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Friday, July 21, 2006

Check It Out: 2nd Madrid Ad Answers Heather's False Attack

This is Patricia Madrid's new ad -- her second of the election season. It responds to the slo-mo attack against her contained in Heather Wilson's distorted and hokey second ad -- which I wrote about that the other day. Again, I think Madrid's ad is strong, to the point and factually accurate. Can't let Heather Wilson get away with that negative stuff without a pointed response. This is a good one, don't you think? (You can see Madrid's first ad here.)

July 21, 2006 at 03:09 PM in Candidates & Races, Visuals | Permalink


That is a good response, but Madrid also needs to keep reminding the voters how Heather has supported the failed policies and lies of the Bu$h administration. The cuts in the budget for Veterans, education and things that help people. The illegal spying on Americans and assault on the Constitution. She can't let Wilson distract the voters by focusing on just one issue. Another good thing to remind the voters about, the outrage Heather showed over Ms Jacksons wardrobe malfunction at the super bowl yet complete silence on so many more important things like the complete incompetence of the Bu$h admin during the Gulf Coast disaster. Madrid must keep all those things in front of the voters.

Posted by: VP | Jul 21, 2006 4:11:32 PM

I really like the tag line in the first ad - "I'm Patricia...but the special interests won't approve of me." Needs to be in every ad.

Push back ad - really good- Should have use the tag line.

VP- can only do so much in 30 seconds-

Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Jul 21, 2006 9:35:39 PM

the effectiveness of Madrid's forays on TV have improved over the years. My first recollections of her appearances as AG were raw. I recall one public service announcement where she was walking down a dark hall talking about something. The ad seemed like something out of a horror movie. Those days are long gone.

Posted by: suz | Jul 22, 2006 7:36:20 AM

Madrid did nothing about the 1999 Kick Back Scandal and has done nothing about our Phony Gov. Richardson's Corruption within his Administration. Did Madrid Indict Michael Montoya and Robert Vigil in 1999 after New Mexico Law Enforcement provided the Evidence of the Kick Back Scandal? The answer is NO. Did Madrid Indict Robert Vigil in her Political Indictment against the Witnesses in the Federal Kick Back Scandal? What happened to the Evidence turned over to Madrid in 1999?

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Jul 22, 2006 1:21:33 PM

Mario Bur... I mean, Eli, you're a right wing enabler. Dare I say, the Joe Lieberman of New Mexico. When Lieberman criticizes the Democrats on the war (and a number of other issues - going back to health care and Clinton impeachment), he undermines the Party's credibility. He creates fracture and that enables and empowers the right wing.

Just like Joe Lieberman, you enable the right wing by spouting their talking points, ostensibly "from the left."

I'm all for the battle for the party's heart and soul. But, that should happen in primaries. Everyone knows that Patricia Madrid will be a MUCH better representative than Heather Wilson. If you don't like Patricia Madrid, that's fine - run against her in the 2008 primaries and let the voters decide then. But, for the next two years, I'd much rather not have BushBot Heather Wilson in office. And, the only way to make that happen is for all of us to close ranks, including you.

Posted by: Eli the Enabler | Jul 22, 2006 6:15:16 PM

Eli the Enabler: Just have Madrid tell it like it is about her none prosecution of Montoya and Vigil in 1999. The Joe Lieberman of New Mexico is Sen. Jeff and his support for Judge Alito. Sen. Jeff did not have the guts to standup for what is right for the Majority within the DPNM. Sen. Jeff is Joe Lieberman. Madrid and Wilson are the same and swim in the same Cess Pool of Corruption. Eli the enabler, why did Madrid by pass an Indictment of Robert Vigil and Guy R. as Madrid excerised her Political Indicted of the Fed's Witnesses based on testimony presented in Federal Court? What happened to the Evidence presented to Madrid in 1999? Is Madrid still sitting on the Evidence or was it just tossed out the window? Believe me Eli the Enabler, Madrid and Wilson are the same... and I am not going to rally around Madrid just because she is a Democrat and hope that she does the right thing. Integrity is everything and Madrid and Wilson have none...

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Jul 23, 2006 5:37:39 PM

Included in Eli's ranting is the presupposition that some kind of evidence about something was presented to the AG in 1999.

Also that, "Phony Gov. Richardson's Corruption within his Administration." Big Bill is a phony, and that IF there is corruption in his administration, he is responsible for it. I would assume The Economist might have alluded to some of it in their complementary article, "Firmly on the map... A dynamic governor and a rising oil price make all the difference." www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?story_id=7141739

Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Jul 23, 2006 10:19:24 PM

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