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    Tuesday, September 05, 2006

    Armijo Announces He'll Stay in Race: Others Say He's Already Off the Ballot

    UPDATE: KRQE News online has video of Armijo's press conference as well as their story about the reactions of Democratic Party Chair John Wertheim and Governor Bill Richardson.
    In a late afternoon news conference, Jeff Armijo announced he's staying in the race as the Democratic candidate for State Auditor. According to an article on the Albuquerque Journal website:

    Armijo said Tuesday he decided to stay in the race to keep his promise to his supporters. he said he'd received hundreds of e-mails and phone calls urging him to stay in the race.

    "If that makes a select few politicians nervous, so be it,'' he said. He said the accusations from the women are false.

    "I am the victim of a horrible political scheme,'' he said.

    Armijo supposedly had until 5:00 PM today to formally withdraw his name from the ballot. Previously, he had issued a press release saying he'd withdraw but reportedly hadn't filed any legal paperwork. According to the Journal article, Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron is claiming Armijo's press release served as his formal withdrawal from the race:

    Vigil-Giron, in a telephone interview, said she considered Armijo's Aug. 29 written news release as his official notice of withdrawal as a candidate.

    "I accepted that withdrawal and the Democratic Party central committee has already been notified they will be meeting to select a candidate,'' said Vigil-Giron. "He is not on the ballot.''

    Reportedly, a written copy of the news release was provided by Gov. Richardson's office to Vigil-Giron's office at their request earlier today, and Richardson agrees with State Party Chair John Wertheim statement that Armijo already officially withdrew:

    Democratic Party Chairman John Wertheim contends that no matter what Armijo said Tuesday, "he already officially withdrew his name from the general election ballot for state auditor a week ago. ... His actions on that day created a vacancy.''

    I certainly have no idea what would legally constitute a withdrawal of a candidate from a statewide election. But I think we'll all become familiar with New Mexico law in this regard if Armijo continues to fight to stay on the ballot.

    September 5, 2006 at 07:04 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink


    Could there be a more self-absorbed person in this whole world? Jeez he'd tank an entire party's chance at a sweep just because a few enablers cheered him on. This is a guy with zero experience in the office he was running for and who had 14 arrest warrants issued for him because traffic court doesn't apply to important guys like him only to us slobs. Clearly, he's the type of guy who would sexually harrass and sexually assault women and think he'd done nothing wrong. Worse yet, he's the type of guy who blames his victim. Get out of our party. The other sides where you belong.

    Posted by: embarrassed D | Sep 5, 2006 8:50:26 PM

    But I'm embarrassed that our governor and party chair would claim that a press release faxed by the governor's office just before 5 PM today constitutes an official and formal withdrawal by a candidate who has been accused only of something by an unnamed person. No arrests, no charges brought, no indictments, no trials.

    I guess the unselfabsorbed thing to do would be for Armijo to throw away his future because of an allegation and obey the governor's demands to withdraw. Because we know Richardson IS the Democratic Party, not the voters, right?

    People are sick of being bossed around by the governor. And why is everyone saying it's the governor and his cronies who wanted Armijo out? Because it's probably true. This isn't a Republican plot but one from inside the Party.

    If anything, whoever is behind this and who framed Armijo will be to blame for any loses by Democrats. Stop playing filthy games and fight for ballot spots out in the open people.

    Posted by: Another embarrassed D | Sep 5, 2006 9:28:44 PM

    "because traffic court doesn't apply to important guys like him only to us slobs. WOW, he sounds just like our SPEEDING GOVERNOR and ILLEGAL PARKING Lt Governor.

    Posted by: embarrassedBYsomeD | Sep 6, 2006 8:17:31 AM

    I believe that we all are missing a VERY important issue. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!

    I have no idea if Jeff is guilty or if he is qualified for office. I do KNOW that AMERICA used to stand for INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY! I hope the he is innocent and I find his discussion plausable but the issue is AMERICAN VALUES. We yell that our rights are being trampled. If we allow the railroading of Jeff Armijo we are giving up our rights all by ourselves.

    Standing up for Jeff and his rights may be one of our last chances to stand up for ourselves!

    Please think seriously about this.

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Sep 6, 2006 9:49:45 AM

    The next commercial that Dendahl will run on Monday will go something like this,"Is this a foreign country? NO, it is Bill Richardson & the NM STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE..." you all know what I am talking about, well not if I have something to say about it. Jeff won the Primary with 60,000 SMART voters out there. His fate should be left to the PEOPLE! I am going to vote and obtain proxies to vote for JEFF ARMIJO! I would urge all of you who have friends on the SCC to do the same.... we are party of the people for the people and we need to show New Mexicans that we don't do business like the other party!

    Posted by: State Central Committe Member | Sep 6, 2006 10:17:35 AM

    I don't know if Jeff is guilty or not and nobody will unless charges are filed and he has a trial. What I do know is that until yesterday at around 5, the sec of state's office was saying they needed a signed notarized letter from Armijo to remove him from the ballot. Soon afterward that requirement disappeared I guess because the governor convinced the SOS to say that wasn't needed.

    Quotes in the paper today say all past withdrawals from races were required to file signed and notarized letters. When did this change? Our state party chairman Wertheim claims the law was changed. I wonder when this happened.

    Whatever is really behind all this I think the governor and Wertheim have handled it very badly from Richardson's meeting with Armijo until now. I guess the governor didn't negotiate with Armijo very successfully did he.

    Posted by: Anon SCC Member | Sep 6, 2006 10:24:26 AM

    I just spoke with Ken Sanchez. He has stopped campaigning. His lawyers have counseled him that the position is not open because Jeff Armijo did not quit.

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Sep 6, 2006 11:12:00 AM

    Very interesting Terry. I think the dem leadership may have boxed themselves in and now it is a no win situation for them if you ask me.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Sep 6, 2006 11:16:48 AM

    If you ask me I trust Armijo more then I have ever trusted the leadership of the dem party, being Wertheim. Wertheim makes up rules as he goes along. We all know this from attending the SCC meetings which he runs, rather railroads. Many SCC members have tried to get basic things going within the dem party. All we come up to is a person that is not willing to do the simplest of things - always saying the rules this the rules that.

    If Wertheim is involved I trust this whole thing as far as i can spit. It is a shame i have to say this. If there is one person who has proven to me he DOES NOT follow the rules it is the Democratic Party Chairman John Wertheim.

    Posted by: scc member | Sep 6, 2006 11:28:07 AM

    I can’t believe people are defending Armijo.

    Most of us don’t have assault charges filed against us or accumulate 14 speeding tickets or whatever it is. If you do have a record like that, something is wrong. No one is conspiring against you or trumping up charges. No one made you assault someone but yourself.

    As the Democratic Party, we should strive for the best candidates that can stand up as an example of what our party is about (for the rights of women, for ethics, against people who routinely violate the law, for example). Clearly Mr. Armijo has a personal problem that needs to be dealt with and like many candidates he is totally delusional, selfish and detached from the real world.

    Perception is everything in politics and whether Jeff likes it or not, he is perceived as having problems and exhibiting poor judgment – that has been established in voters minds and it’s not going away. More details of the assault will come out and play our in the press for weeks; more unethical behavior will be revealed on the part of Mr. Armijo—it’s inevitable.

    Do your party a favor and step down, Jeff. Deal with your problems and return to politics at a later date. I’m sure Art Trujillo (believe me, Mr. Trujillo—who gave us Ray Sena as party chair-- only thinks of himself), your parents and personal friends are telling you to stay in. But all we need is to give the GOP weeks of headlines about corrupt democrats. You may have won the democratic primary but that’s not the same as the general electorate. You stay in this race

    Posted by: David | Sep 6, 2006 11:47:20 AM

    I'm not on the SCC but I know a railroad job when I see one. Who was out to get Armijo? What is Richardson afraid of? Republicans would never do this. They stand by their own that's one thing. Democrats should have stood with Armijo until something was proved if it ever will be.

    Posted by: Burque Bob | Sep 6, 2006 11:49:48 AM

    "As the Democratic Party, we should strive for the best candidates that can stand up as an example of what our party is about (for the rights of women, for ethics, against people who routinely violate the law, for example)." I absolutely agree that that's how it should be, now let's talk reality. If the major parties adhered to that standard, probably half the rep's in the State House, half the State Senators and probably a whole lot of other elected officials like Mayors, City Councilors, and County Commissioners would not be eligible for office. Don't misinterpret what I am saying, we need high standards and should demand ethical, moral and honest public servants, but let's not be hypocrites. The current crop of elected officials in this state are NOT exactly pillars of honesty, ethics and morality. So, until Mr Armijo has his day in court, and I see his official rap sheet, I will assume that what's being said in nothing more than rumor, false accusation, and gossip.

    Posted by: | Sep 6, 2006 12:19:53 PM

    To respond to David. I am not defending Jeff Armijo. I am also not attacking him. I know nothing more than what I have heard. In America we are supposed to allow the accused his/her day in court. Your attitude is that of a lynch mob. Take a breath and please think. The Democratic Party of New Mexico is not in the position to hear his case. The allegations have to go through the courts before he is guilty - according to a basic premise of American Law!

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Sep 6, 2006 12:37:20 PM

    David - There have been no assault charges filed against Armijo. Police reports aren't filed charges last I looked. Who filed the police reports? Joe Monahan says it's someone connected with a politico. Surprise. As for speeding tickets, I guess the governor would have to step down on that count.

    It is not even "defending Armijo" as you accuse. It is defending everyone's right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. If they can force Armijo off the ticket this way, they can force anyone off the ticket this way, force people out of office, whatever, just on accusations. Is this the American way? Or the Democratic Party way? I hope not or we are lost.

    Even if Armijo is eventually charged and found guilty, I would still defend his right to innocents until proven guilty. Bottom line.

    If people didn't like him they should have run somone against him in the primary.

    I agree our party should strive for the best but that is done by finding and running good candidates, not forcing people off the ticket when someone makes an accusation. Does Richardson care about the party? Does Wertheim care about the party? From all I know they could care less. They care only about themselves and their little power clique. They've done nothing but stop party building and ethical candidates since they got in there. Remember Miles Nelson?

    If we lose any offices this time it will be because the party leaders have acted like asses and bullies, not because some unnamed someone makes an accusation at just the right time.

    Posted by: Just the Facts | Sep 6, 2006 12:44:14 PM

    Seen it before. Status quo politics Terry Riley.

    Did you ever hear about what happened to me?

    Ask yourselves:
    Did the second accuser know about the first?
    What are the accuser's names, why protected?
    If the allegations are true, why no charges?
    Is their evidence or just he said she said?

    I think I might have a conference call with Jeff and compare notes.

    Anyone ready to see me on the New Mexico Nightly News?

    I still have all my documents and evidence.

    Posted by: Edge | Sep 6, 2006 12:58:22 PM

    It's serious time now.

    The Democratic Party has shot itself in a foot that already has gangrene.

    Time to act.

    The accusers are in big trouble if they are lying.

    Posted by: Edge | Sep 6, 2006 1:01:44 PM

    I wonder what Hector Balderas will do. If he runs he will be criticized and if he doesn't he will be criticized. I don't like that Armijo said he leave the race and then did not but this is a bad situation for everyone now. I don't think there is any loyalty left in party politics is there.

    Posted by: El Norte | Sep 6, 2006 2:58:09 PM

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