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Monday, August 14, 2006

Home, Sweet, Affordable Home: What You Can Do

From New Mexico Voices for Children E-Voices:
Owning a home can have a positive impact on every aspect of a family’s life – home-owning gives a family more stability and safety, and makes them invested members of their community. Children are healthier and do better in school when their parents own a home. But for too many families, the great American Dream of owning a home is just that – a dream.

To help address this issue, Albuquerque City Councilors Debbie O’Malley and Isaac Benton have cosponsored the Workforce Housing Opportunities Act. The Act would provide much-needed resources for nonprofit and for-profit developers to build high-quality, mixed-income housing projects that would include new and rehabilitated homes. The new homes would be built as infill in areas that are already experiencing revitalization, are along public transit corridors, and have existing infrastructure such as schools.

The plan would free families from what’s called “rent burden,” promote diversity, and improve older neighborhoods while stemming gentrification. Not only do too many rent-burdened families spend up to half of their income on rent, they also never build equity.

The Act specifies that the public dollars be used in a way that preserves affordability for future working families – which is the same philosophy embraced by Habitat for Humanity.

What You Can Do:

August 14, 2006 at 04:30 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


Debbie carrying on what she did so well in the Sawmill neighborhood - the recent opening of the 'Lofts' live work complex is a great example and Phase II at 'Arbolera de Vida' is well under way in the Sawmill area.

However, if the US war on the world goes on as long as Bush plans, we'll have to ask Debbie to move over and make room for a tent city in Phase III.

Posted by: suz | Aug 14, 2006 4:58:30 PM

Rent burden is a problem many of us face. Having a house of your own is like a dream. This act may help and get us rid of trouble.

Posted by: | Aug 16, 2006 2:07:07 PM

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