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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wilson Ad = Slo-Mo-Mudslinging, Madrid Ad = Strong & Clever


So have you seen the new ad by Heather Wilson? No, not the first one where she's telling everyone she's "independent," despite grabbing all that dough Bush raised for her on a recent Albuquerque visit with Karl Rove. This one travels to the cliched dark side, with gobs of that slo-mo, grainy, blurry, black and white photography that aims to make the person they're slo-mo-ing look like a nasty villain out to do dastardly deeds.

You know the genre. I call it canned politico noir. Politicians who listen to entrenched strategists and media consultants use it all the time. Can anyone forget the voices of the two or three hired hands who seem to do ALL the poisonous-toned talkovers on those?

Anyway, this one shows Dem challenger Patricia Madrid moving her head back and forth, hair swinging slowly, while snidely (wickedly!) laughing (at a snail's pace) as nasty innuendos about corruption are entoned in the background. Besides being a rather odd topic to bring up, given Wilson's acceptance of "donations" from the likes of Tom DeLay, Abramoff cronies, Duke Cunningham and just about every Big Pharma and oil corp in the world, I think the ad is hokey as hell. If this is going to be the level of artistry we'll be seeing from Heather and company from now until November, it's gonna be a long haul for anyone who watches TV.

Aren't you sick of all the "conventional" political advertising aired these days? Generally, there are two types of equally ineffective and trite approaches. The first kind is all sugary and "warm," with lots of American flags, smiling people, happy dogs and hugs. Oh, ain't this candidate sweet? And so patriotic and American as apple pie! The second kind is like Heather's new one, all dark and dangerous about the opponent, in the way old radio shows stirred up mystery. The Shadow knows! Well, you can excuse a lack of sophistication back in the early media days, but this type of tripe should be long gone from the airwaves by now. No wonder so few people vote. Watching the juvenile and puerile ads of candidates is enough to drive off even political junkies. Take it from me.

New Madrid Ad
Meanwhile, the Madrid campaign has put up its first TV ad, a positive one you can see here. She's looking sharp, emphasizing her accomplishments as Attorney General and explaining her support for the needs of ordinary people versus selfish special interests. I especially like the play with the usual signoff line of all political ads:

I'm Patricia Madrid and I approved this message, but the special interests won't approve of me.

Lets hope the campaign continues to use clarity, cleverness, creativity, humor, sophistication and wit to get its message across. We want more Ned Lamont-type ads and less creepy crawlie Beltway been there done that ads, now don't we? Are you listening out there in Madridland? Chuck the insider DC Dem media consultants and look up Bill Hillsman or somebody like him who understands what works in the media climate of the 21st century. Break out of the box and try something new!

July 20, 2006 at 10:35 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


I saw Patricia's ad and think it is a good one. Deserving of mention, she does not trash Heather. I hope this ad will set the tone for her campaign.

Posted by: bg | Jul 20, 2006 11:26:34 AM

I clicked on it and saw it and like it too. Very well done. I think Wilson's poisonous take so early is going to backfire on her.

Posted by: Silver City Jan | Jul 20, 2006 5:23:47 PM

I waited to see the new Wilson add before commenting on it, all I can say is the Heather best think twice before she starts slinging mud about corruption. There has been a lot of money that has gone into the coffers of the Wilson campaign that might have come from some people and places the could be a bit embarrassing to explain.

Posted by: VP | Jul 20, 2006 5:34:07 PM

The "independent" ad from Heather -- what a load !

I'd like to see someone bring up the corruption in her office and her siding with Bush/DeLay.

I don't see it as mud slinging but as truth in advertising.

Posted by: suz | Jul 21, 2006 10:05:01 AM

Patsy's lookin' hot with that new haircut! Like the ad too. Very professional.

Posted by: El Norte | Jul 21, 2006 2:31:32 PM

Wilson Ad = [HIGHLY EFFECTIVE] Slo-Mo-Mudslinging
Sorry to bust your bubble, but that black and white negative ad is GREAT and is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE! The only thing good about it is it is evidence that Haliburton Heather’s camp is running scared. If you think not, you are whistling past the graveyard.

Whoever designed the ad is making use of and reinforcing the fear/terror “anchors” set by Alfred Hitchcock, et al. As near as I can tell, these anchors were first used in political campaigns when Lee Atwater used them in the infamous “Willie Horton” ads Those ads were the tools to allow Pappy Bush to DEMONIZE (and destroy) Dukakis.

At the unconscious level this black and white slo-mo ad is highly effectively anchoring a very negative image to Madrid. Sorry if you don’t like it, BUT that is a fact! People who are not Madrid supporters will have the negative image working at the unconscious level while they see Madrid’s “Strong & Clever” ad. And, with everyone but the strongest of Madrid supporters, that strong negative anchor will minimize the effectiveness of Madrid’s ads from here on out - NO MATTER HOW STRONG & CLEVER!

The Republican marketing experts (who have been kickin’ Democrats’ asses for the last 20+ years have 3 objectives: in rank order:

1. Demonize the opponent. [Madrid] When the opponent is demonized, their candidate gets the vote!
2. Turn off & hold down the ‘turnout” of the middle of the road thinking voter. They are a threat!
3. Motivate “the base” to turn out and defeat the demonized “enemy.”

They remember these presuppositions (first referred to by Herr Goebbels):
²People ALWAYS vote their emotions. (Facts, rational thinking, and common sense NEVER trump emotions!)
²Beliefs have nothing to do with reality.
²Beliefs can only be changed by appealing to emotions – and the corollary: facts can never change beliefs.
²Repetition is the key. "Tell a lie enough times and it will become the truth." Heinrich Himmler
²The more outrageous the claims (LIES) the more believability it will have.
²You can get away by LYING if you appeal to the emotions.
²Advertising has nothing to do with truth.
²The wider the audience you wish to influence, the bigger the lie can be
²Never concede any fallacy of the ‘Big Lie’
²Never concede ANY validly to the opposing opinion.

“The most alarming contrast in the election of 2006 isn't between the conservative Bush [lapdog Heather Wilson] and liberal [progressive, dynamic] Kerry [Madrid] It's between those who will use any means to get and hold power, and those who are unwilling to engage in the Big Lie….History tells us that, over the short term, the Big Lie usually works. Over the long term, though, the damage it does - both to those who use it, and to the society on which it is inflicted - is incalculable.” Edited from https://www.commondreams.org/views04/0826-02.htm

Madrid’s campaign “consultants” had better coming right back at Heather. HARD, BRUTAL, and FAST! If they take a pretty little knife that people think is ‘pretty & nice’ to this gunfight, Halibuton Heather will squeak out a victory. And that would be terrible!

Posted by: | Jul 21, 2006 2:52:37 PM

Too bad you didn't leave your name. You're probably one of those insider "consultants" who make money off the nonsense you're selling. It may have worked in the days of Lee Atwater, but that's a long time ago. People are much more media and advertising saavy but the "consultants" are way behind. That's why people like Bob Shrum are so useless.

Madrid shouldn't be "nice" but I sincerely hope she doesn't sink to Heather's level with the laughable slo mo grainies. Everyone's been there and done that, as the post says.

Posted by: lala | Jul 21, 2006 3:19:29 PM

lala-(too bad you didn't leave your name) I obviously really tripped an emotional reaction. Otherwise you would not have made such an unrational accusation that I am "one of those insider "consultants" who make money off the nonsense you're [I'm] selling." You would have offered specific rebutals to my comments that you felt were erroneous. I've re-read my post and can't figure out what I am suppose to be selling...give me a call (892-1313) and let me know what it is I am selling.

Were I one of those "consultants" my clients would get MUCH BETTER advice. Although I am helping a friend of mine who is a candidate (totally unpaid) I'm not selling anything. But, you got me thinking! If you know a Democratic candidate that wants some reasonably priced, insightful, well researched, and dynamic advice about shaping their campaign - have them call me. First 1/2 hour free.

While you may think my comments were nonsense, I have but one question: are you reacting with your emotions or with facts?

And while negative advertizing worked 20 years ago for Lee Atwater when the "slime" tactics were in their infancy, it works much better today. The reich-wing have gotten much more effective and sophisticated. How else could they have gotten away with the Slime-Boat Liars attack on Kerry?

Shrumm et al are useless because they are LOSERS! Schrum & his bunch are worse than worthless because they DO NOT GET THE JOB DONE!

If you want to discuss it, feel free to call me:
Roy Streit 892-1313 or drop me an e-mail politicalRoy@yahoo.com. Or come out to the New Mexico Democratic Club meeting at the Rio Rancho Inn (7:00 PM 2nd Tuesday of the month) I'm the big old red-neck with the gray beard. Pretty easy to find.

Posted by: PlacitasaRoy | Jul 21, 2006 4:18:07 PM

No doubt that Politics is a full contact sport, and one of the problems with the Dems is that they just don't play hard ball like the opposition. The time has come to change that, because no matter what the Dems do they will be criticized, demonized and trampled on, so we might as well get in the game and play to win.

Posted by: VP | Jul 21, 2006 4:22:03 PM

Dang- As i scrolled thru- I am surprised my "PlacitasRoy" handle didn't appear on the original post.

Posted by: PlacitasaRoy | Jul 21, 2006 4:22:26 PM

I agree that Dem ads need to be much better but I don't believe the solution is to ape the negative cliches that are in the negative slo-mo ad by Heather. Talk to any voter. They are sick to death of all the crap like that and tune out.

Recent advertising research has shown clearly that people are so inundated with advertising that they tune out most of it, especially ones that use the same old formulas. The research also shows people pay attention to ads that are clever, humorous, creative and fresh. You may think the black and white slo-mo Heather ad is good but I think people will tune it out and be disgusted by it.

I agree that many current political ads makers are horrible, but for different reasons than you state. If you roll in the same mud as a pig, you start being mistaken for a pig. I think Democrats should be better than that. They can make strong points and put the facts of their opponent's weaknesses before the public without being craven and slimey.

Posted by: | Jul 22, 2006 10:07:13 AM

“….but I don't believe the solution is to ape the negative cliches that are in the negative slo-mo ad by Heather.” I never advocated that either – I said “HARD, BRUTAL, and FAST!” (‘tough’ would have been a better word than brutal.)

“…They are sick to death of all the crap like that and tune out.” They consciously tune it out…after they have already seen it and processed it. Heather’s supporters thought it was great, the middle of the roaders probability thought it was over the top but still will believe a little of it. The more they see it, the more they will believe it, even if they know it is false. – Propaganda 101 – the BIG LIE. Madrid supporters will hate it, rail against it and talk about being “better than that.”

“…The research also shows people pay attention to ads that are clever, humorous, creative and fresh.” Hey 3 out of 4 ain’t bad. Heather’s ad had no humor. The slo-mo black & white is so unusual it appears creative and fresh and it was fairly clever.

“….You may think the black and white slo-mo Heather ad is good” No I said it was effective. I don’t think it is ‘good.” “good” is totally subjective anyway.
“,,, I think people will tune it out and be disgusted by it….” And they may well do so –AFTER they’ve processed it a few times and picked up some doubts. But the more they see it the more they will believe it. Propaganda 101. And they cannot NOT see it after they have seen it. And after seeing it, it will be part of their campaign filter right up until Nov.

“…I think Democrats should be better than that.” They have been and they’ve had their asses handed to them.

“…. They can make strong points and put the facts of their opponent's weaknesses before the public without being craven and slimey.” Agreed. Unfortunately they too often fail at the attempt. Fortunately it appears the current bunch might have learned some lessons. Toe-to-toe, nose-to-nose, hard & tough, while being honest and tough. Could have been a little quicker though.

And the BEST thing about Heather's ad: It's down and dirty this early! Evidence she's running scared.

Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Jul 22, 2006 4:35:28 PM

If you think that black and white slo-mo thing is fresh, you haven't been watching many political ads. As far as propaganda 101, tv and advertising viewers have changed drastically in the past 10-20 years. What once was effective is no longer so in many cases. If you look at ads for products, you'll note the difference from even 5 years ago. This is for a reason. What hasn't changed is political advertising because there are a handful of hacks who keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. We need some new blood and perspective.

As for Eli, he trumpets the same thing anywhere he can about every politician except himself. Like bad political ads, we've learned to block him out. Sorry Eli.

Posted by: JLC | Jul 22, 2006 6:27:23 PM

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