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    Friday, August 25, 2006

    Denish, Madrid, King, Herrera Tell WalMart to WAKEUP

    This is a guest blog by Suzanne Prescott:
    If Democrats Diane Denish, Patricia Madrid, Gary King and Mary Herrera have anything to say about it, WalMart has gotten a loud wakeup call. Before a packed crowd last night at CNM's Smith Brasher Hall, all four speakers spoke about the moral failure of WalMart, their poor business practices and economic impact on the state of New Mexico.

    Here's the short list of WalMart sins. Keep in mind that Wal-Mart is the World’s largest employer with over $11 billion in annual profits?

    Wal-Mart’s profits don’t make it to its workers.  Most workers make wages below the poverty line.  Wal-Mart’s health benefits are so poor, employees are forced to seek public assistance.  In addition, Wal-Mart does not offer domestic partner benefits.  Finally, Wal-Mart faces the largest gender discrimination case in U.S. history, involving 1.6 million women.  Lt Governor Denish  pointed out that WalMart's greedy practices have cost the state of New Mexico approximately 13 million dollars. She invited the audience to think what the state could have done with that 13 million dollars in terms of improving health and education. 

    If you're still thinking that candidates are talking like candidates of 2000 and 2004, think again. All the speakers last night spoke forcefully and expertly about real change and the need to replace corporate greed with a national people oriented policy that values and protects workers. Apparently their words were the ones the audience have been waiting to hear.

    Here are some quotes from last night:

    Diane Denish, Lt. Governor:

    "It's not about whether WalMart is right or whether Wakeup WalMart is right. It's about what's right for the country."

    (Note: It it walks like A Governor and talks like a Governor, it could eventually be a Governor - after Bill of course. Denish spoke with confidence, authority, and was very well informed.)

    Patricia Madrid, Attorney General, NM-01 Congressional Candidate:

    "If you elect me I promise I will not vote for a raise in congressional wages unless there is a raise in the minimum wage."

    (Note: Did you know that Patricia Madrid was a labor lawyer who has fought and negotiated for the rights of workers? Washington needs Patricia Madrid and more like her to correct the abuse of workers' rights that has gone on for several decades.)

    Gary King, Candidate for Attorney General:

    "If you take care of people, the country will take care of itself."

    (Note: When King started his own business in the 70s, he started out paying them $7.50 an hour with health benefits. Hey Gary, would you by any chance be hiring now?)

    Mary Herrera, Bernalillo County Clerk, Candidate for Secretary of State:

    "It's time that WalMart takes care of its employees." "We needed to unionize and we did!"

    (Note: Mary related the story of county workers efforts to unionize and the subsequent increase in pay, benefits and protections.  Did you know that when Mary started working she was paid $1.90 an hour. No wonder Mary is pro union. She also spoke at length about her current effort to force WalMart to change.)

    For more information on Wakeup WalMArt go to https://www.wakeupwalmart.com/

    Editor's Note: This post is from guest blogger Suzanne Prescott. If you'd like to submit a guest post, please contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand side of the main page.

    August 25, 2006 at 03:43 PM in Candidates & Races, Guest Blogger | Permalink


    It was an exciting rally and helped me get energized for the work between now and election day. Thanks for the report Suzanne. We need to get our government working for the ordinary people again, the ones who work for a living.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Aug 25, 2006 5:35:10 PM

    You'd never find any Republicans at a rally like this. They support slave labor overseas and bad pay and benefits here. Profits are the only thing for them, not the needs of people like us. I hear the bus tour rallies are doing good all over. The energy is changing!

    Posted by: El Norte | Aug 25, 2006 6:44:50 PM

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