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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

ACTION ALERT: Next 3 Ethics & Campaign Finance Reform Task Force Meetings

As reported previously, it's very important for citizens and activists to attend the meetings of Governor Bill Richardson's Ethics and Campaign Finance Reform Task Force. If we can show widespread public support for such measures as voluntary public funding for state candidates and limiting campaign contributions and gifts, we have a much better chance of getting some meaningful bills at the NM Legislative Session in January.

So far, there's been an excellent public and DFNM turnout at these meetings and we want to keep it that way. Here are the next three scheduled meetings and their topics. If you can, please attend one or more of these:

August 16, 9:00 AM (Room 307, at Roundhouse, Santa Fe)
Gifts Subcommittee Report (morning)
Legislative Salaries Report (afternoon)
Click for agenda (PDF)

August 29
Ethics Commission Subcommittee Report

September 20
Campaign Contribution Limits Subcommittee Report
Public Campaign Financing Subcommittee Report

Thanks to Matt Brix, Executive Director of Common Cause New Mexico, for the heads up. If you have any questions, you can reach Matt at 505-323-6399 or mbrix@commoncause.org

August 15, 2006 at 07:15 PM in Ethics & Campaign Reform | Permalink


This is of huge importance to New Mexico and New Mexican voters. This proposal will benefit all people who are tired of politicans who run for office decades on end, never winning, just there to make a living. It will also take similar criminal activity out of the political system. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have individuals run for office who are not stealing, lying and manipulating voters?

This is exactly the sort of legislation that will end such political atrocities such as the ongoing Vigil - Montoya scam/thefts.

I say YES!

Please support this initiative and let's start getting to the bottom of the truth in regard to illegitimate candidates and their ongoing bogus but financially enriching campaigns!

Posted by: Edge | Aug 16, 2006 4:58:05 AM

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