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Friday, August 04, 2006
Heather Wilson Lies
I know, it's a shock, isn't it? I guess you have resort to lies when the only ways you can think of to try to get re-elected are to pretend you aren't REALLY a rubberstamp for BushCo and the culture of corruption, or use the infamous Rove tactic of blaming your own transgressions on your rival. These right-wing Republicans never give up on these Swiftboat tactics, do they? Remember how they accused Kerry -- a decorated war vet -- of being a coward, while claiming that Bush -- the national guard runaway -- was a courageous tough guy? Wilson is following the same playbook in her race against Patricia Madrid.
Wilson's latest lie? In her second poisonous ad this summer, she claims that Attorney General Patricia Madrid ignored a whistleblower letter urging her to investigate the State Treasurer's office. The problem is that no such letter was ever sent or received. The Madrid campaign has revealed an official letter from the Department of Finance Administration (DFA), where the alleged letter supposedly originated, documenting that no such letter was ever sent.
According to an Albuquerque Journal story the letter from DFA says in part, "Our office conducted an extensive search and found no documentation in our current files or archives of such a letter being signed and sent." End of story. Well, except that Heather's dishonest ad based on the lie about the letter continues to air.
Wilson doesn't have a leg to stand on in terms of calling for investigations. Despite serving on the House Intelligence Committee, it's apparently never bothered her that BushCo is clearly operating outside the legal lines on a variety of intelligence surveillance projects, such as the NSA wiretapping. No, she's been content to cruise, letting the neocons call the shots and ignore the constitution whenever it's convenient. Oh, she did make one weak call for an investigation once it was known it was already forthcoming, but that's about it for go along to get along Heather.
I also notice it never bothered her to take money from Abramoff scandal culprits or the shady Tom DeLay bunch. Did she ever call for investigations of that web of corruption and pay for play? Oh no, that would have upset her big donors, the entrenched Republican corruption network and BushCo, all in one fell swoop. Independent? Only when it's expedient.
Remember how thoroughly connected to the wrongdoing Heather has been all during the Bush years, and then ponder why she feels the need to resort to dishonest fingerpointing on the very moral weaknesses she exhibits herself. I guess when the only positive accomplishments you can claim are rubberstamps of the wildly unpopular Bush agenda, you have to try something to keep your seat.
To help stop that from happening, visit the Madrid campaign website and pledge your help.
August 4, 2006 at 11:27 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink
Unfortunately, swiftboating works.
swiftboating works.
When are the DEMS going to defend Patsy on her record based on the facts?
Yes, call out Heather on these blatant lies. But...
We need to do more than carry on about how awful Heather is and start talking about how great Patricia Madrid is for the regular people of this state.
Posted by: qofdisks | Aug 4, 2006 5:23:54 PM
gofdisks, why don't you start? My view is that Madrid represents almost every single value I have as a Democrat. She's for bringing the troops home, healthcare for all, putting the common good before that of the wealthy elites and she's always fought for the little guy all through her career. What more can I say? She's a loyal and liberal Dem with common sense and commitment!
Posted by: Old Dem | Aug 4, 2006 5:52:15 PM
My brother shrewdly pointed out just how this kind of thing is a no-win situation for Patsy.
Karl Rove was with Bush on that Wilson fund-raiser and the swiftboat tactic marks his direct influence.
If Patsy engages on the false issue of state corruption the voters will be distracted from the REAL ISSUES that affect their everyday standard of living.
Dems can't allow a false issue to dominate the public dicussion so their previous and ineffective non-response to lies has not only not worked but rendered the liberals nauseous with disgust.
Soooo what is the best response to lies?
Any ideas?
Posted by: qofdisks | Aug 4, 2006 10:49:06 PM
How about, for starters:
"Heather Wilson is lying."
"When will Heather Wilson stop lying?"
"Why is Heather Wilson such a lying liar?"
"Don't we deserve a Congresswoman who is not a liar?"
"Heather Wilson's lying to voters is a very bad thing"
"We wish Heather Wilson would not lie."
"Heather Wilson's pants are so very on fire."
Posted by: DN Palacios | Aug 5, 2006 1:18:16 AM
Good suggestions DN Palacios.
It's true that liars count on making issues of non issues. Often they lie and then follow up the lie with another lie or a piece of truth that is unrelated to anything. It's a liar's tactic that can perpetuate the original lies. It is an immoral political tactic.
The only way to confront a liar is to expose the liar.
Posted by: Edge | Aug 5, 2006 4:29:37 AM
gofdisks, don't you think that it's time for the Dem's to start pushing back? Pushing back will only be a distraction if we let the Reich wing turn it into one. The days of "keeping the powder dry", remaining silent because "it might be a distraction" or because it might anger the other party's base and increase their turn out at the polls need to be over with. We Democrats have done that for too long and it's gotten us nowhere, it's time to play "hard ball" or we will remain an impotent minority complaining that we get "no respect"
Posted by: VP | Aug 5, 2006 3:47:18 PM
I assume Field is a liar &/or Madrid is telling the truth based on this paragraph from the Santa Fe story: ""The letter [dated Jan. 2, 2002] was prepared, he said, because Johnson and members of the state Board of Finance were upset by investment practices of then Treasurer Michael Montoya."
With the Govenor's blessing and members of the Board of Fiance supporting his actions, one HAS to assume, Field would have made a campaign issue out of it during Madrid's 2002 run for re-election.
Since I haven't down-loaded the ad - was the term "Whistleblower" actually used. Field damn sure doesn't my definition of a whistleblower.
That's full justification for calling Ahliburton Heather a kiar and I'd do it!
Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Aug 6, 2006 2:08:28 PM
I'm pissed off because Heather is using footage of Patsy in her negative ads trying HARD to associate Patsy's very image with being derogatory.
In the same way, the republicans made the word "liberal" a dirty word when it is a perfectly GOOD word. I am proud to be a liberal.
If you look closely, there is nothing wrong with the way Patsy looks in those ads.
They tryed to critisize her HAIR for cripes sake! She had to cut it calling it "more controlled".
Patsy let your damn hair grow. You are a beautiful feminine woman from the bottoms of your cute jewel-like feet to the top of your brilliant noggin.
Somehow making Patsy look more butch is going to give her a more authoritarian appearence?
Looking butch is ok for some gals (Heather)but it is just not Patsy.
Perhaps that was part of Heather's strategy knowing how cute Patsy is to make Patsy butcher her hair for the election and blur the distinction of Patsy's feminity as compared to Heather's "guy" look.
Patsy is the farthest thing from looking like one of the boys. She is a very short, very round, very cute little Chicana/India. Maybe THAT is what they are trying to make look bad.
Well, let me tell you, that very genotype is the hallmark of strength, endurance and wisdom in our State of New Mexico. That is the legacy of our great New Mexican matriarchs.
When is it going to be ok to be a classic woman and be a leader?
Posted by: qofdisks | Aug 6, 2006 2:45:13 PM
Somehow I don't think Patsy's hair is the most important issue in this campaign. Who cares? I do like her shorter cut though. It looks more modern.
I agree that if Fielding had put in a letter he would have raised the issue when Madrid ran for reelection. Common sense.
I think it's necessary to hit back when hit by lies and then to move on an stress the positive stuff again. I think the campaign will do that.
Posted by: Trish | Aug 7, 2006 10:35:04 AM
I think Trish missed the main point I was trying to make. Sorry for my digression.
It is not just Patsy's hair. It is that her IMAGE is being associated with derogatory state corruption.
People see any image of Patsy and think...Vigil.
It is the same Rove/Limbaugh tactic used to associate negative feeling towards "the government" or the word "liberal". They create false impressions on a gullible public.
It is more than just calling them out on the lies. It is these subltle tactics that have to be recognized and neutalized.
How would this be done?
Can the campaign associate Patsy's image with...something positive?
Is that enough?
Should the campaign apply the same subtle tactics with Heather? If so, then I hope they would be just as sophistocated as what the GOP has to dish out.
Isn't there something more creative and effective that could be done? The DEMS need something more...transcendent.
I guess I feel frustrated about the negative ads. Patsy's return ads are good but do they go far enough to cancel out Heather's ads? I hope so.
The idealist in me wishes that the TRUTH is enough. The cynic that I have become knows that the truth does not matter in politics.
Posted by: qofdisks | Aug 7, 2006 11:32:09 AM
Heather Wilson is a liar and she is not for the American people but for Bush and her own avaricious gain.
Posted by: > | Aug 10, 2006 11:02:10 AM
The reality is that if anyone wants to make it clear that "Leather Heather's" ad is a lie, they need to write a letter to the editor of the Journal. We need to make it clear that this kind of stuff is bull and point out the real facts.
Posted by: Jane | Aug 20, 2006 5:30:19 PM
I do not know to much about Mrs. Wilson honesty, but concerning to the wistle blower letter there is possible that this to be send, and removed by Patricia Madrid's staff as unimportant or desgusting, or who knows what other reasons might be involved so it was passed away...
If you want the truth on this case - SUE Mrs. Wilson for lies and see if she find a confirmation receipt - fire your staff.
On the other hand it has to be clearly stated what Vigil did who served, because it turned that his delapidations were welcomed by the Democratic party - following the media noise and GOP advertisement.
Concerning the war in Iraq I wonder why you counted only a few of the military - they are >1600 by now, why the civilians and other nations joined casualities does not matter. Why the > 40000 Iraqi murdered or killed as collateral damage does not matter - that brought the hate of the rest of 25 millions and about 1 billion muslims on the planet - hope to good world trade and bussiness with them.
The damages to US brought by Bush are far more greater than Iraq...I can say he doomed US.
He betraded his religious suporters who in their simplicity of good belivers wanted from all their hart their moral values preserved, and between a party comitted for homosexuals and one making big promisses they chosen the last one without knowing that a NEW BIble will be marketed, with a lots of ink over the TEN COMMANDS ...
I offered my help, not because I am or intend to be a Democrat, I try to stay away from any politics, but because I am interested to bring my help to change the dangerous curse of US from the point where a "drunk driver" embedded it.
I wonder if my e-mails will be addressed or were not gone after that letter, "never received".
If "YES" I may sent you copies. But if you will not address the problems directly your Party will not get the neccessary credibility.
On the electoral campain I feel that will be a dirty oone, their minds are so dirty, as they believe that the US citizens are so stupid to vote for them just because they are barking lauder with lots of spits.
Concerning the "SWIFT BOAT", after I saw their "artistic" performance I cut the funding for any vererans and units pretending helping them, because I can not distinguish which of them are honest and who are international murders and liers. I have appreciated the gesture of J. Kerry as in that context their meddals were simply JUNK - it was an act of courrage and truth not an antipatriotic gesture - as guys with simple thinking, few ideas but well sticked interpreted it.
My "apreciation" to the the 40% US citizens who believed in their ignorance that some Weekend warriors and Goose Hunters are much better to protect them than ONE who made the fight for real, and knows as shooting everithing from down to up as Chainy deed may shoot big texan goose also. To make a small experment over saftey I recommend the following - bully all your neighbours, hurt their pets and call them terrorists - and see how safety you get when you go outside. That is bassically what US is doing in matters of external ploicy. Can somebody tell me how many real friends has US now and how many have been lost since 2001 ?
Posted by: Liviu Popa-Simil | Aug 25, 2006 4:43:51 PM