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    Saturday, July 15, 2006

    No Way Out

    Does anyone else feel like a horribly critical line has been crossed with the recent Israeli-Palestinian-Lebanese conflicts crashing onto the world stage? I thought so. Round and round it goes and where it stops, nobody knows. Are we already at a point of no return?

    As with many things Middle Eastern over the past 6 years, I blame the Bush administration and its neocon nightmare makers for a large part of the chaos, miscalculation and brutality that's exploding there. Bush and his cronies have quite a track record of making bad situations worse. Since Ariel Sharon was incapacitated by a stroke, BushCo has completely abandoned diplomacy and paid little attention to the growing tensions in the area. Now that his Iraq occupation has effectively pinned down our military forces and sparked innumerable new fires of reaction and revenge, Bush stands back and watches. He does nothing. He sends no-one to the region. He refuses even to pretend to be an honest broker bent on peacemaking. He seems, instead, to actually relish the increasing violence as another front in his militaristic "war on terror."

    Unlike past presidents, he's refusing to pressure the Israelis to show some restraint in their responses or use diplomacy to pressure and persuade the parties to step back from the abyss. Given his attitude, you have to wonder if this is playing out exactly as the neocons planned all along. Anything is possible with this bunch.

    Onward to Syria and Iran? I wouldn't be surprised if Rove et al. see that possibility as a useful way to scare people and force them back into the arms of The Decider War President as the '06 election nears. Added bonus? High oil prices benefit George's oil biz friends, especially those who operate domestically, including in his home state of Texas, and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, where expanded drilling will soon be allowed.

    As usual, billmon is well worth a read on this situation. Bottom line: just as in Iraq, there seems to be no good way out of the violence, economic dangers and deaths boiling up in Gaza, Israel and Lebanon, at least with Bush in power and Republicans running the entire Congress. If nothing changes, the consequences will impact us all, in a myriad of ways. The price of oil may well continue to skyrocket, the world's financial markets may well continue to deteriorate and the chaotic death and destruction may well spread to the entire region. America and Americans will be viewed by more and more people around the globe as part of the problem, not part of the solution. Terrorism will increase, especially here. The future of our nation, the world community and the planet itself will be in even more jeopardy than it is now.

    Thanks George. Thanks Rummy. Thanks Cheney. Thanks Rice. Thanks neocons. You fed the fires and now you can watch them all burn and spread.

    What a high price to pay for all those Christian right voters who supported BushCo in '04 because their reverends convinced them that gay marriage and a woman's right to choose are ruining America's morals. Well, I'm sure many of them are actually pleased as punch about the developments in the Middle East. YaaaaaaHoooooooo! The end days are a comin' ! Armageddon's on the way! The Rapture's up next! Victory!

    July 15, 2006 at 10:35 AM in Middle East | Permalink


    this is off topic, but do yo all know that DemocracyFest is in full swing in SanDiego? Dean will be the speaker tonight. The DNC is demanding a recount of the vote in SanDiego county. It will be interesting to see whether there will be any press coverage of any of this. The SanDiego Union is a conservative paper. DEan's speech will be on Democracy for America I believe. There are really some bright spots in an otherwise gloomy world.

    Posted by: jeanne Carritt | Jul 15, 2006 12:46:38 PM

    "Bush stands back and watches. He does nothing. He sends no-one to the region" Why stop what could evolve into a opportunity that could be exploited to the max. If they (Bu$hCo) can connect enough dots, Syria, Lebanon, Iran and the Palestinians against Israel, then GWB can come to the rescue. Think of all the flight deck photo ops that could be used to charge up the base for the November election, the no bid contracts for Cheney's friends, the endless stream of rhetoric from the party shills. Bu$hCo could be in NEOCON heaven for the last two years of his term.

    Posted by: VP | Jul 15, 2006 1:59:22 PM

    Yes Jeanne - we should stay tuned at the DFA blog:


    I went to last year's DemFest in Austin and it was fabulous but I couldn't make it this year. Lynn J. is over there though. Don't know who else.

    Posted by: barb | Jul 15, 2006 2:06:19 PM

    This situation scares me. Bush (Cheney)is the worst person we could have as president during an era like this. Think how different things would be if Dean or Kerry had won. Oops, Kerry did win....

    Posted by: Silver City Jan | Jul 15, 2006 2:26:14 PM

    I believe Bush has committed treason.

    I hope he is eventually prosecuted for war crimes.

    I believe Bush belongs in prison awaiting execution alongside Sadamn Hussein.

    Posted by: Edge | Jul 16, 2006 6:33:11 AM

    Nero fiddled as Rome burned.

    Posted by: Suzanne | Jul 17, 2006 8:40:37 AM

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