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Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Our regular monthly DFA-Democracy for NM Meetup is set for this Thursday, July 6th, at 7:00 PM, at the First Unitarian Church Social Hall at Carlisle and Comanche in Albuquerque. Click to RSVP or join our group.

This month's agenda includes Democratic Party of Bernalillo County Chair Marvin Moss, who'll update us on coming rules changes and other Party news and take your questions.

Evo2_1Our featured segment will be a compelling talk by Bill and Anne Kass, who just returned from a Global Exchange "reality tour" of Bolivia. They'll have all kinds of fascinating news and anecdotes about the changing political and social situation there with the election of Evo Morales, the first indigenous president of Bolivia. Activism and democracy are on the march with Bolivians working hard to take control of their water, energy and natural resources, and struggling to benefit the disenfranchized and indigenous populations via their socialist movement.

Icecreamsundae_1Afterwards, stay for our FREE ICE CREAM SOCIAL. Savor a refreshing ice cream sundae while you hang out and chat with other participants. We'll provide the ice cream, whipped cream, syrup, nuts and maraschino cherries. You provide the bon appetit.

Hope to see you there! Many of our members are on vacation or out of town this week, so our Meetup should be intimate and afford plenty of opportunity for questions and interaction.

July 5, 2006 at 01:01 PM in DFNM - Albq, MeetUp | Permalink


This looks like a perfect oppurtunity to get your face digitized and cataloged in the BIG DATABASE.

Posted by: qofdisks | Jul 5, 2006 10:17:06 PM

I hate to tell you but if you have a driver's license your face is already digitized and catalogued in the BIG DATABASE. If you have a phone or a bank account your personal information is already in the database. If you post commments, have an email account or run a blog you are well known in the BIG DATABASE. If you are alive and kicking in today's America, you are already in numerous big, intersecting databases and even your Democratic officials are too afraid to complain much.

Are you saying people should try to hide from Big Brother? This is just what they want people to do - stay silent and afraid. Fortunately, many people believe fighting for freedom in America is worth any risk involved. The others are sheep.

Posted by: Lefty | Jul 6, 2006 9:09:51 AM

I agree that we are already in the DATABASE.
It depends on your field of work whether you can participate in protests etc.

If you are in the science and engineering fields, forget it.
As it is, the feds are hiring ONLY republicans as a policy.
Your livlihood is held hostage in a police state.

Posted by: qofdisks | Jul 6, 2006 10:00:48 AM

I guess it depends if people put their jobs before preserving our democracy. If that is really going on it won't stop until and unless the job candidates sue the feds for discrimination. If we just sit back and take this antidemocratic behavior, it will only continue. Sometimes preserving democracy requires sacrifice for the common good.

Posted by: Old Dem | Jul 6, 2006 11:36:56 AM

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