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    Thursday, August 24, 2006

    A Day on the Streets in Albuquerque

    From guest blogger Terry Riley:

    A day on the street!

    The battle is over. No blood was let. No shots fired. No fists bruised. Where could this be you say?  It was on the streets of Albuquerque at noon. A showdown between a sign carrying street demonstrator and three soldiers in uniform. I bet your picture of this is a bit scary. Mine is, and I was there, and I wasn't one of the ones in uniform.

    I was standing on the corner of a busy intersection holding my sign high. The top of the sign read, "Heather independent?  Bush says she is loyal!" This is followed by a photo taken at a fundraiser in Albuquerque where the Wilson campaign netted approximately $375,000. The photo shows Wilson looking at President Bush in a devoted look, almost loving. This is followed by two more messages, "Wilson supports corporations!" and "Madrid supports New Mexico!" In the traffic somebody yelled out, "Traitor! You stupid SOB! etc."

    As the car rounded the corner I noticed three soldiers in uniform and they were still yelling. I hoped that they would keep driving, I feared that they were too angry to deal with. I looked up and they came, dodging cars, crossing eight lanes of traffic. This did not look good. They came up to me and began yelling in my face, all three at once. As they ran out of steam one of them finished with the
    oft repeated line, "I fought over there so you could be free to do this."  He said something else, I don't remember exactly, I think it was possibly that he hated me for what I was saying.

    I spoke up and though they interrupted a little, they allowed me to finish. I said, "Nothing about your service affects my being on the street or my feeling of my right to do what I am doing or to say what I am saying. My right to be here comes because my father served in the occupation of Germany, I served during Vietnam, my brother served during Vietnam, my older son served during Gulf I and my younger son served in Afghanistan. I thank you for your service but I earned ALL of my rights!"

    Two of the soldiers immediately extended their hands and thanked me for my service. One of the soldiers said that when we stand with signs that say things against the war that they are hurt because they are at great risk doing what they do. I pointed out that my sign said nothing about the war but that when I do carry signs against the war I also always state, "Pro-Soldier, Anti-War." They weren't ready for that. I believe that they will look more carefully at signs that demonstrators carry from now on.

    We spoke for about fifteen minutes. They were in full support of the Bush administration and their policies, including Congresswoman Wilson. I pointed out many of the lies that have gotten us here, lies that they did not try to argue with me on. They tried that old, "We have to stop them over there before they come over here." I asked if they knew that none of the hijackers were from Iraq OR Afghanistan. I pointed out that they were from Saudi Arabia and Egypt. They were surprised by that. They challenged me that Improvised Explosion Devices (IED) are terrible and dirty fighting (not their words). I asked if they knew how many IEDs were constructed from American explosive devices. One was very aware, he had served in Iraq.

    They talked about the future of Iraq if we pull out. I pointed out that we are going to leave Iraq eventually and that we will not be able to "fix" their government no matter what. We need to get out as soon as possible so we will no longer be responsible for keeping Iraq in a mess. We agreed that what is happening is a mess and that when we do leave it will become a bigger mess, but it will be their mess. I suggested that when we are not there, the people of Iraq will take control of their country and develop a government of their liking and they will go about their lives. They do not have the time to come over here, we have leveled their homes, shut off their economy, their water and sewer, etc. Their families are not safe and they have no prospect of jobs. With us gone they can get to work fixing what they want fixed, not what Bush wants fixed.

    Two of the soldiers seriously seemed to come around. The third appeared to have never considered these thoughts and had a long way to go yet. I really enjoyed that encounter. I believe that two of those soldiers are on the first level of being friends. I am happy for that. There are many many people who are unaware of the truth as these soldiers were unaware. We have to stand up and speak out daily so that when the next election takes place there are enough people who have heard the truth.  We know that the TV (news?) and talk radio (news?)  do not give balanced perspectives. Please come and stand with me to bring these stupid military adventures to a close and to bring Democrats into Washington. 

    Guest blog by Terry Riley, who can be contacted at terryactivist@aol.com.

    Editor's Note: If you'd like to submit a guest post or Sound Off for possible publication on this blog, please contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the main page.

    August 24, 2006 at 09:15 AM in Guest Blogger, Iraq War | Permalink


    I think this is how we are going to have to change the way people think, one or two people at a time. The Democratic leadership has not put much effort into countering the propaganda that this cabal has been spreading for the last 6 years, and we are paying dearly for it now. If we want to win elections and keep winning them we have to stop allowing the Repukes to define us and frame all the arguments with their wrong headed talking points. Something else we Dem's need to do is go after the MSM, every time we are watching a TV news program, some talking head or listening to a radio program and they repeat some Reich wing propaganda talking point, we need to call them or write them and demand a retraction, an apology or whatever is approbate. We just can't continue being on the defensive all the time, it makes it too hard to get our own message out. It's sort of like you say something "wrong or stupid" in the national media, you'll hear about it, enough is enough.

    Posted by: VP | Aug 24, 2006 10:07:07 AM

    This is a terrific report and gives me hope that some of my students this term (which starts Monday) will challenge their beliefs which are unsupported by history and experience.

    (Terry has spoken twice in my classes about military recruitment and helped students to think through the decision to enlist at this time.)

    Posted by: suz | Aug 24, 2006 10:12:52 AM

    We are embarking on the one year anniversary of the debacle of a response from Hurricane Katrina. Why aren't our National Democrat party leaders also hitting on that? I have, "When the Levees Broke," a 4 hour documentary by Spike Lee recorded. I went to watch "World Trade Center" and although both are tear jerkers, I was very angry after watching the Katrina Documentary! One other thing in common for both movies: while watching WTC in the very crowded movie theatre when the picture of George Bush was put on the big screen almost everyone in the theatre let out a huge sigh of shame and embarrassment - one movie goer (BUSH VOCABULARY) even shouted, "LIAR!" and it drew laughter.

    When my brother, Jeff Armijo Candidate for State Auditor, went to help with Hurricane Katrina with the NM National Guard he called home quite disturbed with what he saw and smelled. Interestingly in the documentary it is noted that the schools in New Orleans have not been able to produce a financial statement for the past 5 years and that agents from the FBI have a permanent seat now on the School Boards so that they can monitor the spending of public money. It all tied into the corruption of that state and how the government at all levels broke down and let down the PEOPLE!

    Oh well, hopefully someone at the DNC will start some pandering to the emotional side of the voters and replay some of the horrific scenes of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in tandem with the sprialing situation in IRAQ. Sorry it was off the topic from the protest that Terry did, but Terry gets me all fired up and this is what I have had in my head for the last week! Thanks.

    Posted by: Westside Voter | Aug 24, 2006 1:17:27 PM

    I watched the show on the levees breaking too and it was very disturbing to remember just how bad it was. I hope the voters never forget how arrogant and uncaring and incompetent the bush admin was during all this, as they are with most thing except raising money.

    Posted by: JLC | Aug 24, 2006 1:29:31 PM

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