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    Thursday, August 10, 2006

    Get Trained to Register Voters

    From the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County:
    We are having a major campaign to register new voters in our county. You must take a class taught by the County Clerk's office to become a Voter Registration Agent. We have made arrangements with the clerk's office to hold two trainings this month. Our goal is to have at least one voter registration agent in each precinct.

    Voter Registration Agent Training

    1. Thursday, August 17th, UNM Law School, Room 2401 at 1117 Stanford NE, 6:00 PM - this will replace our usual Third Thursday meeting
    2. Saturday, August 19th, UNM Law School, Room 2401 at 1117 Stanford NE, 10:00 AM

    Please RSVP to the County office (256-1855 or terri@bernalillodems.org at least 24 hours ahead of each class so that the clerk's office will have enough forms to hand out.

    If you cannot attend one of those classes, the clerk holds classes each Tuesday and Thursday, call 768-4085 for exact times and locations.

    I am hoping to hear from all of you. This election is crucial. We must elect Patricia Madrid to Congress! The only way we unseat Heather Wilson is by turning out Democrats to vote in large numbers. Please, do you part, register new voters, we will help you make sure they vote! This is bigger than our Congressional District - it is the one thing that we can each do to help our county come back from the mess we are currently experiencing!  Please call or email today!

    Terri Holland, Executive Director
    Democratic Party of Bernalillo County

    August 10, 2006 at 10:17 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink


    The training is easy and short!

    We have two registrars in precinct 162. We've each used our 'vast' new powers to register voters ;-)

    I have three more homes in my neighborhood where people have moved in recently. And since the Sawmill Lofts opened in June we will be canvassing their to help voters to change their registration.

    Anybody else having luck going door to door or been through the training?

    Posted by: Suzanne | Aug 10, 2006 4:50:53 PM

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