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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Heather Wilson: Afraid to Admit She's a Real Republican

That's right. Republican incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson, who's running against Dem challenger Patricia Madrid in NM-CD1, has purchased $200,000 worth of TV time for an ad that suggests she's not really a staunch Republican or a supporter of Bush and Company -- she's "independent."


I bet you didn't realize that Heather is "independent" and working for you -- maybe because she votes with Bush 90 percent of the time, especially on critical issues like the Iraq War, the flawed Medicare prescription drug plan, the energy bill written by oil lobbyists and tax cuts for our wealthiest citizens. She claims she acts on her own but her rubberstamping of almost everything the Bush-Rove-Cheney bunch proposes reveals the truth about her. She also takes money from the likes of Tom DeLay, Duke Cunningham and Abramoff crony David Safavian -- all one-time right-wing Republican powerhouses who have been discredited in corruption scandals. Even so, her ad claims she's "honest":

Wilson says "the best part of the job is gettin' to help people." Well some people anyway. Just not those suffering from the fiscal irresponsibility of the Bush administration. Just not those suffering from high gas prices or the growing consequences of global warming. Just not those who are dying in Iraq because Bush lied and then bungled the war's aftermath with incompetent strategies and corrupt practices.

She's shown more emotion over Janet Jackson's Superbowl halftime performance than she has for any issue that affects the well being of New Mexicans. Just listen to her quaky-voice, teary-eyed testimony (mp3) about the Jackson incident at a conservative showcase Congressional hearing. If she only exhibited that degree of passion about real problems being experienced by ordinary people due to Bush administration policies, we might take her claims more seriously.

I can see why Wilson wouldn't want to run as a real Republican these days. With approval ratings in the dumps for both the president and Republican members of Congress, it might seem like a useful strategy to pretend you're not really connected to those who've made such a mess of things with your help. But it's dishonest to do that when you've been an integral part of the team.

It's plain that Heather Wilson is running scared. Never before has she put up TV ads SIX WEEKS before an election. The word is that the Wilson campaign commissioned a poll last month to see how she was faring with NM voters. Apparently the results were surprisingly poor, because this ad campaign was launched in the direct aftermath.

Yes, she's running scared for a reason. More and more New Mexicans are onto her bait and switch game. You can't fly into Albuquerque with Bush and Rove in tow, have them raise $375,000 for your campaign from big donors, and then expect people to believe you're "independent" of the Bush debacle, can you? As Bush himself said, "I'm close to Heather." Close indeed.

Want to help get rid of another Bush rubberstamp and elect someone who really WILL represent ordinary New Mexicans? Visit Patricia Madrid's campaign website and sign up to volunteer or donate some bucks. We can win this election and have a good chance at regaining control of the U.S. House of Representatives IF we all work together with Madrid.

July 13, 2006 at 11:13 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Jeez, to be up on TV this early can mean only one thing - Wilson's poll numbers are tanking. She has been pretty nonchalant about her races in the past but she seems very hyper about this one. Great news for Democrats!

Posted by: Old Dem | Jul 13, 2006 12:01:24 PM

I may be from up north but I know a skunk when I see one. Too bad I can't vote for Madrid and help you get Heather on the unemployment lines.

Madrid knows New Mexico, has always done what's right for New Mexicans and has always fought for the ordinary people against the special interests and big corporations.

Posted by: El Norte | Jul 13, 2006 12:15:04 PM

She votes against the Republicans only when it's already known that her vote won't make a difference. Republicans have given her permission to do that, so she can carry on the pretense back home. Sneaky.

Posted by: A Voter | Jul 13, 2006 12:32:07 PM

What is really funny is this ad doesn't look like it was filmed here in NM. I saw it on TV this week and then watched it again here. Am I right?

Posted by: Mandala | Jul 13, 2006 4:02:24 PM

I don't know about that, but I find it strange that when she interacts with individuals in the ad she does so with 4 Hispanic men in a row. What point is she making with these images? And why?

Posted by: < | Jul 13, 2006 4:19:42 PM

I saw the analysis elsewhere regarding Hispanic men. I think they're a swing constituency. She needs to get Hispanic men who are registered Democrats will vote down the line for Richardson, Bingaman and then, she hopes, will cross over and vote for her. It's worked before for Wilson, but, I'm not so confident it will work this year. I think for the first time people are tuning in and realizing that a vote for Wilson is a vote for the Bush agenda.

Posted by: Hispanic Man | Jul 13, 2006 4:28:04 PM

Let's, just for fun look at how a few organizations rate Wilson's voting record compaired to her claim to be "working hard for New Mexicans"
*2005 Representative Wilson supported the interests of the National Taxpayers Union 46 percent in 2005

*2003-2004 Representative Wilson supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 15 percent in 2003-2004.

*2005 Representative Wilson supported the interests of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 30 percent in 2005.

*2003-2004 Representative Wilson supported the interests of the Human Rights Campaign 0 percent in 2003-2004.

*2005 Representative Wilson supported the interests of the National Education Association 25 percent in 20052005
*2005 Representative Wilson supported the interests of the Children's Defense Fund 33 percent in 2005.

*2005 Representative Wilson supported the interests of the Alliance for Retired Americans 33 percent in 2005.

*2005 Representative Wilson supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 40 percent in 2005.

*2003-2004 Representative Wilson supported the interests of the The Partnership for the Homeless 33 percent in 2003-2004.

* Those interests that directly affect people. Also in fairness to Ms Wilson these are only a few of the things that Project Vote Smart has listed about her voting record.The complete rating page can be seen here: https://www.vote-smart.org

Posted by: VP | Jul 13, 2006 4:43:38 PM

I think you're right Hispanic Man. Let's hope more guys are onto her tricks and what a Republican run Congress means to ordinary people of all ethnicities.

VP: Very sobering look at how "independent" Wilson is. She votes against almost every strong Democratic value. Thanks for that. I'm gonna share that with my friends.

Posted by: Friends Don't Let Friends Vote for Heather | Jul 13, 2006 5:11:27 PM

Wilson has some nerve pretending she's not what she is. I think it will backfire big time with voters. Too many are onto the fact that she's right there with failed Bush policies on everything that matters.

PS. I love the animated photos of Heather with Georgie.

Posted by: Prog Dem | Jul 13, 2006 6:14:37 PM

Creepy to hear her weird testimony on the Janet Jackson thing again. That she gets excited about. A raise in the minimum wage? Not so much.

Posted by: Silver City Jan | Jul 13, 2006 6:54:48 PM

I have to laugh everytime I hear Heather's commercial. Someone has been training her on how to talk more like a New Mexican, and less like the outsider she is. She tries to have a tiny Hispanic sound to her voice, and it falls flat. Heather, we all know you don't really come from New Mexico. We know you aren't one of us. You're fooling no one!

Posted by: | Jul 13, 2006 10:40:24 PM

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