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Friday, July 07, 2006

Lamont Stands His Ground Vs. "There You Go Again" Lieberman

I watched yesterday's debate between Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman and netroots favorite Ned Lamont before I headed over to our monthly Meetup. I was very impressed with Lamont's surprisingly sharp and steady performance and his refreshing sincerity and passion. I thought Lieberman, on the other hand, came off as arrogant, patronizing, pompous, carefully programmed and obviously dismayed that he had to submit to a debate with a "nobody." The citizen candidate "nobody" did pretty damn well against a career politician who's been primped and polished for decades by Beltway consultants and insider strategists working hard to create a slick brand of ready-for-prime-time politico.

On several occasions Lieberman sank to the level of parroting Ronald Reagan's trite old 80s debate line of "there you go again." And then there was his twisted play on Lloyd Benson's debate line with Dan Quayle: "I know George Bush ... I’m not George Bush." Really. It was that bad.

Joementum peppered Lamont repeatedly with attack rhetoric, looking to ruffle the political newcomer's cool. He failed. Lieberman actually had the nerve to criticize Lamont for having six different positions on the Iraq war. Lieberman must be the only Dem on the planet who hasn't gotten the message on Lamont's view of what needs to be done -- a no nonsense match with the redeploy now of Murtha, Kerry and Feingold. No mystery there except in Joe's mind.

What irked me most was Joe's tendency to interrupt Ned when he was talking during his prescribed time. I guess the longtime Senator, used to the perks of seniority and the insulation of entourages, believes he's above complying with something as mundane as the rules of debate.

My favorite Lamont lines? He mentioned twice that there are 63 lobbyists for every member of Congress. His implication? The common good would be best served if the voters elect a Senator who isn't beholden to decades of big dollar donations from those with business before the Congress. Clear the decks!   

It was particularly galling to hear Lieberman inform the debate audience they should keep him in office because only he has the power and seniority to bring home all that bacon bound up in sleazy Bushian earmarks. Left unsaid: how he gets that cash by kissing up to BushCo on so many vital neocon issues. Not an illegal quid pro quo, but a nasty quid pro quo all the same, especially for someone who calls himself a Democrat (even if he plans to run as an independent if Lamont wins).

I loved Lamont's responses to Joe's claims that Ned is a "closet Republican" because he "voted with Republicans" when he was a selectman a decade ago. Ned pointed out that the votes in question were on such highly partisan issues as potholes in the road, and that local reporters had thoroughly discredited the distorted claims being made by Lieberman. Joe looked plain silly. Again. I guess his debate preppers thought it a great idea for the ultimate Republican-lite politician to accuse his grassroots/netroots opponent of being a secret Republican. I wonder how much Joe paid for that sage advice.

You can watch the entire video on CSPAN's website. Scroll down to find the clip. PoliticsTV has video of the entire debate plus clips that break it down into shorter segments. The provides a text transcript.  Lamont's website and blog has video clips, links to press coverage and more about the debate.

July 7, 2006 at 12:47 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


It was an interesting debate to watch, if I were a Connecticut voter it's unlikely that Jomentum would get my vote. However it's more important to see what happens after the primary should Lamont win, if Liberman follows through with his run as an independent he could split the vote enough that neither he nor Lamont wins that Senate seat. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Posted by: VP | Jul 8, 2006 8:39:55 AM

Yes it will be interesting to see if Lieberman puts the good of the Party before his own personal gain. Somehow, after seeing how he has been acting, I don't expect him to do the right thing if he loses his primary.

It is awful to see him behaving as if he has a divine right to his Senate seat and that anyone who dares to run against him is evil incarnate.

Funny that Joe first ran as an outsider and a reformer. What he is today is a good lesson in how the DC atmosphere corrupts most politicians over time. Living in that bubble is damaging to politicians but also to our nation.

Posted by: I Vote | Jul 8, 2006 12:03:41 PM

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