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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Quote of the Day on Joe

By Glenn Greenwald, writing on Salon:
Most of the ramifications of Joe Lieberman's extraordinary defeat will require some time to discern, but one thing is already painfully clear. With his behavior Tuesday night, Lieberman has turned himself into the most vivid symbol of the insular, arrogant, corrupt and power-desperate Washington establishment, the sheer cravenness and corruption of which are what catalyzed the campaign against him in the first place.

Those who compose that entrenched Beltway power establishment -- the endlessly reelected political officials, the hordes of consultants and lobbyists who feed off and control them, and the pampered, self-loving "journalists" who enable it all -- are characterized by a single-minded quest to perpetuate their own power, flavored by a thinly masked contempt for the masses on whose behalf this system ostensibly plods along. Lieberman's conduct last night was a perfect textbook for all of those afflictions.

August 9, 2006 at 11:01 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Zinger. Hits the nail on the head. Greenwald has been great lately.

Posted by: | Aug 9, 2006 12:56:40 PM

Unbelievable! I just called Bingaman's office, and asked if Jeff Bingamn, supposed Democrat from New Mexico, would be supporting Ned Lamont, the Connecticut Democratic nominee for Senate.

The answer I got was, "Uh, the Senator has not decided, has not announced a stance at this time."

I said, "Well, why not? Does he or does he not join with Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Boxer, Dodd, etc., who have said unequivocally that they will support Lamont?"

"Uh, again, the Senator has not taken a position."

"Then, whom does Senator Bingaman support to immediately replace Lieberman as ranking Democrat of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committees?

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Well,Lieberman is now running against the Democrat Ned Lamont in Connecticut. He is now an opponent of the Democratic Party. Why in God's name should he be representing the party as ranking member on any Senate committee?

"Uh, I think that will be the caucus, a caucus decison, after the November elections."

I say incredulously, "the Senate Dems are going to leave Lieberman in positions of party authority until the November elections?!?!"

"Uh, Senator Bingaman hasn't made any statement at this time."

Posted by: DN Palacios | Aug 9, 2006 1:31:05 PM

What a horrible exchange with Bingaman's office. Why should there be any question at all over supporting the official Dem candidate in that race? Ward and precinct chairs in the party can be kicked out for backing anyone against a Dem candidate. Why doesn't this apply to office holders too?

Jeff better come to his senses soon or the pressure against him will grow.

Posted by: I Vote | Aug 9, 2006 3:45:10 PM

Isn't that the standard line from Bingaman's staff, "the Senator hasn't made up his mind yet"? Perhaps it's time that he get the MEMO: "grow a pair and start acting like a Democrat representing the interests of New Mexico or join Lieberman in the unemployment line".

Posted by: VP | Aug 9, 2006 6:01:18 PM

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