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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Cheney in Roswell Today


Dick Cheney, one of faux-Republican Joe Lieberman's most enthusiastic fans, is scheduled to arrive in Roswell, NM today at about 3:00 PM and depart at 6:00 PM. He'll be appearing at a private fundraiser for the Republican NM Victory 2006 GOTV project, an event designed to lure deep pocket donors to a local ranch. Of course there'll be an opportunity for rich patrons to pay a bundle to get a photo taken with Dick -- a high-priced mugshot for the well-to-do. I wonder if he'll be posing in his quail hunting outfit or if that's been retired for the duration to avoid another pellet "accident."

CheneyoilNotice that Cheney isn't appearing at a fundraiser that's officially for Heather Wilson. A generic fundraiser hitting up the oil patch elite for the Repub Party is obviously less controversial given Heather's professed "independence" from the Bush horrors. I guess it's bad enough that all those photos are circulating that depict Heather kowtowing to Bush at his recent fundraiser here. Local Repub poobahs (and Karl Rove) must think a bunch of Cheney-Heather images would be too damned scary in a political climate dominated by voter disgust about the administration's fiascos and failures. Too bad. I think they make a perfect pair. Oil Profits R Us. 

August 15, 2006 at 10:22 AM in Events | Permalink


I thought I smelled a rat today!

Posted by: JJ | Aug 15, 2006 7:19:26 PM

Rove and company must be scared about this race if they're bringing in Bush AND Cheney. Who's next? Rummy?

Go Madrid!

Posted by: Silver City Jan | Aug 15, 2006 7:25:19 PM

Is this guy capable of "taking" a bad (i.e., good) picture? He is so demonic in every single one...although yours is great in combining the demonic-meets- Dick-Tracy-sinister-villian look with the Vice-Presidential seal.

Posted by: | Aug 16, 2006 7:59:08 PM

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