo with.

Posted by: VP | Sep 9, 2006 9:42:42 AM

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