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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Open Thread: What's On Your Mind?

So what are you thinking about as Summer 2006 drifts away, the mid-term election is 77 days down the road and Bush's war spending tops $300 billion? What are you up to? What are you feeling passionately about? What irks you? What makes you happy? What's going on in your corner of the planet? Click on the Comments tab and let it all be known. As for me, I'm wondering where we put our rain ponchos since we'll be attending the George Benson - Al Jarreau concert tonight at Sandia's outdoor amphitheater. Let's hope we won't need them!

August 22, 2006 at 10:40 AM in Open Thread | Permalink


Two things that bother me right now.

1) That Lieberman is running using a Republican pollster and the support of Republicans and that the spineless Democrats like Bingaman refuse to help get him out of the race. He should be banned from the Democratic Party like anyone else would who is into a third party.

2) That Bingaman won't publicly and strongly support net neutrality. His wimpy statement back to me in response to an email refuses to really take a stand.

With my two issues, I guess the real issue is the refusal of Bingaman to be a real Democrat!

Posted by: JLC | Aug 22, 2006 11:12:15 AM

Yes, Bingaman, a disappointment.

Bush going down and down. Heather tied like an albatross to him, to the war.

We need to do everything we can for Patsy.

Posted by: bg | Aug 22, 2006 11:26:59 AM

Has anyone else noticed how bitchy Mayor Chavez is being to Diane Denish? I guess he can't stand the popularity she has because she's a real Democrat, not a fake one like him.

Marty is so much like Bush. He knows everything and wants to run everything and ignore the advice of mere experts, like teachers and mental health professionals.

Hey Marty, try fixing the sewers in Martineztown and replacing the 1950s pumps downtown before you take on running APS and putting your nose into medicating those suffering mental problems.

Posted by: A Reader | Aug 22, 2006 11:41:12 AM

I liked Maggie Toulouse's piece on grassroots organizing at


On issue oriented blogs, you don't see much about going door-to-door, & actually registering voters. I'd like to see more reports of what people are doing now in their own areas. Who is canvassing and actually talking 'live' to voters and potential voters? Speak up.

Just as some like to think of the Guv as Pres Richardson I like to think of Diane Denish as Governor Denish. Marty probably thinks he's the next Governor & doesn't want any competent competition.

Posted by: suz | Aug 22, 2006 12:06:08 PM

Oops! forgot

Additional campaign workers are needed for the November election. You can work that day and be paid for it,

How: Call The Bernalillo County Clerk's Office at 468-1291
What: Give your name and phone number and tell them you want to work the general election

For working that day you get $100 plus $25 for attending a brief training.

So instead of standing in a long election line waiting to vote, you can park yourself in a chair and watch others waiting to vote.

Posted by: suz | Aug 22, 2006 12:15:03 PM

I've canvassed twice on Saturdays for Madrid's campaign. It's fun unless it rains on you! I think she has canvassing on Sats from now till election.

Posted by: Prog Dem | Aug 22, 2006 12:28:49 PM

I would like to take this opportunity to give patricia madrid some debate advice here:

Number 1 topic: we cannot have anything in the united states as long as 300 bill + is going to Iraq. There is no oversight of the money, this is what the congress is supposed to do.

You cannot talk about any of the other issues without bringing up this major issue.

Talk about stealing - where is the 9 BILLION that is missing from halliburton???

Go check out the latest moveon commercial they are raising money for. It is about where is the 9 bil????

Or please, patricia, go look at the true majority oreo analysis simply laid out in stacks of cookies.

This is wrong and we need someone strong to speak about it and start correcting it. The sickest part of the oreo cookie analysis is it does not even factor in the 300 bil leaving the country to the amount of 250 mil per day. Imagine 250 mil going to our schools, or healthcare, or our decaying infrastucture. And that is just one day worth.

The republicans are stealing us blind, and we the american people are just sitting here letting them. This IS the issue, am I the only one who sees this??


Posted by: meb | Aug 22, 2006 12:56:39 PM

Why are we having all this flooding in Albuquerque? Because all the yards are covered with plastic and rocks, killing the trees and allowing no absorption. It's one thing to use low water use plants but quite another to turn the city into a heat sink without vegetation.

Thanks Mayor Chavez for giving rebates for this instead of using guidelines to keep the ground alive and taking in water. Xeriscaping shouldn't mean plastic and rocks.

Add to this the tons of ugly, cheaply built houses in the new developments built by the mayors friends and you have even more ground paved and runoff increased. Not to mention more use of water.

Wake up Marty Chavez!

Posted by: Greenie | Aug 22, 2006 1:10:03 PM

What is on my mind? Well living out here in the wild of Edgewood at the moment RAIN is on my mind. As in "it it every going to stop?" If I wanted this much rain I would have moved to Seattle and gotten good seafood, too! Fortunately, at 7200 ft, I don't have to worry about flooding though I am concerned a bit about becoming an island. I am very worried about the rest of the state, though. I guess we can consle ourselves with the certainty that eventually we WILL dry out, and soon enough we will be worried about having enough water.
Hey anyone else get the giggles when they see the "odd/even days water" approval on the nightly newscast these days?

Posted by: | Aug 22, 2006 1:23:46 PM

On my mind today: how happy I am that the affordable housing bill was passed by the City Council despite the Mayor's threats to veto it.

Three cheers for Debbie O'Mally (especially) and Ike Benton for introducing the bill and fighting to keep it alive! Future generations of Albuquerqueans will thank you.

Posted by: | Aug 22, 2006 3:49:53 PM

Great to see so many comments. I see that our minds are all over the map this week. An opinionated bunch. More power to us.

I'm wondering if anyone else saw the excellent first half of Spike Lee's "When the Levees Broke" last night on HBO. He wanted to make the definitive record of what happened and so far I can say he did a wonderful job. We found it rather upsetting to watch, though. To see all the horror coupled with the absolutely uncaring attitudes of the Bush people was maddening.

It's easy to forget how badly the NOLA and Gulf Coast emergencies were handled. Bush and pals do SO many bad things it can be hard to keep up.

The show is highly recommended, at least the first half I've seen, but be prepared with some Kleenex.

Posted by: barb | Aug 22, 2006 3:58:24 PM

Profiling at Airports and Elsewhere.
To bring the issue of profiling into
clearer focus why not have these as the
primary concerns: white, middle class and
above and conservative. No telling what they
might be doing or trying to get away from.
Think: Ken Lay, Enron, World Com, etc.
Also, the guy who blew up the building
in New York City who ranted against liberals.
Obviously you can tell if a person is white
and their socio-economic standing, or require
financial info, and since you can spot a
terrorist by just looking at them you
can tell their political and religious beliefs
too. Right? To assume to be able to do one
is no more than to assume to be able
to do another.

Posted by: Marc | Aug 22, 2006 4:37:57 PM

... just to add a note after yesterday's post. I registered 6 people to vote at the Sawmill Lofts 'meet n greet' ice cream social last night.

Do you know of someone in your neighborhood who just moved in and needs to re-register or someone who just turned 18, someone who has never registered before? If you know someone, don't hesitate to contact me. I'll be glad to register them.

Posted by: suz | Aug 23, 2006 11:11:59 AM

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