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Monday, August 28, 2006

Get Involved with Ethics and Campaign Finance Reform

From Common Cause NM:
It's time again for the next ethics and campaign reform task force meeting! Please come, make a statement during public comment period, or just let members of the task force know the public is engaged in the process.

The next meeting of the ethics and campaign reform task force will be Tuesday, August 29, 9:00 AM on the 17th floor of the Bank of the West building. The Bank of the West building is located on the Northeast corner of San Mateo and Central in Albuquerque.

As I've stated in the past, it is of the utmost importance that Common Cause members and friends attend the task force meetings. There will be opportunities for public comment right before lunch, and again at the end of the meeting in the afternoon. Discussion topics for the day will include legislative salaries and the potential of creating an independent ethics commission in New Mexico.

Folks, I believe the forceful and insightful comments made by Common Cause members and friends at past meetings have made a real difference and have pushed the task force to be bold. We need to keep the pressure on and keep the momentum going as the task force heads toward its final recommendation process. Please take this opportunity to play an active role in the first step toward reform in New Mexico!

Thank you, I look forward to seeing you at the task force meeting on August 29!

Matt Brix
Executive Director, Common Cause New Mexico
Common Cause NM

August 28, 2006 at 10:52 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform | Permalink


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