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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Latest Poll: Lamont Over Lieberman by Double Digits!

Must See: Lamont's recent appearance on the Colbert Report

Ned Lamont (D) leads Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) 54% to 41% among likely Democratic primary voters, according to a new Quinnipiac poll -- a 13 point edge for the challenger less than a week before the August 8th primary in Connectict. This compares to Lamont's 51-47% lead two weeks ago. When this race began, Lieberman had a 40-point lead. FireDogLake, which has been providing top-notch coverage of the race, cites the poll's key findings:

  • In this latest survey, 5 percent of likely Democratic primary voters remain undecided, but 85 percent of voters say their mind is made up.
  • Among Lamont supporters, 65 percent say their vote is mainly against Lieberman.
  • Lieberman’s support for the war in Iraq is the main reason they are voting for the challenger, 44 percent of Lamont voters say, with 50 percent who say the war is one of the reasons.

Said pollster Douglas Schwartz: "Sen. Lieberman’s campaign bus seems to be stuck in reverse. Despite visits from former President Bill Clinton and other big name Democrats, Lieberman has not been able to stem the tide to Lamont."

For another take on this race, be sure to check out the New Mexico blog m-pyre, where Maggie perfectly describes the importance of this race to so many Democrats everywhere.

(Click image for larger version.)

Of course, it's hard to judge the accuracy of polling in the race because the circumstances of the contest are unique. No-one really knows what kind of turnout to expect in an August primary when so many of Connecticut's voters are away on vacation or caught up in other summer activities. There hasn't been a contentious Democratic primary for Lieberman's Senate seat for decades.

Still, the polling shows a definite trend away from Lieberman and towards Lamont among the state's likely primary voters. With civil war becoming more of a reality every day in Iraq and support for a troop pullout surging, this race may well set the tone for the war debate in races all over the country. It's clear that large numbers of Democratic voters are fed up with candidates who cozy up to Bush and his neocon agenda, and who seem more concerned about appearing "strong on defense" than getting our troops out of harm's way in an increasingly chaotic and violent quagmire. Beware all "centrist" Dems afraid to speak truth to power on this war and so many other core Dem issues.

Lamont is providing clearcut, blunt and honest assessments of the war and the tragic effects that $250,000 million per day of war spending is doing to our hopes for universal healthcare, clean energy development, improved schools and just about anything else that improves the lives of Americans. Enough is enough. Let's hope Lamont supporters turn out in droves on August 8th to send that message in Connecticut and nationally. I'm holding my breath ....

August 3, 2006 at 09:57 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (3)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

EQNM to Host Wine Tasting Fundraiser

Equality New Mexico
is hosting a wine tasting fundraiser
Casa Rondeña Winery
733 Chavez Road
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque

Thursday August 24, 2006 from 6-8 pm
Tickets: $40.00 each
Please join us for a relaxing evening at the winery sampling
award winning wines from the region and cheeses from around the world.
Please RSVP to Michelle at (505) 224-2766 or michelle@eqnm.org by Aug 22
(Please RSVP as space is limited)
Equality New Mexico

August 2, 2006 at 02:47 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Bush Sez: Vote for Wilson - Pretty Please?


With so much depressing news on the global front, I decided to offer something today with a lighter touch. Someone tipped me off to a afe Press site offering tshirts, hoodies, teddy bears and many other items emblazoned with the message shown above. Strange to see the words Heather Wilson and accountability in the same sentence, isn't it? Be sure to read why the site's owner, Albuquerquean Randall Sobien, decided to offer this merchandise.

August 2, 2006 at 11:25 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (2)

It Takes a Republican to Call Bush and the Neocons on the Carpet?

With almost every Democratic leader suddenly enamored of (or at least compliant with) the unilateral, reckless, militaristic neocon approach to foreign policy now that Israel has invaded Lebanon, it fell to a Republican to state the obvious. I think Sen. Chuck Hagel gave a courageous and necessary statement directed at the president on the floor of the Senate the other day. Click to read it in its entirety (highly recommended). Excerpts:

“Mr. President, The Middle East is a region in crisis. After three weeks of escalating and continuing violence, the potential for wider regional conflict becomes more real each day. The hatred in the Middle East is being driven deeper and deeper into the fabric of the region...which will make any lasting and sustained peace effort very difficult to achieve. How do we realistically believe that a continuation of the systematic destruction of an American friend, the country and people of Lebanon, is going to enhance America’s image and give us the trust and credibility to lead a lasting and sustained peace effort in the Middle East? The sickening slaughter on both sides must end now. President Bush must call for an immediate cease fire. This madness must stop.

... The United States will remain committed to defending Israel. Our relationship with Israel is a special and historic one. But, it need not and cannot be at the expense of our Arab and Muslim relationships. That is an irresponsible and dangerous false choice. Achieving a lasting resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict is as much in Israel’s interest as any other country in the world.

Unending war will continually drain Israel of its human capital, resources, and energy as it fights for its survival. The United States and Israel must understand that it is not in their long-term interests to allow themselves to become isolated in the Middle East and the world. Neither can allow themselves to drift into an “us against the world” global optic or zero-sum game. That would marginalize America’s global leadership, trust and influence...further isolate Israel...and prove to be disastrous for both countries as well as the region.

It is in Israel’s interest, as much as ours, that the United States be seen by all states in the Middle East as fair. This is the currency of trust.

... military action alone will not destroy Hezbollah or Hamas. Extended military action is tearing Lebanon apart, killing innocent civilians, destroying its economy and infrastructure, creating a humanitarian disaster, further weakening Lebanon’s fragile democratic government, strengthening popular Muslim and Arab support for Hezbollah, and deepening hatred of Israel across the Middle East. The pursuit of tactical military victories at the expense of the core strategic objective of Arab-Israeli peace is a hollow victory. The war against Hezbollah and Hamas will not be won on the battlefield.

The core of all challenges in the Middle East remains the underlying Arab-Israeli conflict. The failure to address this root cause will allow Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorists to continue to sustain popular Muslim and Arab support – a dynamic that continues to undermine America’s standing in the region, and the governments of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and others – whose support is critical for any Middle East resolution.

... Lasting peace in the Middle East, and stability and security for Israel will come only from a regionally-oriented political settlement ... Crisis diplomacy is no substitute for sustained, day-to-day engagement.

... As John McLaughlin, the former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence recently wrote in the Washington Post,

“Even superpowers have to talk to bad guys. The absence of a diplomatic relationship with Iran and the deterioration of the one with Syria -- two countries that bear enormous responsibility for the current crisis -- leave the United States with fewer options and levers than might otherwise have been the case. Distasteful as it might have been to have or to maintain open and normal relations with such states, the absence of such relations ensures that we will have more blind spots than we can afford and that we will have to deal through surrogates on issues of vital importance to the United States.

... The Middle East crisis represents a moment of great danger, but it is also an opportunity. Crisis focuses the minds of leaders and the attention of nations. The Middle East need not be a region forever captive to the fire of war and historical hatred. It can avoid this fate if the United States pursues sustained and engaged leadership worthy of our history, purpose, and power. America cannot fix every problem in the world – nor should it try. But we must get the big issues and important relationships right and concentrate on those. We know that without engaged and active American leadership the world is more dangerous. The United States must focus all of its leadership and resources on ending this madness in the Middle East— now!” 

August 2, 2006 at 09:52 AM in Middle East | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

If You Want To Stop Nuclear Bomb Production in NM: We Need Your Vote

From Citizen Action NM:
Los Alamos National Laboratory, located just 60 miles (as the crow flies) north of Albuquerque, is seeking to quadruple its nuclear bomb production from 20 to 80 plutonium “pits” per year  A pit is the heart or “trigger” of a nuclear weapon. The cost of increased pit production at Los Alamos will cost taxpayers upwards of 1 billion dollars.

If a bigger and better nuclear bomb factory is built in northern New Mexico the amount of radioactive bomb wastes will almost double. This will also result in increased radioactive wastes traveling on our highways bound for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico, the world’s only permanent dump for such wastes. What impacts will a bigger and better nuclear bomb factory have on the Land of Enchantment’s surrounding communities and environment? Moreover, what will the implications be of increased nuclear bomb production on international peace treaties?

Which of our state representatives support this bomb factory? Senator Pete Domenici supports a bigger and better nuclear bomb factory at Los Alamos. Senators Bingaman and Congressmen Tom Udall and Heather Wilson have yet to weigh in on this issue. Nor has Governor Richardson.

What can you do to stop increased nuclear bomb production in New Mexico? Attend public hearings in Santa Fe, Los Alamos, and Espanola and make your voice heard! The public comment period coincides with the 61st anniversary of the destruction of Nagasaki which killed some 75,000 human beings.

Public Hearings will be held at the following locations:

Public Hearing 1: Tuesday, August 8, 2006, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Fuller Lodge, Pajarito Room, 2132 Central Avenue, Los Alamos, NM

Public Hearing 2: Wednesday, August 9, 2006, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Northern New Mexico Community College, Eagle Memorial Sportsplex, 921 Paseo de Onate, Espanola, NM

Public Hearing 3: Thursday, August 10, 2006, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Santa Fe Community College, Main Building, Jemez Rooms, 6401 Richards Avenue, Santa Fe, NM

Will my comments really make a difference?  Yes, it makes a difference. Because of widespread opposition to a previous nuclear bomb factory (also known as a “modern pit facility”) proposed for New Mexico, Congress eliminated funding for the project. However, now Los Alamos is gearing up for the indefinite preservation of nuclear weapons including developing new designs for nuclear bombs. Is this the kind of world you want your children and grandchildren to inherit?

Want to comment, but don’t know quite what to say? The document that contains the information on increased pit production at Los Alamos is called the Los Alamos Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (LANL SWEIS). There will be 3 public workshops held at various locations in New Mexico where members of the public can attend to ask questions about the SWEIS and get answers concerning the increased production of new nuclear bombs at Los Alamos:

Workshop 1: Wednesday Aug. 2, at 6:30 p.m. at the Kit Carson Electric Cooperative Board Room, 118 Cruz Alta Road, Taos. Information (505) 751-3634.

Workshop 2: Thursday, Aug. 3, at 7 p.m. at the Embudo Valley Community Center, (next to the Co-Op), Dixon. Information: (505) 579-4076.

Workshop 3: Saturday, Aug. 5, at 3 p.m. at the El Dorado Community Center, 1 Hacienda Loop, (approximately one mile down Avenida Vista Grande after Highway 285 intersection), El Dorado.  Information: (505) 989-4812.

Can’t make the hearings, but still want to submit comments? You have from July 7, 2006 through September 5, 2006 to submit your comments via the following:

E-mail your written comments to LANL_SWEIS@doeal.gov

Send your written comments by snail mail to:  U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Los Alamos Site Office, Attn: Ms. Elizabeth Withers, Office of Environmental Stewardship, 528 35th Street, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87544.

Fax your comments to: (505) 667-5948.

Leave a message on the LANL SWEIS Hotline (toll free) at: 1-877-491-4957. The Hotline will have instructions on how to record your comments.

Remember to mark all envelopes, faxes and e-mails: "Draft LANL SWEIS Comments." Comments must be postmarked by 5 p.m. on Sept. 5, 2006.

To get a copy of the LANL SWEIS with information on increased nuclear bomb production at Los Alamos:

You can pick up a copy of the LANL SWEIS at:  The Los Alamos Outreach Center, 1619 Central Avenue, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87544; the Office of the Northern New Mexico Citizens Advisory Board, 1660 Old Pecos Trail, Suite B, Santa Fe, New Mexico; and the Zimmerman Library, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131.

Or to download a copy onto your own computer: https://www.doeal.gov/laso/nepa/sweis.htm.

The Draft SWEIS will be available on the Department of Energy Los Alamos Site Office's website at: https://www.doeal.gov/laso/nepa/sweis.htm.

Local groups you can contact for additional information:
Stay posted to Nuclear Watch of New Mexico’s website at www.nukewatch.org for updates and sample citizen comments. Additionally, citizen groups are pressuring the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to extend the deadline for public comment to October 5, 2006.

Got more questions? Call Dave McCoy at Citizen Action New Mexico at: (505) 262-1862 or dave@radfreenm.org.

Citizen Action New Mexico is a project of the New Mexico Community Foundation, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

August 1, 2006 at 05:01 PM in Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

ACTION ALERT: Net Neutrality Sleaze

According to Matt Stoller at MyDD:
Sen. Ted Stevens wants his [telecom] bill, and he's pushing like crazy to get it. It's going to be very hard for him to lobby Senators during the August recess, so he's looking to sign up 60 Senators who will commit to cloture during the lame duck session before the recess starts. In case you're wondering, that's unusual and somewhat sleazy.

The August recess starts Thursday, so we've got to put some heat on wavering Senators to make sure they don't commit to Stevens.

Rumors are flying about what Stevens is promising different Senators for their support, and we're not quite sure who he's going after specifically to convert. There are many Democrats who haven't taken a firm position on the Stevens bill yet, according to Save the Internet.

NOTE: NM Senator Jeff Bingaman is one of those who hasn't taken a position on the bill. I don't know what he's waiting for, do you?

Please call these Sen. Bingaman at 202-224-5521 and ask him to oppose the Stevens bill unless it contains strong provisions protecting net neutrality.  If you have time, you can also call some of the others who have refused so far to go on record on this horrible bill. Click for contact info.

August 1, 2006 at 01:20 PM in Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (4)

Heather Wilson Votes for Multi-Millionaire Heirs to Get 183 Years of Minimum Wage Income

Wealthy_1Paris Hilton and other elite heirs must be partying even harder than before. The Republican-run House of Representatives just voted to allow our wealthiest citizens to avoid the estate tax. Heather Wilson was right there as usual, voting in tandem with the Rove-orchestrated Republicans as she does more than 90 percent of the time.

As cover, the legislation also includes a measure to raise the minimum wage. You read that right. Despite voting en masse for years against a raise in the minimum wage, Heather Wilson and other conservatives suddenly found themselves excited about giving the working poor a raise. At a price, of course -- a dramatic cut in the estate tax for many of their big dollar donors. Even worse, the bill would CUT the minimum wage in some areas by over-riding local minimum wage laws that cover hourly workers who get tips. What a deal! Paris Hilton's tax cut would be coming directly out of the lower wages for tipped workers in California and a number of others states.

Think Progress estimates that:

... the minimum wage hike will increase the incomes of full-time, minimum wage workers by $84 a week, or about $4,368 a year. This would bring their income up to just over $15,000 a year (assuming 40 hours per week and 52 weeks per year.)

By contrast, the heirs of multimillionaires would receive substantially more by way of benefits. Consider the heirs who stand to receive a $10 million fortune through married parents. Under the new proposed law they would receive a tax break of as much as $2.76 million (compared with the 2006 estate tax law.)

Put another way, the heirs of the $10 million estate would get a tax break worth as much as 183 years of the income of a full-time minimum wage earner.

Wealthy2_1The Albuquerque Journal went right along with Rove's spin on the bill, calling it a pairing of a minimum wage raise and "help for small businesses." Oops, I guess they didn't notice the bill's primary aim of cutting the estate tax to provide more money for those already living the luxury life -- something the Republicans haven't been able to get through Congress on its own (non)merits.

Like other Republican election year charades about such pressing issues as flag burning and the pledge of allegiance, this legislation is phony and designed primarily to drive right-wing voters to the polls this November. By all accounts it has little chance of passing in the Senate and is another in a long line of Republican stunts aimed at spinning cotton candy for their base. Too bad Albuquerque's biggest newspaper is entirely willing to play right along with the hype.

Help elect someone who REALLY supports fair wages for working Americans -- Patricia Madrid. We're only a couple months from election day. Donate. Volunteer. Talk to your friends. Let's send a real friend of the people to Congress from CD1, Paris Hilton (and that Monopoly gent) be damned.

August 1, 2006 at 09:07 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (4)