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Friday, July 14, 2006

First RFK Whistleblower Lawsuit Filed Against Electronic Voting Machine Maker

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has filed the first of two lawsuits claiming fraud against electronic voting machine companies on behalf of whistleblowers within the companies. Read all about it on BradBlog. Excerpt:

Speaking of the level of fraud to be revealed by the suits, which must be sealed by law for 60 days as the Attorney General decides if they will join the complaint, [attorney] Papantonio told Malloy: "When you hear the details, when you hear the caliber of the fraud… you… it'll make Americans feel like they're living in a damned banana republic, a third world country. I have never heard such outrageous facts."

"And you know what?" he continued, "We've had our investigators look at it. We verified everything. And when you hear it, you're gonna say, 'Not in America.' …Bad news is: Yeah, it is in America."

July 14, 2006 at 11:14 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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