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    Sunday, July 16, 2006

    Sunday Zinnia Blogging

    No birds today. They told me it's summertime and the living should be easy, so they don't want to pose for photos today. Go figure. Instead I'm showing you our zinnias. We planted them from seed and they're blossoming in abundance now. I've read that zinnias are the easiest flowers to grow from seeds and it seems true if our yard is any indication.

    Zinnias are members of the daisy family and they come in a wide variety of colors and forms. They're perfect for our New Mexico climate because they're natives of Mexico. They grow naturally in the form of a purplish wildflower in an area stretching from the American Southwest all the way down to South America. All the current varieties have been hybridized from those. Zinneas love full sun and hot weather. And they'll reseed themselves each year. Butterflies like them alot, even if our birds refused to pose with them this morning. Who can tell what's really going on in a bird brain? (Click on images for larger versions.)

    July 16, 2006 at 10:34 AM in Visuals | Permalink


    I'll have to try them. My pansies and petunias, even the chiles and the silver lace plant tanked..

    Too much sun
    You'll get a brown thumb...

    Posted by: suz | Jul 17, 2006 11:54:10 AM

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