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    Saturday, July 22, 2006

    Bush's Plagues Grow and Mutate

    Juan Cole pulls no punches in reporting without flinching on what's being said in the world press about the disintegrating situations in Iraq and Lebanon. About 100 civilians are being killed each day in Iraq these days. Think about that. The plague of violence, unrestrained aggression and civilian murder begun by Bush and the neocons now spreads unchecked by an administration caught up in the shameful pathology of its own hubris, stubborness and greed.

    I didn't link to any of Juan's posts in particular -- just read down his main page and stop anywhere. We should all be in mourning what all this portends. What goes around comes around. There is no way to prepare, really. So many chickens will be coming home to roost. None of this was necessary. Excerpts:

    ... ' Britain's junior foreign minister Kim Howells, visiting Beirut, Saturday questioned Israel's military tactics and slammed its killing of "so many children and so many people. These are not surgical strikes," he said of the air and artillery bombardments since July 12 that have killed more than 300 civilians in Lebanon.

    ... Israel on Saturday attacked and partially crippled the media outlets of the Christian and Sunni factions in the Cedar Revolution that Bush and his supporters trumpeted as the foundation of the "new Middle East."

    ... In Iraq, young Shiite clerical nationalist Muqtada al-Sadr gave an incendiary sermon in which he predicted Israel would collapse like New York's twin towers on Sept 11, 2001, if Sunnis and Shiites join in their fight. "I will continue defending my Shiite and Sunni brothers, and I tell them that if we unite, we will defeat Israel without the use of weapons," Sadr said during a speech in the southern city Iraqi city of Kufa. ' Yes, Bush has certainly created a model democracy in Iraq. (Muqtada has 30 members in parliament, and in conjunction with the Da'wa Party, he is a king maker in the new system).

    ... ' Separately, Lebanese security sources said towns along the border had been targeted by 2,500 bombs, missiles, rockets and shells between Thursday night and dawn Friday. The sources also accused Israel of using cluster bombs in an attack on the Southern town of Blida. The sources added that phosphorous and cluster munitions were also on Al-Orqoub, Hasbayya, Ramta, Zaaourta, Amfit and other border villages. Israeli shelling also destroyed a pharmaceutical plant Tyre.

    ... Israel has killed so many civilians in South Lebanon that health authorities are forced to stick them in mass graves. Megan Stack writes: ' "I've been a doctor for years, and I've never seen anything like this," said Nabil Harkus, who stood over a trio of unidentified corpses. "They can't fight Hezbollah because Hezbollah is not an army," he said, referring to the Israeli warplanes overhead. "They kill the people because they think it's the only way to stop Hezbollah." The Lebanese government has confirmed the deaths of 350 people in the fighting so far, but rescue workers here warn that the true tally is probably much higher. Relentless bombing has wrecked roads and rendered communication so spotty that no one knows how many people have died. '

    Meanwhile, Bush rushes more "precision bombs" to Israel. Yes, you read that right.

    July 22, 2006 at 02:24 PM in Healthcare, Middle East | Permalink


    Juan Cole always has trustworthy and indepth coverage of all things Middle Eastern, including the Iraq war. It's so helpful to read an academic instead of the same old tired pretend journalists on these issues. Highly recommended.

    Posted by: | Jul 24, 2006 8:55:01 AM

    I agree that Bush and the neocons are to blame for all this horrible violence that has erupted in the Middle East. Their Iraq invasion and occupation has created so many bad consequences. I often think they did it on purpose, destablizing the region so we can have our permanent bases and do our dirty work to get the oil. What else could be motivating them? I can't believe Cheney and Rumsfeld are that stupid and they certainly aren't into creative democracy. This is all a part of their plan. It will never end unless we win back at least one house of congress and then the presidency.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jul 24, 2006 2:25:38 PM

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