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Thursday, July 06, 2006

DISLOYALTY ON DISPLAY: Colorado's Sen. Salazar Gives Middle Finger to Democratic Voters & Democracy

Salazar2Must read: The entire article below by David Sirota about Colorado's U.S. Senator Ken Salazar. Sirota responds angrily to Salazar's shocking statement that he'll support Sen. Joe Lieberman even if he loses his Connecticut Democratic primary race with Ned Lamont and runs as an "independent." Since when do Democratic Senators get away with refusing to honor the democratic process set up by their Party to allow registered Democrats to choose their nominees? In essence, is Salazar saying he isn't really a Democrat and that his loyalty is given to individuals of his choice rather than to his Party's candidates selected by its voting members? Shamefully, it seems clear that he is.

Sen. Lieberman announced the other day that he would be to run as an "independent" if he doesn't win his primary. However, it seems that even "centrist" Dems are starting to pull away from Lieberman in response. Reportedly, Sen. Hillary Clinton and DSCC honcho, Sen. Chuck Schumer, both indicated they would support the Dem winner in this race whether or not that person is Lieberman. As well they should. All Democratic elected officials should be required to support duly selected Democratic candidates, or at least be prohibited from supporting their non-Democratic competitors. What's telling is the kind of support Lieberman is getting. According to an article on Common Dreams, "Lieberman has already gotten endorsements from Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter and financial backing from major Republican lobbyists." Salazar joins a wacky and thoroughly right-wing bunch with his position on Joementum, doesn't he?

Give It Up - Give It Back
So where does that leave Sen. Salazar? I suggest that if he wants to support "independent" candidates, he should change his Party registration and become one. I also suggest he return all the money he has received from the Democratic Party of Colorado, the DNC, the DCCC and individual Democrats who contributed to his campaign because he professed loyalty to the Democratic Party and ran as a Democrat.

I know that many Democrats around the nation, including here in New Mexico, donated money to Salazar's campaign in 2004. Especially in Northern New Mexico, where Democratic candidates have little competition, many Democrats turned their attention to Salazar's senate race in Colorado and gave significant amounts of money and time to his victory. They thought they were supporting a Democrat, not someone who would work to elect a non-Democratic candidate in a key race that's become a referendum about the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. Even many progressives supported Salazar despite his conservative bent because they believed, at a minimum, he would support core Democratic positions and duly nominated Democratic candidates. I guess they were wrong.

I also suggest that if others in the Democratic Senator's club attempt to pull the same disloyal scam, they be confronted and penalized in the same way. I know for a fact that State Central Committee members and others who hold positions of power within the NM Dem Party are specifically prohibited from supporting candidates who don't run officially as Democratics. Should our Senators be held to a lower standard? I think not.

Call him and let him know how you feel about his defection:
Kenneth Salazar, U.S. Senator
Democratic Party of Colorado

Contact New Mexico's Democratic Senator Jeff Bingaman and warn him there will be a heavy price to pay if he follows in Salazar's footsteps: https://bingaman.senate.gov/contact/.

I From David Sirota:
In an explosive story, the Rocky Mountain News reports that freshman Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO) has become the first Democrat to publicly say he will ignore the will of Connecticut Democratic primary voters and support Sen. Joe Lieberman even if Lieberman loses the primary, leaves the Democratic Party and runs as an independent. Before this, only Sens. Chuck Schumer and Chris Dodd indicated they might do this - now we have a Democratic U.S. Senator officially on record saying he will use his power to thwart both the Democratic Party and the small “d” democratic process, undermining his party and giving a big middle finger to voters.

As I told the Rocky Mountain News reporter, this behavior really lays bare what’s going on: Democratic candidates are more than happy to use the democratic process to obtain elected office, but once they are in, many of them show an open disdain for that same democratic process. They are so focused on protecting their own, preserving the Senate club, and preventing the public from weilding power they are willing to sell out their party and the democratic principles this country was founded on. It is, in a word, disgusting.

Matt Stoller at MyDD has a very simple question in light of the Salazar announcement: what other Democratic U.S. Senators will support Lieberman if Lieberman loses the primary? The question is not what Senators will support Lieberman in his primary - incumbents tend to support incumbents. The question, again, is what other Democrats will support Lieberman if he loses the primary? Will, for instance, Barack Obama support Lieberman if he loses the primary? It was Obama, after all, who specifically timed his primary endorsement of Lieberman to try to crush Lamont’s entire candidacy. What about other Democrats? Which of them will join Salazar in giving the big middle finger to voters and to the Democratic Party?

It’s time we get an answer to that - so go ahead, contact your Democratic U.S. Senators and ask them what their position is.

COMMENTS: Go to Sirota's Working Assets site to comment on this entry.


July 6, 2006 at 11:09 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink


I guess it's only rank and file Democrats who need to follow the Party rules. If this kind of behavior continues maybe we need to ditch the Party and start over. If elected officials and Party functionaries (like those here in NM) refuse to follow the Party rules or comply with duly passed motions, etc., why do we even have a Party?

Posted by: Silver City Jan | Jul 6, 2006 12:01:46 PM

This kind of disloyalty can't be tolerated. Where does Salazar get off doing something like this? I dare Bingaman to join in. He would have hell to pay especially in the North.

Posted by: El Norte | Jul 6, 2006 12:56:08 PM

I can't believe this. How can Salazar call himself a Democrat? Maybe he and Lieberman should both be forced to leave the Party. If someone supports a candidate who isn't running as a Dem or runs as an independent they have no business calling themselves a Dem.

I wonder what these two would say if one of our Senators supported Ralph Nader for president. No doubt they would be calling for their hide. How is this case any different?

Posted by: JLC | Jul 6, 2006 3:47:08 PM

The worst of it is that by supporting Liberman if he doesn't win his primary, it will split the vote and make it difficult to hang on to that Senate seat. Which in turn could jeopardize the slim chance that we might gain the Senate majority.

Posted by: VP | Jul 6, 2006 4:50:14 PM

New Mexico Democratic Party members have no say within the Democratic Party of New Mexico. 35% of the "Party Regulars" control the party and even select whom they want to run for political office. The remaining 65% of the NM Democratic Party Members are are known as "Irrelevant". Our Phony Gov. Richardson controls and has milked the NMDP dry. I left the Democratic party in 2005 and became an Independent because Gov. Richarson's Control of the Party. My Heart will always be with the Party of the People and its Platform. However, it is time to rid of Gov. Richardson, Joe Liberman, Senator Jeff, Senator Pete, A/G Madrid and Heather Wilson. This Political Insurgency will not be an easy task... but it has to be done. Democrats, Republicans and Indpendents may consider joining UNITY08... www.UNITY08 is on the Web. Corruption has taken over our State and Federal Government (s). Eli Chavez, Progressive Independent

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Jul 6, 2006 7:54:17 PM

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