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Friday, August 18, 2006

Valle Vidal: Urgent Call for Support

From the Coalition for the Valle Vidal:
“The Valle Vidal has become a battleground in the drive to expand energy exploration on public land, attracting the attention of a growing coalition of hunters, anglers, environmentalists, ranchers, homeowners and politicians across the ideological spectrum. Here and elsewhere in the Western United States, this coalition is starting to resist the push for energy exploration in some of the nation's most prized wilderness areas.

Although it remains unclear how successful they will be, these new activists have brought a new dynamic to the public debate over energy development in the West.” --from The Washington Post 8/6/06

The Fund for the Valle Vidal helps defend the Valle Vidal in the courts, in the legislature, in Forest Service policy-making, and works to enable communities to organize effectively to protect the Valle Vidal. We are presently engaged in a “full-court press” media campaign designed to encourage New Mexico’s United States Senator Pete Domenici to sponsor the passage of The Valle Vidal Protection Act in the Senate this September

He can make it happen. The future of the Valle Vidal is in his hands.

Please help us with these efforts by contributing online at: www.vallevidal.org.

Urgent call for support
Please call Senator Pete Domenici.
The future of the Valle Vidal is in his hands. Your calls and letters WILL make a difference. Call now. DC 202-224-6621; FAX 202-228-3261. AND write to: Senator Pete Domenici, 328 Hart Senate Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20510

We need your help to expand this campaign. Please contribute to: THE FUND FOR THE VALLE VIDAL

Urgent call for support
Please call Rep. Heather Wilson and ask her to talk to Senator Domenici and let him know how important protecting the Valle Vidal is to you. Call now: DC 202-225-6316; FAX 202-225-4975. AND write to: Representative Heather Wilson, 318 Cannon House Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20515

August 18, 2006 at 07:00 AM in Environment | Permalink


Domenici is so deep in the pocket of big oil that his mission to deliver ANWR to his corporate masters would be compromised if he supported anything that looks like it might restrict or stop expanding energy exploration on public land. Domenici really needs to explain why he so vigorously pushes for continuing to risk damaging our planet more that what's already been done for a diminishing resource. I have faxed, Emailed and snail mailed him many times to help protect our environment by supporting conservation and alternative fuel research. He always responds by saying that he will be voting for drilling in the ANWAR or the standard form letter that says "thank you for contacting me, please continue to keep me advised of any issue that is of concern to you" or something to that effect.

Posted by: VP | Aug 18, 2006 8:03:44 AM

VP, I've had the same experience with Domenici. The only hope is to shame him into taking action to preserve the Valle Vidal because it's in his home state and so many people from all walks of life - not just the environmentalists - strongly support saving this gem. Does he really want to be standing by himself as the Oil Company Stooge?

Let's give some money to the coalition for their media campaign that can help build this public pressure.

Posted by: Global Warming Is Real | Aug 18, 2006 9:41:02 AM

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