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Thursday, September 14, 2006

ACTION ALERT: Last Push on Valle Vidal

We are in the last leg of the fight to protect the Valle Vidal.  All indications are that Senator Domenici is SLOWLY coming around and may decide to support the Valle Vidal Protection Act before Congress adjourns at the end of the month.  If we don't win this fight now, the whole thing drags into next year and we will have to start all over in the new year.  Now is our best chance to put this baby to bed - AND TO WIN!


Even if you have already taken the actions below, do so again.  We have to keep the pressure on.  We have to be relentless over  the next three weeks to make sure Senator Domenici does the right thing.

1.  Call Senator Domenici. 202-224-6621. Tell him to support the Valle Vidal Protection Act.  Tell him to make sure the Act is on President Bush's desk before the October recess.

2.  Send a letter to the editor of the Albuquerque Journal.  Make it short and to the point.  Please be sure to use your own words.  Talking Points:

  • Despite the fact that they received over 54,000 comments urging them to deal with the oil and gas leasing issue up front, the Forest Service has chosen to plow ahead with its original plan, people of northern New Mexico be damned.
  • The Forest Service’s refusal to consider public opinion on the Valle Vidal highlights the need for Senator Pete Domenici to join the rest of the New Mexico Congressional Delegation and pass a bill through the Senate that will permanently protect the Valle Vidal.
  • It is vital for Senator Domenici to stand with the people of northern New Mexico, Senator Jeff Bingaman, and the rest of the New Mexico Congressional Delegation, and work to swiftly pass the Valle Vidal Protection Act. Senator Domenici has all the information he needs to make the right decision. The rest of the New Mexico Congressional Delegation already has.

SEND TO: opinion@abqjournal.com or other local newspapers.

September 14, 2006 at 09:00 AM in Environment | Permalink


Done, Faxes sent to his DC, SAF, Abq offices. If you contact his DC office please ALSO contact his in-state offices.

Posted by: VP | Sep 14, 2006 11:54:56 AM

I received a response from Domenici, in part: "As you know, Senator Bingaman has introduced legislation to ban oil and gas production from the Valle Vidal. There are some New Mexicans who want to limit those activities on federal lands, and now there is legislation in Congress in response to those wishes. While Senator Bingaman and I have visited a number of times on this issue and his legislation, I have chosen not to cosponsor his bill.

I am not convinced we should allow exploration at the Valle Vidal, but we are a nation confronted with the mounting energy supply issues that should prompt us to at least let the federal review process move forward. I sincerely believe that drilling is not the only issue that should be considered. I think it is premature to make a decision on whether or not oil and gas leasing should occur in this area. Doing what I explain below at Valle Vidal to determine the extent of its assets will take time, and nothing will change while we wait."

Domenici is hell bent on allowing drilling in the ANWR, it's pretty clear IMO that he can't maintain that position without allowing drilling in the Valle Vidal. His complete Email response strongly suggests to me that he prefers to placate his corporate masters more than his constituents.

Posted by: VP | Sep 15, 2006 8:57:00 AM

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