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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Saturday: Nuts & Bolts of Organizing a Political Campaign

From Martha Dominguez of the Coalition to Take Back Our Government: Sick of the way politicians are running this country? Then it’s time to think of running for office yourself!

People Taking Back Their Government Presents a Training
Nuts and Bolts of Organizing a Political Campaign 
Plumbers Hall, 510 San Pedro SE (& Zuni)
Saturday, August 19, 10 AM  - 4:30 PM

We are pleased to have as our presenter Linda B. Berg, National Organization for Women Political Action Director from Washington DC, in Albuquerque to share her experience and her work with the NOW PACS. The pac’s actions take every electoral advantage to change the faces in Congress and to build momentum for electoral involvement. The NOW organization has consistently organized efforts to support campaigns that have made a real difference for women and community issues. It was one of the first organizations to organize an effort to elect women to public office.

The Coalition to Take Back our Government is a non-partisan grass roots organization whose purpose is to develop long and short term strategic plans to affect social and political changes that will benefit our community. Our focus is two fold (1) Political Reform through electing candidates who can represent people’s concerns. (2) Electoral Reform to strengthen and safeguard the vote and to insure elections that represent the people’s voice.

This event has been organized to encourage, support and inform people thinking about running for office and people who may think that they don’t know enough of what it takes to run for public office. Whether you are interested in running for school board, city boards, city or state office this training can bring you that information. You will hear the basics of how to run a political campaign and participate in interactive activities. A democratic government needs the involvement of people at all levels voting, holding elected officials accountable, supporting people in office who work for people and running for office. The coalition has developed a campaign to change the face of government by diversifying the pool of people who participate. We want to work to prepare community people to run for office 5-10 years in advance so that when we need a person to run we are not limited to those that might be available. Join us on Saturday, August 19 and begin the process of learning what is needed to run for public office.   

There is a donation of $20 to attend and this will go towards the fund to help grassroots candidates who can help to change the face of government. Any organization interested in lending its support to this event can call 275-0597 or marthacd@earthlink.net for information and to reserve a seat. You can also mail a check or money order, payable to World Voices to 10805 Ralph NE, Albq. NM 87112.   

We the people can make a difference at every level. Join us and be part of the solution! Call 275-0597

August 17, 2006 at 11:22 AM in Events | Permalink


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