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Monday, July 17, 2006

You're Invited: Grand Opening of Madrid Campaign's South Valley Office

South Valley Office Opening Party
You're cordially invited to the Patricia Madrid campaign's South Valley office opening party! Please, join us for fun, food, friends, music and conversation with Attorney General Patricia Madrid. Event details are as follows:

When? Sunday, July 23, 3 - 5 PM
Where? 1220 Isleta Blvd. SW, Albuquerque

Volunteer Opportunities
The Madrid campaign always needs volunteers! Whenever our offices are open, there are opportunities to volunteer. Please, call us at our main office, 505-242-6000 or our South Valley office, 505-452-2006, and we'll make sure to get you involved! Our offices are open as follows:

Main Office: 200 Oak St. NE #4, Albuquerque, 505-242-6000
South Valley Office: 1220 Isleta Blvd. SW, Albuquerque, 505-452-2006

Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 8 PM
Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM
Saturday-Sunday, 12 PM - 8 PM

Saturday Canvasses
Every Saturday, the campaign runs volunteer canvasses from 10 AM to 2 PM out of our main office. Please call 505-242-6000 to sign up and make sure to bring your walking shoes!

Yard Signs / Bumper Stickers
Yard signs and bumper stickers are available at both offices. Please, drop by to pick them up!

Now is the time to kick our campaign into high gear. The best way to win an election is through people talking to people about the importance of voting. Together, we can talk to tens of thousands of voters and win this election for Patricia Madrid!

I look forward to seeing you on the campaign trail. Thank you so much for all your support.

Cory Medina, Field Director
Patricia Madrid for Congress

July 17, 2006 at 04:54 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Perfect move to open an office in the South Valley. Need a big Valley turnout if Madrid is to win. And she will.

Posted by: lala | Jul 18, 2006 9:09:31 AM

Madrid did nothing about the Kick Back Scandal.

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Jul 18, 2006 7:10:34 PM

This is such a silly charge. Even the FBI couldn't get enough evidence to convict and they have the full power of the federal government behind them. There's no way that an AG's office could have done anything. Check out any state where things like this happen. The AG's office is never directly involved.

Posted by: Democrat | Jul 18, 2006 8:21:10 PM

She has defied the right-wing GOP government trampeling on state jurisdiction. She will get restitution from the four shameless criminals by going after their assets.

She is prosecuting the four criminal federal witnesses that testified against Vigil. The feds never informed the AG's office in anyway about the investigation. The feds forgot to ask for state immunity for their snitches.

Now they are using it as a political ploy against her as not going after corruption.

The feds went after Vigil using the illegal, unconstitutional exessive powers of unlimited snooping and monitoring all financial transactions.

The republican government is looking at all democrats of consequence using these Orwellian methods. You can bet they are tapping Patricia Madrid's phones!

The feds caught the four criminals using the same methods and found little solid evidence against Vigil. In any case, he is a fed problem now.


The corruption issue was created whole-sale by republican political operatives and THE LIBERALS ARE LETTING THEM GET AWAY WITH IT.

Posted by: qofdisks | Jul 20, 2006 2:25:56 PM

People, even liberals, have no idea of what's really going on with this. Maybe it's because we have such a dipshit state party chair and officers who are under the thumb of the governor will only say or do things that he believes help his silly race for the presidential nominee. No one is sticking up for other Dems. No one is out there telling the people the truth and taking on the issue head on. Maybe Madrid should get out there and explain what's going on herself. As it stands all anyone hears is from the rightwing rag that is the Journal.

Posted by: JLC | Jul 20, 2006 2:54:41 PM

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