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Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Lamont Wins! Grassroots Change On the Way: We Have Just Begun to Fight!
I really liked that Lamont quoted JFK in his victory speech about where we need to be headed: "Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate." He also said we'd be working for the COMMON GOOD, something long neglected in too many parts of our party and our nation.
Meanwhile, lapsed Democrat Joe Lieberman announced he'll be running as an "independent." Well, a Connecticut for Lieberman party candidate anyway, as his petition calls it. Sore loser. He lost fair and square. I predict that any prominent Dem who dares to support Joe's "independent" run will be run out of town, literally. This is a political earthquake coming straight from the people. We are just getting started, aren't we? And we all know it all began with the Howard Dean campaign. We've got the power! And never forget, The Whole World Is Watching....
(Right now, https://www.c-span.org/ has clips up of Lamont's victory speech and Lieberman's concession speech, such that it was.)
August 8, 2006 at 10:47 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink
Now is the time to hear where Sen. Bingaman is on Lieberman.
For far too long he has ridden the coat tails of obscurity not being held accountable to the voters of New Mexico but only to the special interest lobby in DC.
I'm not saying that anyone should get behind his opponent but I'm sick and tired of Bingaman's, Lieberman like stance on everything from the War in Iraq to his vote on last years bankruptcy give away for the top 1% of this country.
If your a staffer from Sen. Bingaman's office and you're reading this, you may dismiss this and thats ok but be warned that your boss's lack of backbone in standing up for the Democratic party's core principals will no longer be go un noticed and unchecked.
With the shut down of oil production in Alaska and prices going through the roof now is the time for you to act.
For once Senator, I implore you, the state of New Mexico implores you, god Dammit this country needs you to stand up to the oil industry and fight for us.
Hold your own hearings in NM, round up your minority staff and hold some hearings into the collusion and gouging that is taking place.
Grow a pair Senator and stand up to old man domeneci and fight for real energy policy instead of waiting for his approval to speak.
Posted by: people power is on the way | Aug 8, 2006 11:15:17 PM
Rah! I agree with the comment above. Too many of our senators and reps have lost their connections with the PEOPLE and listen only to the special interests and big lobbies. This will no longer be tolerated, wherever we can fight it!
Posted by: JLC | Aug 8, 2006 11:33:36 PM
Amen! I too agree with the comments above.
Damn, and double damn, why didn't someone, a real progressive, run against the corporate-whore Bingaman in the Dem primary? Damn. The tide is turning, clearly, and maybe Bingaman could've been beat.
So we are going to have to be creative to force Bingaman, our own little Lieberman-lite, to
stand up and act like a real Dem for the next six years. Put the fear of Lamont in him.
Is it too early to create an anti-Bingaman campaign committee? 'Cuz we are surgin' for the purgin'! Bye-bye Bingy, hello someone who has some huevos!
Even thinking about eventually unseating Bingaman wouldn't seem possible if it were'nt for Lamont and the new, progressive net-roots. Cheers and congrats all around!
Posted by: LittleRicky | Aug 8, 2006 11:54:35 PM
ALL incumbents better wake up now! The people have had enough of all the politicians being bought off by the supercorps. These gasbags had better start representing OUR interests, not just those of the big spending biz interests.
Time for REFORM! Get in line or get out of the way. The future of the PLANET is at stake!
Posted by: Celebrate! | Aug 9, 2006 12:06:42 AM
Too many of these incumbents have been in the monied DC bubble for too long. They've lost touch with their districts and with ordinary working people. This is where we start to make our government work for the common good again, not just for the greedy and even immoral forces in the world. This win proves if we work together anything is possible.
Posted by: Silver City Jan | Aug 9, 2006 12:10:33 AM
We need to all collectivley call on > to tell New Mexico Democrats where he stands.
New Mexico progressives have a long way to go before we can do someting like challenging Bingaman like they did in CT but we can start now by getting Sen. Bingaman on the record right now.
Does he stand with the Democratic party and or with SoreLieberman?
Tell him to show Ned some love and send some $$$to his campaign!
Posted by: people power is on the way | Aug 9, 2006 12:59:31 AM
I sure hope Gov. Bill will contribute as much to Lamont as he did to Loserman. The Dems are going to make up their mind. DLC special interests or THE PEOPLE ! Power to the people!
Posted by: hufNpuf | Aug 9, 2006 2:23:29 AM
EVERY Dem official now has to step forward and pledge their support to Lamont. And the Dem biggies need to help him with money and other campaign help as well. Finally, big pressure has to be put on Lieberman to withdraw from this race. What a selfish politician to stay in and deny the voice of the voters.
Posted by: El Norte | Aug 9, 2006 10:27:43 AM
Just to set the record straight on Larry’s comment, Governor Richardson did not contribute to Sen Lieberman’s campaign.
As soon as I read that I got in touch with Matt Stoller and he corrected his mistake. Matt had earlier reported on MYDD.com that Moving America Forward made a contribution to Sen. Lieberman’s campaign but this was a federal PAC not associated with Governor Richardson's Moving America Forward.
Governor Richardson’s Moving America Forward was a state based 527 registered in 5 states, AZ, CO, FL, NM, and NV where we registered over 150,000 new Hispanics and Native Americans to vote. In Early 2005 it was disolved.
If there are any responses to my comment please email me, I’ll check in on the thread from time to time today but a head’s up would be helpful and by the way if
you haven’t visited already please go by BILLRICHARDSON2006.COM.
Posted by: | Aug 9, 2006 10:59:03 AM
I'm glad that Joaquin cleared that up about Richardson's alleged donations to Lieberman. However, I'd like to ask if the Governor has any plans to make a generous campaign contribution to Lamont's campaign now that he's the candidate. I think he needs to prove he's not tied to the crumpling baggage of the DLC and the "centrists" who, like Lieberman, refuse to represent mainstream Democrats. How about it Governor?
Posted by: Old Dem | Aug 9, 2006 11:23:05 AM
let's all send a message to both Bingaman and Richardson that they support Lamont and ask them to use their influence to encourage Lieberman to step back. L. will draw in a lot of republican votes -and money-and we shouldn't have to defend Lamont against L. when there are so many other races that need our money and our help
Posted by: jeanne | Aug 9, 2006 2:04:40 PM