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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Iraq Occupation, Not Iraq War

The always compelling analysis of George Lakoff is applied here to what's really going on in Iraq:

Occupation: The Inconvenient Truth About Iraq: It is time to tell an inconvenient truth about Iraq: it is an occupation, not a war. In wars, armies fight to dominate land. The US won the war three years ago when Bush said, “Mission Accomplished”. Then the occupation started, and our troops were not trained or equipped for an occupation under predictably hostile circumstances. Finally getting the courage to tell the truth that the US is an occupying force drastically changes the picture in Iraq. You cannot “win” an occupation. “Cut and run” does not apply to an occupation. Occupiers have to leave; the only question is when and how. Progressive Democrats agree that it should be soon; they only disagree on details. Political courage is called for. Truth now!

Question: if this is an occupation and no longer a war, does Bush have a leg to stand on when he claims he has extensive and unprecedented "war powers"? Read the rest of his article.

(Click on image for larger version)

Meanwhile, numerous peace activists and ordinary citizens are participating in the Troops Home Fast, coordinated by CodePINK. You can join the fast in front of the White House until August 14, when it will move to Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas, or organize or participate personally in your own hunger strike locally. Long-term fasters include:

Medea Benjamin, Global Exchange and CODEPINK co-founder
Tiffany Burns, CODEPINK
Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon whistleblower
Dede Miller, Gold Star Families for Peace
Jodie Evans, CODEPINK co-founder
Dick Gregory, comedian/civil rights activist
Raed Jarrar, Iraqi analyst, Global Exchange
Maggie LeBlanc, CODEPINK Wichita
Geoffrey Millard, Iraq Veterans Against the War
Gael Murphy, CODEPINK co-founder
Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Families for Peace
Father Louie Vitale, Franciscan priest
Diane Wilson, environmental activist
Ann Wright, Colonel and former US Diplomat

The list of those pledging to do at least a 24-hour fast for peace grows daily, including those listed here and many more:

Willie Nelson
Alice Walker
Danny Glover
Dolores Huerta
Susan Sarandon
Sean Penn
Ed Asner
Michael Franti
Graham Nash
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
Michael Berg, Father of Nicolas Berg, who was killed in Iraq
Rev. Al Sharpton
Arun Gandhi, President, Gandhi Institute for Non-Violence
Jim Hightower, Writer
Howard Zinn, Author
Greg Palast, Author
Marianne Williamson, Author
Julia Butterfly Hill, environmentalist
Kim Gandy, National Organization for Women
Dr. E. Faye Williams, National Congress of Black Women
Laura Flanders, Air America talk show host
Peter Yarrow, Musician
Jonathon Tasini, U.S. Senate candidate, New York challenging Hillary Clinton

July 5, 2006 at 09:36 AM in Iraq War | Permalink


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