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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Jeff Armijo Withdraws as Auditor Candidate

As you probably know by now, Jeff Armijo, the Democratic candidate for State Auditor, withdrew from the race yesterday after meeting with Governor Richardson to discuss how allegations of sexual misconduct against Armijo might affect his candidacy and the Party.

I personally think it's unfair to tar and feather anyone based purely on dark allegations for which they haven't been arrested, indicted or proven guilty in a court of law. But as we know, that's often the way the political cookie crumbles. Of course I don't know if Jeff is guilty of the allegations or not, but I do know that he ran a very energetic and grassroots-based campaign and gained many friends and supporters on the way. We'll see if he ever gets his day in court so justice can be served either way. I hope the accusations are bogus. If they aren't, he should be prosecuted like anyone else.

In the meantime, the Democratic State Central Committee is set to meet on September 9th at Smith-Brasher Hall on the campus of what used to be called TVI to vote on a replacement candidate. The names of State Rep. Hector Balderas, ABQ City Councilor Ken Sanchez, outgoing Bernalillo County Assessor Mark Carrillo and DPBC Vice-Chair Daniel Ivey-Soto are among those being mentioned as possibilities, but at this point it's all just talk.

Here are the statements released about Armijo's withdrawal:

From the Democratic Party of NM website:
ALBUQUERQUE – Following a meeting with New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson Tuesday afternoon, Jeff Armijo, Democratic candidate for New Mexico State Auditor, released this statement:

“Governor Richardson has convinced me that I must leave the race for State Auditor. A debate on the issues could not take place if I remain in the race.  I started this campaign with the notion to contribute to all the Democratic candidates.  I feel if I stay in, I may detract from their efforts this fall.

“My focus will now turn to facing the accusations against me.  As I have done all my life, I will maintain my honor and dignity throughout this process.  I would remind everyone that I am presumed innocent until proven guilty.  I have full faith in the judicial process.

“Although a number of people have urged me to stay in the race, I believe leaving is the best decision for my family. I would ask that my privacy be respected during this difficult time.”

SANTA FE – Governor Bill Richardson released the following statement today following Jeff Armijo’s decision to withdraw from the race for State Auditor:

“I appreciate Jeff Armijo’s action,” Governor Bill Richardson said. “He has acted in the best interest of his family and the Democratic Party.”

As a result of Armijo’s decision to withdraw from the race, the New Mexico Democratic Party’s State Central Committee must meet to choose a replacement candidate.

“I support a competitive process in which the State Central Committee chooses the best candidate to represent the Democratic Party on the ballot,” Governor Richardson said.

ALBUQUERQUE -- Today, Jeff Armijo, the Democratic candidate for State Auditor announced his decision to withdraw his candidacy for the position of state auditor and confront allegations made against him.  Jeff Armijo put the Democratic Party first and his decision helps ensure that the Democratic message – one that calls for a new direction in Washington and celebrates New Mexico Democrat’s record of moving our state forward – will be heard.

Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico John Wertheim issued the following statement in reaction to Armijo’s decision:

"We recognize that this is a difficult time for Mr. Armijo and his family and we appreciate him acting in what he feels is the best interest of the Democratic Party”

“The Democratic Party of New Mexico is fortunate to have a deep bench of competent, capable Democrats who can campaign for, win and effectively manage the office of the state auditor.  Our State Central Committee, the body empowered with filling vacancies on the statewide general election ballot, will convene on September 9th to decide on the best qualified candidate to join our ticket.  Ours will be a fair and open nomination process."

August 30, 2006 at 12:02 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink


If we're gonna get into rumors and allegations that drive people from races, I have some juicy ones about Heather Wilson and her husband. I'm sure we could come up with some for every republican running if we don't have to really, yuo know, prove them. Sleazy politics at its worst. Who benefits?

Posted by: Rumours | Aug 30, 2006 1:37:47 PM

I want to extend my many thanks to all of those at Democracy for New Mexico for conducting a very professional and intellectual forum for prospective candidates, candidates, elected officials & most importantly for constituents to debate very serious issues that we all face everyday. I also want to thank the members of Democracy for NM and the authors of this site for avoiding the tabloid feever (that borders on defamation) that some other blog sites have stooped to reporting as news.

My family recognizes how serious the allegations are, however, we are 100% positive that an investigation of the facts will prove that Jeff Armijo is an honorable and dignified not guilty man. I want to thank all of you who have called or emailed us (there have been thousands... literally) to express your support for Jeff and our family! Jeff asked me for his sweat, blood & tears when he asked for my service to his campaign. From running around all over the state ... he got my sweat, from being chased down and almost bitten on Armhurst in Albuquerque's beautiful Nobhill area by this huge white husky dog he got my blood and now he definitely drew some tears.

I also want to thank Jeff for energizing and inspiring the youth vote of NM and for handling this in the most mature and unselfish of ways. By bowing out, he has definitely proven to me that he believes that his family & other candidates & their families and the entire Democratic party come before him.

Thank you, from a very proud and inspired little brother.

Posted by: Westside Voter | Aug 30, 2006 2:06:44 PM

Sad that Mr Armijo had to drop out for that reason. It's probably the worst kind of smear, because it's nearly impossible to defend against. Mr Armijo should be commended for taking the high road and I hope that this kind of crap makes some of us all the more determined to fight for our Democratic Candidates.

Posted by: VP | Aug 30, 2006 2:36:45 PM

I agree with Westside. I'm glad this site didn't jump on the sleezy bandwagon with some others. To blacken someone's reputation without honoring the democratic principle that everyone is innocent until proven guilty is really bad. To do it with such obvious glee makes it even worse.

I know that Jeff and family members worked their butts off for more than a year now and came to Meetup and many other grassroots events and were open for discussion on everything. It is sad this is how the campaign had to end.

You have to wonder who is behind it all. It is so easy to get someone this way, where it's one person's word against the other. I hope whoever was responsible for the low life leaking to Monahan and others one day realizes how destructive that is. Everyone should have the right to a legal process. Instead all this happened outside the legal process. Who gains? Maybe it's our governor who wanted his own guy in there as auditor. Hmmm?

Posted by: Meetup Member | Aug 30, 2006 4:11:43 PM

Isn't the guy single? I mean, passionate moments with different people would go along with being single at best.

Hispanic culture and especially in NM is very passionate. As archaic as it may be, a sexually agressive male is still considered a good thing esp. amongst other males.

Perhaps he was an idiot. Perhaps he may have been a bit overly agressive with vulnerable females. Perhaps his judgement in choosing young flakey bimbos to hit on is questionable.

Tell me, what does his sexuality have to do with honestly and accurately managing the office?

True, people may worry about sexual harrassment at work but does a campaign really count esp since he is single and the only women he is going to meet are campaigning?

GIvE ME A BREAK! Now, the politicians are never supposed to try to get laid. Dems have fallen in the that Rep trap of using peoples own humanity against them. Obsession with sex is just a distraction from the true injustices, atrocities and corruption.

Posted by: qofdisks | Aug 30, 2006 6:54:33 PM

gofdisks, I agree,"Tell me, what does his sexuality have to do with honestly and accurately managing the office?" and "GIvE ME A BREAK! Now, the politicians are never supposed to try to get laid" but, trouble is that what you said sounds like your assuming that the allegations are true. Even if they are the court of public oppinion is not the place to hold a trial for Mr Armijo or any other politico being accused of some wrong doing.

Posted by: VP | Aug 31, 2006 10:06:09 AM

It all seems real fishy. I am an armijo supporter and i was disappointed that he had to withdraw from the race. He worked real hard for the dem position on the ticket.

I never got the vibe that jeff was a womanizer. Is he handsome? Yes. Is he out going and friendly? Yes. Would a woman be attracted to him and he try to kiss her-perhaps. As a woman, what is the womans role in this? As far as I can see and hear if the report is true, he did nothing more then get to first base, and that is a crime....how unbelievable.

It just strikes me as weird that a woman would go to the police for a man making an advance. If he was pulling a kobe bryant seems like that would be what we were hearing about. But this seems like heavy petting at best.

I would like to know how many woman have been in a psoition of an sexual advance which was not wanted, and had a hard time letting the guy hear you saying no. But after the experience of that heavy petting would you go to the police??? anyways I digress, man are pigs (!), I am a fat girl and man still try to hit on me....go figure!

What i do know is politics is vicious, and another monica lewinsky plant from either the repubs or the insider dems is not beyond the imagination.

Posted by: meb | Aug 31, 2006 12:52:49 PM

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